Contribute to the CI/CD configuration contribute


  • CI/CD configuration: The YAML file that defines the CI/CD configuration for a project.
  • keyword: Each keyword in the CI/CD configuration.
  • entry: An Entry class that represents a keyword in the CI/CD configuration.

Not every keyword in the CI/CD configuration is represented by an Entry class. We create Entry classes for keywords that have a complex structure or reusable parts.

For example;

  • The image keyword is represented by the Entry::Image class.
  • The name subkeyword of the image keyword is not represented by an Entry class.
  • The pull_policy subkeyword of the image keyword is represented by the Entry::PullPolicy class.

Adding New Keywords

CI config keywords are added in the lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry directory. For EE-specific changes, use the ee/lib/gitlab/ci/config/entry or ee/lib/ee/gitlab/ci/config/entry directory.


An entry is represented by a class that inherits from;

  • Entry::Node: for simple keywords. (e.g. Entry::Stage)
  • Entry::Simplifiable: for keywords that have multiple structures. For example, Entry::Retry can be a simple number or a hash configuration.
  • Entry::ComposableArray: for keywords that have a list of single-type sub-elements. For example, Entry::Includes has a list of Entry::Include elements.
  • Entry::ComposableHash: for keywords that have single-type sub-elements with user-defined keys. For example, Entry::Variables has a list of Entry::Variable elements with user-defined keys.

Helper Classes

The following helper classes are available for use in entries:

  • Entry::Validatable: Enables the validations block in an entry class and provides validations.
  • Entry::Attributable: Enables the attributes method in an entry class. It creates these methods for each attribute; xxx, has_xxx?, has_xxx_value?.
  • Entry::Configurable: Enables the entry method in an entry class. It creates these methods for each entry; xxx_defined?, xxx_entry, xxx_value.

The value Method

The value method is the main method of an entry class. It returns the actual value of the entry. By default, from the Entry::Node class, the value method returns the hash configuration of the entry unless it has nested entries. It can be useful for simple entries. For example, Entry::Paths has an array of strings as its value. So, it can return the array of strings directly.

In some keywords, we override the value method. In this method, we return what and how we want to return from the entry. The usage of Entry::Attributable and Entry::Configurable may have a significant role here. For example, in Entry::Secret, we have this;

Ruby Copy to clipboard
attributes %i[vault file token].freeze

entry :vault, Entry::Vault::Secret
entry :file, ::Gitlab::Config::Entry::Boolean

def value
    vault: vault_value,
    file: file_value,
    token: token
  • vault_value is the value of the nested vault entry.
  • file_value is the value of the nested file entry.
  • token is the value of the basic token attribute.

It is important that we should always use the xxx_value method to get the value of a nested entry.

Feature Flag Usage

When adding new CI/CD configuration keywords, it is important to use feature flags to control the rollout of the change. This allows us to test the change in production without affecting all users. For more information, see the feature flags documentation.

A common place to check for a feature flag is in the Gitlab::Config::Entry::Node#value method. For example:

Ruby Copy to clipboard
def value
    vault: vault_value,
    file: file_available? ? file_value : nil,
    token: token


def file_available?
  ::Gitlab::Ci::Config::FeatureFlags.enabled?(:secret_file_available, type: :beta)

Feature Flag Actor

In entry classes, we have no access to the current project or user. However, it’s discouraged to use feature flags without an actor. To solve this problem, we have three options;

  1. Use Feature.enabled?(:feature_flag, Feature.current_request).
  2. Use Config::FeatureFlags.enabled?(:feature_flag)
  3. Do not use feature flags in entry classes and use them in other parts of the code.

Testing and Validation

When adding or modifying an entry, the corresponding spec file must be either added or updated. Besides, to have a fully integrated test, it’s also important to add/modify tests in the spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor_spec.rb file or the files in spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor/test_cases/* directory.