Application settings API

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Use this API to interact with the application settings for your GitLab instance.

Changes to your application settings are subject to caching and might not immediately take effect. By default, GitLab caches application settings for 60 seconds. For information on how to control the application settings cache for an instance, see Application cache interval.


  • You must have administrator access to the instance.

Get details on current application settings


Gets details on the current application settings for this GitLab instance.

GET /application/settings
curl --request GET \
  --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url ""

Example response:

  "default_projects_limit" : 100000,
  "signup_enabled" : true,
  "id" : 1,
  "default_branch_protection" : 2,
  "default_branch_protection_defaults": {
        "allowed_to_push": [
                "access_level": 40
        "allow_force_push": false,
        "allowed_to_merge": [
                "access_level": 40
  "default_preferred_language" : "en",
  "failed_login_attempts_unlock_period_in_minutes": 30,
  "restricted_visibility_levels" : [],
  "sign_in_restrictions": {},
  "password_authentication_enabled_for_web" : true,
  "after_sign_out_path" : null,
  "max_attachment_size" : 10,
  "max_decompressed_archive_size": 25600,
  "max_export_size": 50,
  "max_import_size": 50,
  "max_import_remote_file_size": 10240,
  "max_login_attempts": 3,
  "user_oauth_applications" : true,
  "updated_at" : "2016-01-04T15:44:55.176Z",
  "session_expire_delay" : 10080,
  "home_page_url" : null,
  "default_snippet_visibility" : "private",
  "outbound_local_requests_whitelist": [],
  "domain_allowlist" : [],
  "domain_denylist_enabled" : false,
  "domain_denylist" : [],
  "created_at" : "2016-01-04T15:44:55.176Z",
  "default_ci_config_path" : null,
  "default_project_visibility" : "private",
  "default_group_visibility" : "private",
  "gravatar_enabled" : true,
  "container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries": true,
  "container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_size": 200,
  "container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeout": 250,
  "container_registry_expiration_policies_caching": true,
  "container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity": 4,
  "container_registry_token_expire_delay": 5,
  "decompress_archive_file_timeout": 210,
  "repository_storages_weighted": {"default": 100},
  "plantuml_enabled": false,
  "plantuml_url": null,
  "diagramsnet_enabled": true,
  "diagramsnet_url": "",
  "kroki_enabled": false,
  "kroki_url": null,
  "terminal_max_session_time": 0,
  "polling_interval_multiplier": 1.0,
  "rsa_key_restriction": 0,
  "dsa_key_restriction": 0,
  "ecdsa_key_restriction": 0,
  "ed25519_key_restriction": 0,
  "ecdsa_sk_key_restriction": 0,
  "ed25519_sk_key_restriction": 0,
  "first_day_of_week": 0,
  "enforce_terms": true,
  "terms": "Hello world!",
  "performance_bar_allowed_group_id": 42,
  "user_show_add_ssh_key_message": true,
  "allow_account_deletion": true,
  "updating_name_disabled_for_users": false,
  "local_markdown_version": 0,
  "allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services": true,
  "allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services": true,
  "allow_local_requests_from_system_hooks": false,
  "asset_proxy_enabled": true,
  "asset_proxy_url": "",
  "asset_proxy_whitelist": ["", "*", ""],
  "asset_proxy_allowlist": ["", "*", ""],
  "maven_package_requests_forwarding": true,
  "npm_package_requests_forwarding": true,
  "pypi_package_requests_forwarding": true,
  "snippet_size_limit": 52428800,
  "issues_create_limit": 300,
  "raw_blob_request_limit": 300,
  "wiki_page_max_content_bytes": 52428800,
  "require_admin_approval_after_user_signup": false,
  "require_personal_access_token_expiry": true,
  "personal_access_token_prefix": "glpat-",
  "rate_limiting_response_text": null,
  "keep_latest_artifact": true,
  "admin_mode": false,
  "floc_enabled": false,
  "external_pipeline_validation_service_timeout": null,
  "external_pipeline_validation_service_token": null,
  "external_pipeline_validation_service_url": null,
  "jira_connect_application_key": null,
  "jira_connect_public_key_storage_enabled": false,
  "jira_connect_proxy_url": null,
  "jira_connect_additional_audience_url": null,
  "silent_mode_enabled": false,
  "package_registry_allow_anyone_to_pull_option": true,
  "bulk_import_max_download_file_size": 5120,
  "project_jobs_api_rate_limit": 600,
  "security_txt_content": null,
  "bulk_import_concurrent_pipeline_batch_limit": 25,
  "concurrent_relation_batch_export_limit": 25,
  "concurrent_github_import_jobs_limit": 1000,
  "concurrent_bitbucket_import_jobs_limit": 100,
  "concurrent_bitbucket_server_import_jobs_limit": 100,
  "silent_admin_exports_enabled": false

Users on GitLab Premium or Ultimate may also see these parameters:

  • allow_all_integrations
  • allowed_integrations
  • group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protection
  • file_template_project_id
  • geo_node_allowed_ips
  • geo_status_timeout
  • default_project_deletion_protection
  • deletion_adjourned_period
  • disable_personal_access_tokens
  • security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabled
  • security_approval_policies_limit
  • delete_unconfirmed_users
  • unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days
  • duo_features_enabled
  • lock_duo_features_enabled
  • use_clickhouse_for_analytics
  • secret_push_protection_available
  "id": 1,
  "signup_enabled": true,
  "group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protection": true,
  "file_template_project_id": 1,
  "geo_node_allowed_ips": ", ::/0",
  "default_project_deletion_protection": false,
  "deletion_adjourned_period": 7,
  "disable_personal_access_tokens": false,
  "duo_features_enabled": true,
  "lock_duo_features_enabled": false,
  "allow_all_integrations": true,
  "allowed_integrations": []

Update application settings


Updates the current application settings for this GitLab instance.

PUT /application/settings
curl --request PUT \
  --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url ""

Example response:

