Dynamic Element Validation contribute

We devised a solution to solve common test automation problems such as the dreaded NoSuchElementException.

Other problems that dynamic element validations solve are…

  • When we perform an action with the mouse, we expect something to occur.
  • When our test is navigating to (or from) a page, we ensure that we are on the page we expect before test continuation.

How it works

We interpret user actions on the page to have some sort of effect. These actions are

When a page is navigated to, there are elements that always appear on the page unconditionally.

Dynamic element validation is instituted when using

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Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Some::Page)


When we perform a click within our tests, we expect something to occur. That something could be a component to now appear on the webpage, or the test to navigate away from the page entirely.

Dynamic element validation is instituted when using

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click_element('my-element', Some::Page)

Required Elements


First it is important to define what a “required element” is.

A required element is a visible HTML element that appears on a UI component without any user input.

“Visible” can be defined as

  • Not having any CSS preventing its display, for example, display: none or width: 0px; height: 0px;
  • Being able to be interacted with by the user

“UI component” can be defined as

  • Anything the user sees
  • A button, a text field
  • A layer that sits atop the page


Requiring elements is very easy. By adding required: true as a parameter to an element, you’ve now made it a requirement that the element appear on the page upon navigation.


Given …

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class MyPage < Page::Base
  view 'app/views/view.html.haml' do
    element 'my-element', required: true
    element 'another-element', required: true
    element 'conditional-element'

  def open_layer
    click_element('my-element', Layer::MyLayer)

class Layer < Page::Component
  view 'app/views/mylayer/layer.html.haml' do
    element 'message-content', required: true

Given the source

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Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::MyPage)


invokes GitLab QA to scan MyPage for my-element and another-element to be on the page before continuing to execute_stuff


Given the source

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def open_layer
  click_element('my-element', Layer::MyLayer)

invokes GitLab QA to ensure that message-content appears on the Layer upon clicking my-element.

This implies that the Layer is indeed rendered before we continue our test.