Logged events
In addition to standard logging in the GitLab Rails Monolith instance, specialized logging is available for features based on large language models (LLMs).
Events logged
Returning from Service due to validation
- Description: user not permitted to perform action
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: permission_denied
- Level: info
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: yes
- Sidekiq: no
Enqueuing CompletionWorker
- Description: scheduling completion worker in sidekiq
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: worker_enqueued
- Level: info
- Arguments:
user_id: message.user.id
resource_id: message.resource&.id
resource_class: message.resource&.class&.name
request_id: message.request_id
action_name: message.ai_action
options: job_options
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: yes
- Sidekiq: no
aborting: missing resource
- Description: If there is no resource for slash command
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: missing_resource
- Level: info
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: yes
- Sidekiq: no
Performing CompletionService
- Description: performing completion
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: completion_service_performed
- Level: info
- Arguments:
user_id: prompt_message.user.to_gid
resource_id: prompt_message.resource&.to_gid
action_name: prompt_message.ai_action
request_id: prompt_message.request_id
client_subscription_id: prompt_message.client_subscription_id
completion_service_name: completion_class_name
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Answer from LLM response
- Description: Get answer from response
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: answer_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
llm_answer_content: content
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Final answer
- Description: Get final answer from response
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: final_answer_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
llm_answer_content: content
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Default final answer
- Description: Default final answer: I’m sorry, I couldn’t respond in time. Please try a more specific request or enter /clear to start a new chat.
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: default_final_answer_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
error_code: "A6000"
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Error message/ “Error”
- Description: when answering with an error
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error_returned
- Level: error
- Arguments:
error: content
error_code: error_code
source: source
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Received response from AI gateway
- Description: when response from AIGW is returned
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
response_from_llm: response_body
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Received error from AI gateway
- Description: when error is returned from AIGW for streaming command
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error_response_received
- Level: error
- Arguments:
response_from_llm: parsed_response.dig('detail', 0, 'msg')
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Performing request to AI gateway
- Description: before performing request to the AI GW
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: performing_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
url: url
body: body
timeout: timeout
stream: stream
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Creating user access token
- Description: creating short-lived token in AIGW
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: user_token_created
- Level: info
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: code suggestions
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: yes
- Sidekiq: no
Received response from Anthropic
- Description: Received response
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
ai_request_type: request_type
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Response content
- Description: Content of response
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
ai_request_type: request_type
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
response_from_llm: response_body
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Performing request to Anthropic
- Description: performing completion request
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: performing_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
options: options
ai_request_type: request_type
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Searching docs from AI gateway
- Description: performing search docs request
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: performing_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
options: options
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Searched docs content from AI gateway
- Description: response from AIGW with docs
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
response_from_llm: response
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Json parsing error during Question Categorization
- Description: logged when json is not parsable
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error
- Level: error
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Response did not contain defined categories
- Description: logged when response is not containing one of the defined categories
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error
- Level: error
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Error response received while categorizing question
- Description: logged when response returned is not succesful
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error
- Level: error
- Arguments:
error_type: response.dig('error', 'type')
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Picked tool
- Description: information about tool picked by chat
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: picked_tool
- Level: info
- Arguments:
duo_chat_tool: tool_class.to_s
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Made request to AI Client
- Description: making request for chat
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
prompt: prompt[:prompt]
response_from_llm: response
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Streaming error
- Description: Error returned when streaming
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error_response_received
- Level: error
- Arguments:
error: data&.dig("error")
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Got Final Result for documentation question content
- Description: got result for documentation question - content
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
prompt: final_prompt[:prompt]
response_from_llm: final_prompt_result
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Streaming error
- Description: when error is returned from AIGW for streaming command in docs question
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error_response_received
- Level: error
- Arguments:
error: error.message
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Answer already received from tool
- Description: when tool was already picked up (content: You already have the answer from #{self.class::NAME} tool, read carefully.)
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: incorrect_response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
error_message: content
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Tool cycling detected
- Description: When tool is picked up again
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: incorrect_response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
picked_tool: cls.class.to_s
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Calling TanukiBot
- Description: performing documentation request
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: documentation_question_initial_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Error finding #{resource_name}
- Description: when resource (issue/epic/mr) is not found
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: incorrect_response_received
- Level: error
- Arguments:
error_message: authorizer.message
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Answer received from LLM
- Description: response from identifier
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
response_from_llm: content
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Json parsing error
- Description: when json is malformed (Observation: JSON has an invalid format. Please retry)
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error
- Level: error
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Resource already identified
- Description: already identified resource (You already have identified the #{resource_name} #{resource.to_global_id}, read carefully.)
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: incorrect_response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
error_message: content
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Supported Issuable Typees Ability Allowed
- Description: logging the ability (policy.can?) for the issue/epic
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: permission
- Level: info
- Arguments:
allowed: ability
- Part of the system: feature
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Supported Issuable Typees Ability Allowed
- Description: logging the ability (policy.can?) for the issue/epic
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: permission
- Level: info
- Arguments:
allowed: ability
- Part of the system: feature
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Answer content for summarize_comments
- Description: Answer for summarize comments feature
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
response_from_llm: content
- Part of the system: feature
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Content of the prompt from chat request
- Description: chat-related request
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: prompt_content
- Level: info
- Arguments:
prompt: prompt_text
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
“Too many requests, will retry in #{delay} seconds”
- Description: When entered in exponential backoff loop
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: retrying_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Resource not found
- Description: Resource not found/not authorized
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: permission_denied
- Level: info
- Arguments:
error_code: "M3003"
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
No access to Duo Chat
- Description: No access to duo chat
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: permission_denied
- Level: info
- Arguments:
error_code: "M3004"
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
AI is disabled
- Description: AI is not enabled for container
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: permission_denied
- Level: info
- Arguments:
error_code: "M3002"
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Performing request to Vertex
- Description: performing request
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: performing_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
options: config
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Response content
- Description: response from aigw - vertex -content
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
response_from_llm: response.to_json
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Received response from Vertex
- Description: response from aigw - vertex
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: response_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Empty response from Vertex
- Description: empty response from aigw - vertex
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: empty_response_received
- Level: error
- Arguments:
unit_primitive: unit_primitive
- Part of the system: abstraction_layer
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Surface an unknown event as a final answer to the user
- Description: unknown event
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: unknown_event
- Level: warn
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Failed to find a tool in GitLab Rails
- Description: failed to find a tool
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: tool_not_find
- Level: error
- Arguments:
tool_name: tool_name
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Received an event from v2/chat/agent
- Description: Received event
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: event_received
- Level: info
- Arguments:
event: event
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Failed to update observation
- Description: Failed to update observation
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: agent_steps_empty
- Level: error
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Request to v2/chat/agent
- Description: request
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: performing_request
- Level: info
- Arguments:
params: params
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: yes
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Finished streaming from v2/chat/agent
- Description: finished streaming
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: streaming_finished
- Level: info
- Arguments:
- none
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Received error from Duo Chat Agent
- Description: Error returned when streaming
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: error_returned
- Level: error
- Arguments:
status: response.code
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Failed to parse a chunk from Duo Chat Agent
- Description: failed to parse a chunk
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: parsing_error
- Level: warn
- Arguments:
event_json_size: event_json.length
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
Failed to find the event class in GitLab-Rails
- Description: no event class
- Class:
- Ai_event_name: parsing_error
- Level: error
- Arguments:
event_type: event['type']
- Part of the system: duo_chat
- Expanded logging?: no
- Rails: no
- Sidekiq: yes
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