  "id": 1,
  "default_projects_limit": 100000,
  "default_preferred_language": "en",
  "failed_login_attempts_unlock_period_in_minutes": 30,
  "signup_enabled": false,
  "password_authentication_enabled_for_web": true,
  "gravatar_enabled": true,
  "created_at": "2015-06-12T15:51:55.432Z",
  "updated_at": "2015-06-30T13:22:42.210Z",
  "home_page_url": "",
  "default_branch_protection": 2,
  "default_branch_protection_defaults": {
    "allowed_to_push": [
            "access_level": 40
    "allow_force_push": false,
    "allowed_to_merge": [
            "access_level": 40
  "restricted_visibility_levels": [],
  "sign_in_restrictions": {},
  "max_attachment_size": 10,
  "max_decompressed_archive_size": 25600,
  "max_export_size": 50,
  "max_import_size": 50,
  "max_import_remote_file_size": 10240,
  "max_login_attempts": 3,
  "session_expire_delay": 10080,
  "default_ci_config_path" : null,
  "default_project_visibility": "internal",
  "default_snippet_visibility": "private",
  "default_group_visibility": "private",
  "outbound_local_requests_whitelist": [],
  "domain_allowlist": [],
  "domain_denylist_enabled" : false,
  "domain_denylist" : [],
  "external_authorization_service_enabled": true,
  "external_authorization_service_url": "",
  "external_authorization_service_default_label": "default",
  "external_authorization_service_timeout": 0.5,
  "user_oauth_applications": true,
  "after_sign_out_path": "",
  "container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries": true,
  "container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_size": 200,
  "container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeout": 250,
  "container_registry_expiration_policies_caching": true,
  "container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity": 4,
  "container_registry_token_expire_delay": 5,
  "decompress_archive_file_timeout": 210,
  "package_registry_cleanup_policies_worker_capacity": 2,
  "plantuml_enabled": false,
  "plantuml_url": null,
  "diagramsnet_enabled": true,
  "diagramsnet_url": "",
  "terminal_max_session_time": 0,
  "polling_interval_multiplier": 1.0,
  "rsa_key_restriction": 0,
  "dsa_key_restriction": 0,
  "ecdsa_key_restriction": 0,
  "ed25519_key_restriction": 0,
  "ecdsa_sk_key_restriction": 0,
  "ed25519_sk_key_restriction": 0,
  "first_day_of_week": 0,
  "enforce_terms": true,
  "terms": "Hello world!",
  "performance_bar_allowed_group_id": 42,
  "user_show_add_ssh_key_message": true,
  "file_template_project_id": 1,
  "local_markdown_version": 0,
  "asset_proxy_enabled": true,
  "asset_proxy_url": "",
  "asset_proxy_allowlist": ["", "*", ""],
  "globally_allowed_ips": "",
  "geo_node_allowed_ips": ", ::/0",
  "allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_services": true,
  "allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services": true,
  "allow_local_requests_from_system_hooks": false,
  "maven_package_requests_forwarding": true,
  "npm_package_requests_forwarding": true,
  "pypi_package_requests_forwarding": true,
  "snippet_size_limit": 52428800,
  "issues_create_limit": 300,
  "raw_blob_request_limit": 300,
  "wiki_page_max_content_bytes": 52428800,
  "require_admin_approval_after_user_signup": false,
  "require_personal_access_token_expiry": true,
  "personal_access_token_prefix": "glpat-",
  "rate_limiting_response_text": null,
  "keep_latest_artifact": true,
  "admin_mode": false,
  "external_pipeline_validation_service_timeout": null,
  "external_pipeline_validation_service_token": null,
  "external_pipeline_validation_service_url": null,
  "can_create_group": false,
  "jira_connect_application_key": "123",
  "jira_connect_public_key_storage_enabled": true,
  "jira_connect_proxy_url": "",
  "user_defaults_to_private_profile": true,
  "projects_api_rate_limit_unauthenticated": 400,
  "users_api_limit_followers": 100,
  "users_api_limit_following": 100,
  "users_api_limit_status": 240,
  "users_api_limit_ssh_keys": 120,
  "users_api_limit_ssh_key": 120,
  "users_api_limit_gpg_keys": 120,
  "users_api_limit_gpg_key": 120,
  "silent_mode_enabled": false,
  "security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabled": true,
  "security_approval_policies_limit": 5,
  "package_registry_allow_anyone_to_pull_option": true,
  "bulk_import_max_download_file_size": 5120,
  "project_jobs_api_rate_limit": 600,
  "security_txt_content": null,
  "bulk_import_concurrent_pipeline_batch_limit": 25,
  "concurrent_relation_batch_export_limit": 25,
  "downstream_pipeline_trigger_limit_per_project_user_sha": 0,
  "concurrent_github_import_jobs_limit": 1000,
  "concurrent_bitbucket_import_jobs_limit": 100,
  "concurrent_bitbucket_server_import_jobs_limit": 100,
  "silent_admin_exports_enabled": false

Users on GitLab Premium or Ultimate may also see these parameters:

  • allow_all_integrations
  • allowed_integrations
  • group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protection
  • file_template_project_id
  • geo_node_allowed_ips
  • geo_status_timeout
  • default_project_deletion_protection
  • deletion_adjourned_period
  • disable_personal_access_tokens
  • security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabled
  • security_approval_policies_limit
  • delete_unconfirmed_users
  • unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days
  • duo_features_enabled
  • lock_duo_features_enabled
  • use_clickhouse_for_analytics

Example responses:

  "file_template_project_id": 1,
  "geo_node_allowed_ips": ", ::/0",
  "duo_features_enabled": true,
  "lock_duo_features_enabled": false,
  "allow_all_integrations": true,
  "allowed_integrations": []

Available settings


In general, all settings are optional. When enabling some settings, you might also need to configure other related settings. These requirements are Required column of the following table.

admin_modebooleannoRequire administrators to enable Admin Mode by re-authenticating for administrative tasks.
admin_notification_emailstringnoDeprecated: Use abuse_notification_email instead. If set, abuse reports are sent to this address. Abuse reports are always available in the Admin area.
abuse_notification_emailstringnoIf set, abuse reports are sent to this address. Abuse reports are always available in the Admin area.
notify_on_unknown_sign_inbooleannoEnable sending notification if sign in from unknown IP address happens.
after_sign_out_pathstringnoWhere to redirect users after logout.
email_restrictions_enabledbooleannoEnable restriction for sign-up by email.
email_restrictionsstringrequired by: email_restrictions_enabledRegular expression that is checked against the email used during registration.
after_sign_up_textstringnoText shown to the user after signing up.
akismet_api_keystringrequired by: akismet_enabledAPI key for Akismet spam protection.
akismet_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: akismet_api_key) Enable or disable Akismet spam protection.
allow_all_integrationsbooleannoWhen false, only integrations in allowed_integrations are allowed on the instance. Premium and Ultimate only.
allowed_integrationsarray of stringsnoWhen allow_all_integrations is false, only integrations in this list are allowed on the instance. Premium and Ultimate only.
allow_account_deletionbooleannoSet to true to allow users to delete their accounts. Premium and Ultimate only.
allow_group_owners_to_manage_ldapbooleannoSet to true to allow group owners to manage LDAP. Premium and Ultimate only.
allow_local_requests_from_hooks_and_servicesbooleanno(Deprecated: Use allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services instead) Allow requests to the local network from webhooks and integrations.
allow_local_requests_from_system_hooksbooleannoAllow requests to the local network from system hooks.
allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_servicesbooleannoAllow requests to the local network from webhooks and integrations.
allow_project_creation_for_guest_and_belowbooleannoIndicates whether users assigned up to the Guest role can create groups and personal projects. Defaults to true.
allow_runner_registration_tokenbooleannoAllow using a registration token to create a runner. Defaults to true.
archive_builds_in_human_readablestringnoSet the duration for which the jobs are considered as old and expired. After that time passes, the jobs are archived and no longer able to be retried. Make it empty to never expire jobs. It has to be no less than 1 day, for example: 15 days, 1 month, 2 years.
asset_proxy_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: asset_proxy_url) Enable proxying of assets. GitLab restart is required to apply changes.
asset_proxy_secret_keystringnoShared secret with the asset proxy server. GitLab restart is required to apply changes.
asset_proxy_urlstringnoURL of the asset proxy server. GitLab restart is required to apply changes.
asset_proxy_whiteliststring or array of stringsno(Deprecated: Use asset_proxy_allowlist instead) Assets that match these domains are not proxied. Wildcards allowed. Your GitLab installation URL is automatically allowlisted. GitLab restart is required to apply changes.
asset_proxy_allowliststring or array of stringsnoAssets that match these domains are not proxied. Wildcards allowed. Your GitLab installation URL is automatically allowlisted. GitLab restart is required to apply changes.
authorized_keys_enabledbooleannoBy default, we write to the authorized_keys file to support Git over SSH without additional configuration. GitLab can be optimized to authenticate SSH keys via the database file. Only disable this if you have configured your OpenSSH server to use the AuthorizedKeysCommand.
auto_devops_domainstringnoSpecify a domain to use by default for every project’s Auto Review Apps and Auto Deploy stages.
auto_devops_enabledbooleannoEnable Auto DevOps for projects by default. It automatically builds, tests, and deploys applications based on a predefined CI/CD configuration.
automatic_purchased_storage_allocationbooleannoEnabling this permits automatic allocation of purchased storage in a namespace. Relevant only to EE distributions.
bulk_import_enabledbooleannoEnable migrating GitLab groups by direct transfer. Introduced in GitLab 15.8. Setting also available in the Admin area.
bulk_import_max_download_file_sizeintegernoMaximum download file size when importing from source GitLab instances by direct transfer. Introduced in GitLab 16.3.
can_create_groupbooleannoIndicates whether users can create top-level groups. Introduced in GitLab 15.5. Defaults to true.
check_namespace_planbooleannoEnabling this makes only licensed EE features available to projects if the project namespace’s plan includes the feature or if the project is public. Premium and Ultimate only.
ci_max_total_yaml_size_bytesintegernoThe maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that can be allocated for the pipeline configuration, with all included YAML configuration files.
ci_max_includesintegernoThe maximum number of includes per pipeline. Default is 150.
concurrent_github_import_jobs_limitintegernoMaximum number of simultaneous import jobs for the GitHub importer. Default is 1000. Introduced in GitLab 16.11.
concurrent_bitbucket_import_jobs_limitintegernoMaximum number of simultaneous import jobs for the Bitbucket Cloud importer. Default is 100. Introduced in GitLab 16.11.
concurrent_bitbucket_server_import_jobs_limitintegernoMaximum number of simultaneous import jobs for the Bitbucket Server importer. Default is 100. Introduced in GitLab 16.11.
commit_email_hostnamestringnoCustom hostname (for private commit emails).
container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entriesbooleannoEnable cleanup policies for all projects.
container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_sizeintegernoThe maximum number of tags that can be deleted in a single execution of cleanup policies.
container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeoutintegernoThe maximum time, in seconds, that the cleanup process can take to delete a batch of tags for cleanup policies.
container_registry_expiration_policies_cachingbooleannoCaching during the execution of cleanup policies.
container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacityintegernoNumber of workers for cleanup policies.
container_registry_token_expire_delayintegernoContainer registry token duration in minutes.
package_registry_cleanup_policies_worker_capacityintegernoNumber of workers assigned to the packages cleanup policies.
updating_name_disabled_for_usersbooleannoDisable user profile name changes.
allow_account_deletionbooleannoEnable users to delete their accounts.
deactivate_dormant_usersbooleannoEnable automatic deactivation of dormant users.
deactivate_dormant_users_periodintegernoLength of time (in days) after which a user is considered dormant. Introduced in GitLab 15.3.
decompress_archive_file_timeoutintegernoDefault timeout for decompressing archived files, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable timeouts. Introduced in GitLab 16.4.
default_artifacts_expire_instringnoSet the default expiration time for each job’s artifacts.
default_branch_namestringnoSet the initial branch name for all projects in an instance.
default_branch_protectionintegernoDeprecated in GitLab 17.0. Use default_branch_protection_defaults instead.
default_branch_protection_defaultshashnoIntroduced in GitLab 17.0. For available options, see Options for default_branch_protection_defaults.
default_ci_config_pathstringnoDefault CI/CD configuration file and path for new projects (.gitlab-ci.yml if not set).
default_group_visibilitystringnoWhat visibility level new groups receive. Can take private, internal and public as a parameter. Default is private. Changed in GitLab 16.4: cannot be set to any levels in restricted_visibility_levels.
default_preferred_languagestringnoDefault preferred language for users who are not logged in.
default_project_creationintegernoDefault minimum role required to create projects. Can take: 0 (No one), 1 (Maintainers), 2 (Developers), 3 (Administrators) or 4 (Owners).
default_project_visibilitystringnoWhat visibility level new projects receive. Can take private, internal and public as a parameter. Default is private. Changed in GitLab 16.4: cannot be set to any levels in restricted_visibility_levels.
default_projects_limitintegernoProject limit per user. Default is 100000.
default_snippet_visibilitystringnoWhat visibility level new snippets receive. Can take private, internal and public as a parameter. Default is private.
default_syntax_highlighting_themeintegernoDefault syntax highlighting theme for users who are new or not signed in. See IDs of available themes.
default_project_deletion_protectionbooleannoEnable default project deletion protection so only administrators can delete projects. Default is false. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
delete_unconfirmed_usersbooleannoSpecifies whether users who have not confirmed their email should be deleted. Default is false. When set to true, unconfirmed users are deleted after unconfirmed_users_delete_after_days days. Introduced in GitLab 16.1. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
deletion_adjourned_periodintegernoNumber of days to wait before deleting a project or group that is marked for deletion. Value must be between 1 and 90. Defaults to 7. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
diagramsnet_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires diagramsnet_url) Enable integration. Default is true.
diagramsnet_urlstringrequired by: diagramsnet_enabledThe instance URL for integration.
diff_max_patch_bytesintegernoMaximum diff patch size, in bytes.
diff_max_filesintegernoMaximum files in a diff.
diff_max_linesintegernoMaximum lines in a diff.
disable_admin_oauth_scopesbooleannoStops administrators from connecting their GitLab accounts to non-trusted OAuth 2.0 applications that have the api, read_api, read_repository, write_repository, read_registry, write_registry, or sudo scopes. Introduced in GitLab 15.6.
disable_feed_tokenbooleannoDisable display of RSS/Atom and calendar feed tokens.
disable_personal_access_tokensbooleannoDisable personal access tokens. Introduced in GitLab 15.7. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only. There is no method available to enable a personal access token that’s been disabled through the API. This is a known issue. For more information about available workarounds, see Workaround.
disabled_oauth_sign_in_sourcesarray of stringsnoDisabled OAuth sign-in sources.
dns_rebinding_protection_enabledbooleannoEnforce DNS-rebinding attack protection.
domain_denylist_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: domain_denylist) Allows blocking sign-ups from emails from specific domains.
domain_denylistarray of stringsnoUsers with email addresses that match these domains cannot sign up. Wildcards allowed. Enter multiple entries on separate lines. For example:, *
domain_allowlistarray of stringsnoForce people to use only corporate emails for sign-up. Default is null, meaning there is no restriction.
downstream_pipeline_trigger_limit_per_project_user_shaintegernoMaximum downstream pipeline trigger rate. Default: 0 (no restriction). Introduced in GitLab 16.10.
dsa_key_restrictionintegernoThe minimum allowed bit length of an uploaded DSA key. Default is 0 (no restriction). -1 disables DSA keys.
ecdsa_key_restrictionintegernoThe minimum allowed curve size (in bits) of an uploaded ECDSA key. Default is 0 (no restriction). -1 disables ECDSA keys.
ecdsa_sk_key_restrictionintegernoThe minimum allowed curve size (in bits) of an uploaded ECDSA_SK key. Default is 0 (no restriction). -1 disables ECDSA_SK keys.
ed25519_key_restrictionintegernoThe minimum allowed curve size (in bits) of an uploaded ED25519 key. Default is 0 (no restriction). -1 disables ED25519 keys.
ed25519_sk_key_restrictionintegernoThe minimum allowed curve size (in bits) of an uploaded ED25519_SK key. Default is 0 (no restriction). -1 disables ED25519_SK keys.
eks_access_key_idstringnoAWS IAM access key ID.
eks_account_idstringnoAmazon account ID.
eks_integration_enabledbooleannoEnable integration with Amazon EKS.
eks_secret_access_keystringnoAWS IAM secret access key.
elasticsearch_aws_access_keystringnoAWS IAM access key. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_aws_regionstringnoThe AWS region the Elasticsearch domain is configured. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_aws_secret_access_keystringnoAWS IAM secret access key. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_awsbooleannoEnable the use of AWS hosted Elasticsearch. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_indexed_field_length_limitintegernoMaximum size of text fields to index by Elasticsearch. 0 value means no limit. This does not apply to repository and wiki indexing. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_indexed_file_size_limit_kbintegernoMaximum size of repository and wiki files that are indexed by Elasticsearch. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_indexingbooleannoEnable Elasticsearch indexing. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_requeue_workersbooleannoEnable automatic requeuing of indexing workers. This improves non-code indexing throughput by enqueuing Sidekiq jobs until all documents are processed. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_limit_indexingbooleannoLimit Elasticsearch to index certain namespaces and projects. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_max_bulk_concurrencyintegernoMaximum concurrency of Elasticsearch bulk requests per indexing operation. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_max_code_indexing_concurrencyintegernoMaximum concurrency of Elasticsearch code indexing background jobs. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_worker_number_of_shardsintegernoNumber of indexing worker shards. This improves non-code indexing throughput by enqueuing more parallel Sidekiq jobs. Default is 2. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_max_bulk_size_mbintegernoMaximum size of Elasticsearch bulk indexing requests in MB. This only applies to repository indexing operations. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_namespace_idsarray of integersnoThe namespaces to index via Elasticsearch if elasticsearch_limit_indexing is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_project_idsarray of integersnoThe projects to index via Elasticsearch if elasticsearch_limit_indexing is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_searchbooleannoEnable Elasticsearch search. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_urlstringnoThe URL to use for connecting to Elasticsearch. Use a comma-separated list to support cluster (for example, http://localhost:9200, http://localhost:9201"). Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_usernamestringnoThe username of your Elasticsearch instance. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_passwordstringnoThe password of your Elasticsearch instance. Premium and Ultimate only.
elasticsearch_retry_on_failureintegernoMaximum number of possible retries for Elasticsearch search requests. Premium and Ultimate only.
email_additional_textstringnoAdditional text added to the bottom of every email for legal/auditing/compliance reasons. Premium and Ultimate only.
email_author_in_bodybooleannoSome email servers do not support overriding the email sender name. Enable this option to include the name of the author of the issue, merge request or comment in the email body instead.
email_confirmation_settingstringnoSpecifies whether users must confirm their email before sign in. Possible values are off, soft, and hard.
custom_http_clone_url_rootstringnoSet a custom Git clone URL for HTTP(S).
enabled_git_access_protocolstringnoEnabled protocols for Git access. Allowed values are: ssh, http, and all to allow both protocols. all value introduced in GitLab 16.9.
enforce_namespace_storage_limitbooleannoEnabling this permits enforcement of namespace storage limits.
enforce_termsbooleanno(If enabled, requires: terms) Enforce application ToS to all users.
external_auth_client_certstringno(If enabled, requires: external_auth_client_key) The certificate to use to authenticate with the external authorization service.
external_auth_client_key_passstringnoPassphrase to use for the private key when authenticating with the external service this is encrypted when stored.
external_auth_client_keystringrequired by: external_auth_client_certPrivate key for the certificate when authentication is required for the external authorization service, this is encrypted when stored.
external_authorization_service_default_labelstringrequired by:
The default classification label to use when requesting authorization and no classification label has been specified on the project.
external_authorization_service_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: external_authorization_service_default_label, external_authorization_service_timeout and external_authorization_service_url) Enable using an external authorization service for accessing projects.
external_authorization_service_timeoutfloatrequired by:
The timeout after which an authorization request is aborted, in seconds. When a request times out, access is denied to the user. (min: 0.001, max: 10, step: 0.001).
external_authorization_service_urlstringrequired by:
URL to which authorization requests are directed.
external_pipeline_validation_service_urlstringnoURL to use for pipeline validation requests.
external_pipeline_validation_service_tokenstringnoOptional. Token to include as the X-Gitlab-Token header in requests to the URL in external_pipeline_validation_service_url.
external_pipeline_validation_service_timeoutintegernoHow long to wait for a response from the pipeline validation service. Assumes OK if it times out.
static_objects_external_storage_urlstringnoURL to an external storage for repository static objects.
static_objects_external_storage_auth_tokenstringrequired by: static_objects_external_storage_urlAuthentication token for the external storage linked in static_objects_external_storage_url.
failed_login_attempts_unlock_period_in_minutesintegernoTime period in minutes after which the user is unlocked when maximum number of failed sign-in attempts reached.
file_template_project_idintegernoThe ID of a project to load custom file templates from. Premium and Ultimate only.
first_day_of_weekintegernoStart day of the week for calendar views and date pickers. Valid values are 0 (default) for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and 6 for Saturday.
globally_allowed_ipsstringnoComma-separated list of IP addresses and CIDRs always allowed for inbound traffic. For example,,
geo_node_allowed_ipsstringyesComma-separated list of IPs and CIDRs of allowed secondary nodes. For example,, GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
geo_status_timeoutintegernoThe amount of seconds after which a request to get a secondary node status times out. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
git_two_factor_session_expiryintegernoMaximum duration (in minutes) of a session for Git operations when 2FA is enabled. Premium and Ultimate only.
gitaly_timeout_defaultintegernoDefault Gitaly timeout, in seconds. This timeout is not enforced for Git fetch/push operations or Sidekiq jobs. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.
gitaly_timeout_fastintegernoGitaly fast operation timeout, in seconds. Some Gitaly operations are expected to be fast. If they exceed this threshold, there may be a problem with a storage shard and ‘failing fast’ can help maintain the stability of the GitLab instance. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.
gitaly_timeout_mediumintegernoMedium Gitaly timeout, in seconds. This should be a value between the Fast and the Default timeout. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.
gitlab_dedicated_instancebooleannoIndicates whether the instance was provisioned for GitLab Dedicated.
gitlab_environment_toolkit_instancebooleannoIndicates whether the instance was provisioned with the GitLab Environment Toolkit for Service Ping reporting.
gitlab_shell_operation_limitintegernoMaximum number of Git operations per minute a user can perform. Default: 600. Introduced in GitLab 16.2.
grafana_enabledbooleannoEnable Grafana.
grafana_urlstringnoGrafana URL.
gravatar_enabledbooleannoEnable Gravatar.
group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protectionbooleannoPrevent overrides of default branch protection. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
hashed_storage_enabledbooleannoCreate new projects using hashed storage paths: Enable immutable, hash-based paths and repository names to store repositories on disk. This prevents repositories from having to be moved or renamed when the Project URL changes and may improve disk I/O performance. (Always enabled in GitLab versions 13.0 and later, configuration is scheduled for removal in 14.0)
help_page_hide_commercial_contentbooleannoHide marketing-related entries from help.
help_page_support_urlstringnoAlternate support URL for help page and help dropdown list.
help_page_textstringnoCustom text displayed on the help page.
hide_third_party_offersbooleannoDo not display offers from third parties in GitLab.
home_page_urlstringnoRedirect to this URL when not logged in.
housekeeping_bitmaps_enabledbooleannoDeprecated. Git packfile bitmap creation is always enabled and cannot be changed via API and UI. Always returns true.
housekeeping_enabledbooleannoEnable or disable Git housekeeping. Requires additional fields to be set. For more information, see Housekeeping settings.
housekeeping_full_repack_periodintegernoDeprecated. Number of Git pushes after which an incremental git repack is run. Use housekeeping_optimize_repository_period instead. For more information, see Housekeeping settings.
housekeeping_gc_periodintegernoDeprecated. Number of Git pushes after which git gc is run. Use housekeeping_optimize_repository_period instead. For more information, see Housekeeping settings.
housekeeping_incremental_repack_periodintegernoDeprecated. Number of Git pushes after which an incremental git repack is run. Use housekeeping_optimize_repository_period instead. For more information, see Housekeeping settings.
housekeeping_optimize_repository_periodintegernoNumber of Git pushes after which an incremental git repack is run.
html_emails_enabledbooleannoEnable HTML emails.
import_sourcesarray of stringsnoSources to allow project import from, possible values: github, bitbucket, bitbucket_server, fogbugz, git, gitlab_project, gitea, and manifest.
invisible_captcha_enabledbooleannoEnable Invisible CAPTCHA spam detection during sign-up. Disabled by default.
issues_create_limitintegernoMax number of issue creation requests per minute per user. Disabled by default.
jira_connect_application_keystringnoID of the OAuth application used to authenticate with the GitLab for Jira Cloud app.
jira_connect_public_key_storage_enabledbooleannoEnable public key storage for the GitLab for Jira Cloud app.
jira_connect_proxy_urlstringnoURL of the GitLab instance used as a proxy for the GitLab for Jira Cloud app.
keep_latest_artifactbooleannoPrevent the deletion of the artifacts from the most recent successful jobs, regardless of the expiry time. Enabled by default.
local_markdown_versionintegernoIncrease this value when any cached Markdown should be invalidated.
mailgun_signing_keystringnoThe Mailgun HTTP webhook signing key for receiving events from webhook.
mailgun_events_enabledbooleannoEnable Mailgun event receiver.
maintenance_mode_messagestringnoMessage displayed when instance is in maintenance mode. Premium and Ultimate only.
maintenance_modebooleannoWhen instance is in maintenance mode, non-administrative users can sign in with read-only access and make read-only API requests. Premium and Ultimate only.
max_artifacts_sizeintegernoMaximum artifacts size in MB.
max_attachment_sizeintegernoLimit attachment size in MB.
max_decompressed_archive_sizeintegernoMaximum decompressed file size for imported archives in MB. Set to 0 for unlimited. Default is 25600.
max_export_sizeintegernoMaximum export size in MB. 0 for unlimited. Default = 0 (unlimited).
max_import_sizeintegernoMaximum import size in MB. 0 for unlimited. Default = 0 (unlimited).
max_import_remote_file_sizeintegernoMaximum remote file size for imports from external object storages. Introduced in GitLab 16.3.
max_login_attemptsintegernoMaximum number of sign-in attempts before locking out the user.
max_pages_sizeintegernoMaximum size of pages repositories in MB.
max_personal_access_token_lifetimeintegernoMaximum allowable lifetime for access tokens in days. When left blank, default value of 365 is applied. When set, value must be 365 or less. When changed, existing access tokens with an expiration date beyond the maximum allowable lifetime are revoked. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only. In GitLab 17.6 or later, the maximum lifetime limit can be extended to 400 days by enabling a feature flag named buffered_token_expiration_limit.
max_ssh_key_lifetimeintegernoMaximum allowable lifetime for SSH keys in days. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only. In GitLab 17.6 or later, the maximum lifetime limit can be extended to 400 days by enabling a feature flag named buffered_token_expiration_limit.
max_terraform_state_size_bytesintegernoMaximum size in bytes of the Terraform state files. Set this to 0 for unlimited file size.
metrics_method_call_thresholdintegernoA method call is only tracked when it takes longer than the given amount of milliseconds.
max_number_of_repository_downloadsintegernoMaximum number of unique repositories a user can download in the specified time period before they are banned. Default: 0, Maximum: 10,000 repositories. Introduced in GitLab 15.1. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only.
max_number_of_repository_downloads_within_time_periodintegernoReporting time period (in seconds). Default: 0, Maximum: 864000 seconds (10 days). Introduced in GitLab 15.1. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only.
max_yaml_depthintegernoThe maximum depth of nested CI/CD configuration added with the include keyword. Default: 100.
max_yaml_size_bytesintegernoThe maximum size in bytes of a single CI/CD configuration file. Default: 2097152.
git_rate_limit_users_allowlistarray of stringsnoList of usernames excluded from Git anti-abuse rate limits. Default: [], Maximum: 100 usernames. Introduced in GitLab 15.2. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only.
git_rate_limit_users_alertlistarray of integersnoList of user IDs that are emailed when the Git abuse rate limit is exceeded. Default: [], Maximum: 100 user IDs. Introduced in GitLab 15.9. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only.
auto_ban_user_on_excessive_projects_downloadbooleannoWhen enabled, users will get automatically banned from the application when they download more than the maximum number of unique projects in the time period specified by max_number_of_repository_downloads and max_number_of_repository_downloads_within_time_period respectively. Introduced in GitLab 15.4. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only.
mirror_availablebooleannoAllow repository mirroring to configured by project Maintainers. If disabled, only Administrators can configure repository mirroring.
mirror_capacity_thresholdintegernoMinimum capacity to be available before scheduling more mirrors preemptively. Premium and Ultimate only.
mirror_max_capacityintegernoMaximum number of mirrors that can be synchronizing at the same time. Premium and Ultimate only.
mirror_max_delayintegernoMaximum time (in minutes) between updates that a mirror can have when scheduled to synchronize. Premium and Ultimate only.
maven_package_requests_forwardingbooleannoUse as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab package registry for Maven. Premium and Ultimate only.
npm_package_requests_forwardingbooleannoUse as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab package registry for npm. Premium and Ultimate only.
pypi_package_requests_forwardingbooleannoUse as a default remote repository when the package is not found in the GitLab package registry for PyPI. Premium and Ultimate only.
outbound_local_requests_whitelistarray of stringsnoDefine a list of trusted domains or IP addresses to which local requests are allowed when local requests for webhooks and integrations are disabled.
package_registry_allow_anyone_to_pull_optionbooleannoEnable to allow anyone to pull from package registry visible and changeable.
package_metadata_purl_typesarray of integersnoList of package registry metadata to sync. See the list of the available values. GitLab Self-Managed, Ultimate only.
pages_domain_verification_enabledbooleannoRequire users to prove ownership of custom domains. Domain verification is an essential security measure for public GitLab sites. Users are required to demonstrate they control a domain before it is enabled.
password_authentication_enabled_for_gitbooleannoEnable authentication for Git over HTTP(S) via a GitLab account password. Default is true.
password_authentication_enabled_for_webbooleannoEnable authentication for the web interface via a GitLab account password. Default is true.
minimum_password_lengthintegernoIndicates whether passwords require a minimum length. Introduced in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only.
password_number_requiredbooleannoIndicates whether passwords require at least one number. Introduced in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only.
password_symbol_requiredbooleannoIndicates whether passwords require at least one symbol character. Introduced in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only.
password_uppercase_requiredbooleannoIndicates whether passwords require at least one uppercase letter. Introduced in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only.
password_lowercase_requiredbooleannoIndicates whether passwords require at least one lowercase letter. Introduced in GitLab 15.1. Premium and Ultimate only.
performance_bar_allowed_group_idstringno(Deprecated: Use performance_bar_allowed_group_path instead) Path of the group that is allowed to toggle the performance bar.
performance_bar_allowed_group_pathstringnoPath of the group that is allowed to toggle the performance bar.
performance_bar_enabledbooleanno(Deprecated: Pass performance_bar_allowed_group_path: nil instead) Allow enabling the performance bar.
personal_access_token_prefixstringnoPrefix for all generated personal access tokens.
pipeline_limit_per_project_user_shaintegernoMaximum number of pipeline creation requests per minute per user and commit. Disabled by default.
gitpod_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: gitpod_url) Enable Gitpod integration. Default is false.
gitpod_urlstringrequired by: gitpod_enabledThe Gitpod instance URL for integration.
kroki_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: kroki_url) Enable Kroki integration. Default is false.
kroki_urlstringrequired by: kroki_enabledThe Kroki instance URL for integration.
kroki_formatsobjectnoAdditional formats supported by the Kroki instance. Possible values are true or false for formats bpmn, blockdiag, and excalidraw in the format <format>: true or <format>: false.
plantuml_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: plantuml_url) Enable PlantUML integration. Default is false.
plantuml_urlstringrequired by: plantuml_enabledThe PlantUML instance URL for integration.
polling_interval_multiplierfloatnoInterval multiplier used by endpoints that perform polling. Set to 0 to disable polling.
project_export_enabledbooleannoEnable project export.
project_jobs_api_rate_limitintegernoMaximum authenticated requests to /project/:id/jobs per minute. Introduced in GitLab 16.5. Default: 600.
projects_api_rate_limit_unauthenticatedintegernoIntroduced in GitLab 15.10. Max number of requests per 10 minutes per IP address for unauthenticated requests to the list all projects API. Default: 400. To disable throttling set to 0.
users_api_limit_followingintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 100. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
users_api_limit_followersintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 100. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
users_api_limit_statusintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 240. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
users_api_limit_keysintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 120. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
users_api_limit_keyintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 120. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
users_api_limit_gpg_keysintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 120. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
users_api_limit_gpg_keyintegernoMax number of requests per minute, per user or IP address. Default: 120. Set to 0 to disable limits. Introduced in GitLab 17.10.
prometheus_metrics_enabledbooleannoEnable Prometheus metrics.
protected_ci_variablesbooleannoCI/CD variables are protected by default.
disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_requestbooleannoPrevent editing approval rules in projects and merge requests
prevent_merge_requests_author_approvalbooleannoPrevent approval by author
prevent_merge_requests_committers_approvalbooleannoPrevent approval by committers to merge requests
push_event_activities_limitintegernoMaximum number of changes (branches or tags) in a single push above which a bulk push event is created. Setting to 0 does not disable throttling.
push_event_hooks_limitintegernoMaximum number of changes (branches or tags) in a single push above which webhooks and integrations are not triggered. Setting to 0 does not disable throttling.
rate_limiting_response_textstringnoWhen rate limiting is enabled via the throttle_* settings, send this plain text response when a rate limit is exceeded. ‘Retry later’ is sent if this is blank.
raw_blob_request_limitintegernoMaximum number of requests per minute for each raw path (default is 300). Set to 0 to disable throttling.
search_rate_limitintegernoMax number of requests per minute for performing a search while authenticated. Default: 30. To disable throttling set to 0.
search_rate_limit_unauthenticatedintegernoMax number of requests per minute for performing a search while unauthenticated. Default: 10. To disable throttling set to 0.
recaptcha_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: recaptcha_private_key and recaptcha_site_key) Enable reCAPTCHA.
login_recaptcha_protection_enabledbooleannoEnable reCAPTCHA for login.
recaptcha_private_keystringrequired by: recaptcha_enabledPrivate key for reCAPTCHA.
recaptcha_site_keystringrequired by: recaptcha_enabledSite key for reCAPTCHA.
receptive_cluster_agents_enabledbooleannoEnable receptive mode for GitLab Agents for Kubernetes.
receive_max_input_sizeintegernoMaximum push size (MB).
remember_me_enabledbooleannoEnable Remember me setting. Introduced in GitLab 16.0.
repository_checks_enabledbooleannoGitLab periodically runs git fsck in all project and wiki repositories to look for silent disk corruption issues.
repository_size_limitintegernoSize limit per repository (MB). Premium and Ultimate only.
repository_storages_weightedhash of strings to integersnoHash of names of taken from gitlab.yml to weights. New projects are created in one of these stores, chosen by a weighted random selection.
require_admin_approval_after_user_signupbooleannoWhen enabled, any user that signs up for an account using the registration form is placed under a Pending approval state and has to be explicitly approved by an administrator.
require_personal_access_token_expirybooleannoWhen enabled, users must set an expiration date when creating a group or project access token, or a personal access token owned by a non-service account.
require_two_factor_authenticationbooleanno(If enabled, requires: two_factor_grace_period) Require all users to set up two-factor authentication.
resource_usage_limitshashnoDefinition for resource usage limits enforced in Sidekiq workers. This setting is available for only.
restricted_visibility_levelsarray of stringsnoSelected levels cannot be used by non-Administrator users for groups, projects or snippets. Can take private, internal and public as a parameter. Default is null which means there is no restriction.Changed in GitLab 16.4: cannot select levels that are set as default_project_visibility and default_group_visibility.
rsa_key_restrictionintegernoThe minimum allowed bit length of an uploaded RSA key. Default is 0 (no restriction). -1 disables RSA keys.
session_expire_delayintegernoSession duration in minutes. GitLab restart is required to apply changes.
security_policy_global_group_approvers_enabledbooleannoWhether to look up merge request approval policy approval groups globally or within project hierarchies.
security_approval_policies_limitintegernoMaximum number of active merge request approval policies per security policy project. Default: 5. Maximum: 20
security_txt_contentstringnoPublic security contact information. Introduced in GitLab 16.7.
service_access_tokens_expiration_enforcedbooleannoFlag to indicate if token expiry date can be optional for service account users
shared_runners_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: shared_runners_text and shared_runners_minutes) Enable instance runners for new projects.
shared_runners_minutesintegerrequired by: shared_runners_enabledSet the maximum number of compute minutes that a group can use on instance runners per month. Premium and Ultimate only.
shared_runners_textstringrequired by: shared_runners_enabledInstance runners text.
runner_token_expiration_intervalintegernoSet the expiration time (in seconds) of authentication tokens of newly registered instance runners. Minimum value is 7200 seconds. For more information, see Automatically rotate authentication tokens.
group_runner_token_expiration_intervalintegernoSet the expiration time (in seconds) of authentication tokens of newly registered group runners. Minimum value is 7200 seconds. For more information, see Automatically rotate authentication tokens.
project_runner_token_expiration_intervalintegernoSet the expiration time (in seconds) of authentication tokens of newly registered project runners. Minimum value is 7200 seconds. For more information, see Automatically rotate authentication tokens.
sidekiq_job_limiter_modestringnotrack or compress. Sets the behavior for Sidekiq job size limits. Default: ‘compress’.
sidekiq_job_limiter_compression_threshold_bytesintegernoThe threshold in bytes at which Sidekiq jobs are compressed before being stored in Redis. Default: 100,000 bytes (100 KB).
sidekiq_job_limiter_limit_bytesintegernoThe threshold in bytes at which Sidekiq jobs are rejected. Default: 0 bytes (doesn’t reject any job).
signin_enabledstringno(Deprecated: Use password_authentication_enabled_for_web instead) Flag indicating if password authentication is enabled for the web interface.
sign_in_restrictionshashnoApplication sign in restrictions.
signup_enabledbooleannoEnable registration. Default is true.
silent_admin_exports_enabledbooleannoEnable Silent admin exports. Default is false.
silent_mode_enabledbooleannoEnable Silent mode. Default is false.
slack_app_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: slack_app_id, slack_app_secret, slack_app_signing_secret, and slack_app_verification_token) Enable the GitLab for Slack app.
slack_app_idstringrequired by: slack_app_enabledThe client ID of the GitLab for Slack app.
slack_app_secretstringrequired by: slack_app_enabledThe client secret of the GitLab for Slack app. Used for authenticating OAuth requests from the app.
slack_app_signing_secretstringrequired by: slack_app_enabledThe signing secret of the GitLab for Slack app. Used for authenticating API requests from the app.
slack_app_verification_tokenstringrequired by: slack_app_enabledThe verification token of the GitLab for Slack app. This method of authentication is deprecated by Slack and used only for authenticating slash commands from the app.
snippet_size_limitintegernoMax snippet content size in bytes. Default: 52428800 Bytes (50 MB).
snowplow_app_idstringnoThe Snowplow site name / application ID. (for example, gitlab)
snowplow_collector_hostnamestringrequired by: snowplow_enabledThe Snowplow collector hostname. (for example,
snowplow_database_collector_hostnamestringnoThe Snowplow collector for database events hostname. (for example,
snowplow_cookie_domainstringnoThe Snowplow cookie domain. (for example,
snowplow_enabledbooleannoEnable snowplow tracking.
sourcegraph_enabledbooleannoEnables Sourcegraph integration. Default is false. If enabled, requires sourcegraph_url.
sourcegraph_public_onlybooleannoBlocks Sourcegraph from being loaded on private and internal projects. Default is true.
sourcegraph_urlstringrequired by: sourcegraph_enabledThe Sourcegraph instance URL for integration.
spam_check_endpoint_enabledbooleannoEnables spam checking using external Spam Check API endpoint. Default is false.
spam_check_endpoint_urlstringnoURL of the external Spamcheck service endpoint. Valid URI schemes are grpc or tls. Specifying tls forces communication to be encrypted.
spam_check_api_keystringnoAPI key used by GitLab for accessing the Spam Check service endpoint.
suggest_pipeline_enabledbooleannoEnable pipeline suggestion banner.
enable_artifact_external_redirect_warning_pagebooleannoShow the external redirect page that warns you about user-generated content in GitLab Pages.
terminal_max_session_timeintegernoMaximum time for web terminal websocket connection (in seconds). Set to 0 for unlimited time.
termstextrequired by: enforce_terms(Required by: enforce_terms) Markdown content for the ToS.
throttle_authenticated_api_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: throttle_authenticated_api_period_in_seconds and throttle_authenticated_api_requests_per_period) Enable authenticated API request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots).
throttle_authenticated_api_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
Rate limit period (in seconds).
throttle_authenticated_api_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
Maximum requests per period per user.
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: throttle_authenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds and throttle_authenticated_packages_api_requests_per_period) Enable authenticated API request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots). View package registry rate limits for more details.
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
Rate limit period (in seconds). View package registry rate limits for more details.
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
Maximum requests per period per user. View package registry rate limits for more details.
throttle_authenticated_web_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: throttle_authenticated_web_period_in_seconds and throttle_authenticated_web_requests_per_period) Enable authenticated web request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots).
throttle_authenticated_web_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
Rate limit period (in seconds).
throttle_authenticated_web_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
Maximum requests per period per user.
throttle_unauthenticated_enabledbooleanno(Deprecated in GitLab 14.3. Use throttle_unauthenticated_web_enabled or throttle_unauthenticated_api_enabled instead.) (If enabled, requires: throttle_unauthenticated_period_in_seconds and throttle_unauthenticated_requests_per_period) Enable unauthenticated web request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots).
throttle_unauthenticated_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
(Deprecated in GitLab 14.3. Use throttle_unauthenticated_web_period_in_seconds or throttle_unauthenticated_api_period_in_seconds instead.) Rate limit period in seconds.
throttle_unauthenticated_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
(Deprecated in GitLab 14.3. Use throttle_unauthenticated_web_requests_per_period or throttle_unauthenticated_api_requests_per_period instead.) Max requests per period per IP.
throttle_unauthenticated_api_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: throttle_unauthenticated_api_period_in_seconds and throttle_unauthenticated_api_requests_per_period) Enable unauthenticated API request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots).
throttle_unauthenticated_api_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
Rate limit period in seconds.
throttle_unauthenticated_api_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
Max requests per period per IP.
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds and throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_requests_per_period) Enable authenticated API request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots). View package registry rate limits for more details.
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
Rate limit period (in seconds). View package registry rate limits for more details.
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
Maximum requests per period per user. View package registry rate limits for more details.
throttle_unauthenticated_web_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: throttle_unauthenticated_web_period_in_seconds and throttle_unauthenticated_web_requests_per_period) Enable unauthenticated web request rate limit. Helps reduce request volume (for example, from crawlers or abusive bots).
throttle_unauthenticated_web_period_in_secondsintegerrequired by:
Rate limit period in seconds.
throttle_unauthenticated_web_requests_per_periodintegerrequired by:
Max requests per period per IP.
time_tracking_limit_to_hoursbooleannoLimit display of time tracking units to hours. Default is false.
two_factor_grace_periodintegerrequired by: require_two_factor_authenticationAmount of time (in hours) that users are allowed to skip forced configuration of two-factor authentication.
unconfirmed_users_delete_after_daysintegernoSpecifies how many days after sign-up to delete users who have not confirmed their email. Only applicable if delete_unconfirmed_users is set to true. Must be 1 or greater. Default is 7. Introduced in GitLab 16.1. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
unique_ips_limit_enabledbooleanno(If enabled, requires: unique_ips_limit_per_user and unique_ips_limit_time_window) Limit sign in from multiple IPs.
unique_ips_limit_per_userintegerrequired by: unique_ips_limit_enabledMaximum number of IPs per user.
unique_ips_limit_time_windowintegerrequired by: unique_ips_limit_enabledHow many seconds an IP is counted towards the limit.
update_runner_versions_enabledbooleannoFetch GitLab Runner release version data from For more information, see how to determine which runners need to be upgraded.
usage_ping_enabledbooleannoEvery week GitLab reports license usage back to GitLab, Inc.
use_clickhouse_for_analyticsbooleannoEnables ClickHouse as a data source for analytics reports. ClickHouse must be configured for this setting to take effect. Available on Premium and Ultimate only.
include_optional_metrics_in_service_pingbooleannoWhether or not optional metrics are enabled in Service Ping. Introduced in GitLab 16.10.
user_deactivation_emails_enabledbooleannoSend an email to users upon account deactivation.
user_default_externalbooleannoNewly registered users are external by default.
user_default_internal_regexstringnoSpecify an email address regex pattern to identify default internal users.
user_defaults_to_private_profilebooleannoNewly created users have private profile by default. Introduced in GitLab 15.8. Defaults to false.
user_oauth_applicationsbooleannoAllow users to register any application to use GitLab as an OAuth provider. This setting does not affect group-level OAuth applications.
user_show_add_ssh_key_messagebooleannoWhen set to false disable the You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH warning shown to users with no uploaded SSH key.
version_check_enabledbooleannoLet GitLab inform you when an update is available.
valid_runner_registrarsarray of stringsnoList of types which are allowed to register a GitLab Runner. Can be [], ['group'], ['project'] or ['group', 'project'].
vscode_extension_marketplacehashnoSettings for VS Code Extension Marketplace. Used by Web IDE and Workspaces.
whats_new_variantstringnoWhat’s new variant, possible values: all_tiers, current_tier, and disabled.
wiki_page_max_content_bytesintegernoMaximum wiki page content size in bytes. Default: 52428800 Bytes (50 MB). The minimum value is 1024 bytes.
bulk_import_concurrent_pipeline_batch_limitintegernoMaximum simultaneous direct transfer batch exports to process.
concurrent_relation_batch_export_limitintegernoMaximum number of simultaneous batch export jobs to process. Introduced in GitLab 17.6.
asciidoc_max_includesintegernoMaximum limit of AsciiDoc include directives being processed in any one document. Default: 32. Maximum: 64.
duo_features_enabledbooleannoIndicates whether GitLab Duo features are enabled for this instance. Introduced in GitLab 16.10. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
lock_duo_features_enabledbooleannoIndicates whether the GitLab Duo features enabled setting is enforced for all subgroups. Introduced in GitLab 16.10. GitLab Self-Managed, Premium and Ultimate only.
nuget_skip_metadata_url_validationbooleannoIndicates whether to skip metadata URL validation for the NuGet package. Introduced in GitLab 17.0.
helm_max_packages_countintegernoMaximum number of Helm packages that can be listed per channel. Must be at least 1. Default is 1000.
require_admin_two_factor_authenticationbooleannoAllow administrators to require 2FA for all administrators on the instance.
secret_push_protection_availablebooleannoAllow projects to enable secret push protection. This does not enable secret push protection. Ultimate only.

Inactive project settings

You can configure inactive projects deletion or turn it off.

delete_inactive_projectsbooleannoEnable inactive project deletion. Default is false. Became operational without feature flag in GitLab 15.4.
inactive_projects_delete_after_monthsintegernoIf delete_inactive_projects is true, the time (in months) to wait before deleting inactive projects. Default is 2. Became operational in GitLab 15.0.
inactive_projects_min_size_mbintegernoIf delete_inactive_projects is true, the minimum repository size for projects to be checked for inactivity. Default is 0. Became operational in GitLab 15.0.
inactive_projects_send_warning_email_after_monthsintegernoIf delete_inactive_projects is true, sets the time (in months) to wait before emailing maintainers that the project is scheduled be deleted because it is inactive. Default is 1. Became operational in GitLab 15.0.

Housekeeping settings

If the housekeeping_optimize_repository_period field is set to an integer, housekeeping operations are performed after the number of Git pushes you specify.

The housekeeping_enabled field enables or disables Git housekeeping. To function properly, this field requires housekeeping_optimize_repository_period to be set, or all of these values to be set:

  • housekeeping_bitmaps_enabled
  • housekeeping_full_repack_period
  • housekeeping_gc_period

Package registry settings: Package file size limits

The package file size limits are not part of the Application settings API. Instead, these settings can be accessed using the Plan limits API.