Test the GitLab chart on GKE or EKS

This guide serves as a concise but complete documentation about how to install the GitLab chart with default values on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

By default, the GitLab chart includes an in-cluster PostgreSQL, Redis, and MinIO deployment. Those are for trial purposes only and not recommended for use in production environments. If you wish to deploy these charts into production under sustained load, you should follow the complete installation guide.


To complete this guide, you must have the following:

  • A domain you own, to which you can add a DNS record.
  • A Kubernetes cluster.
  • A working installation of kubectl.
  • A working installation of Helm v3.

Available domain

You must have access to an internet-accessible domain to which you can add a DNS record. This can be a sub-domain such as poc.domain.com, but the Let’s Encrypt servers must be able to resolve the addresses in order to issue certificates.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

A cluster with a total of at least eight virtual CPUs and 30 GB of RAM is recommended.

You can either refer to your cloud providers’ instructions on how to create a Kubernetes cluster, or use the GitLab-provided scripts to automate the cluster creation.

Kubernetes nodes must use the x86-64 architecture. Support for multiple architectures, including AArch64/ARM64, is under active development. See issue 2899 for more information.

Install kubectl

To install kubectl, see the Kubernetes installation documentation. The documentation covers most operating systems and the Google Cloud SDK, which you may have installed during the previous step.

After you create the cluster, you must configure kubectl before you can interact with the cluster from the command line.

Install Helm

For this guide, we use the latest release of Helm v3 (v3.9.4 or later). To install Helm, see the Helm installation documentation.

Add the GitLab Helm repository

Add the GitLab Helm repository to helm’s configuration:

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helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io/

Install GitLab

Here’s the beauty of what this chart is capable of. One command. Poof! All of GitLab installed, and configured with SSL.

To configure the chart, you need:

  • The domain or subdomain for GitLab to operate under.
  • Your email address, so Let’s Encrypt can issue a certificate.

To install the chart, run the install command with two --set arguments:

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helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
  --set global.hosts.domain=DOMAIN \
  --set certmanager-issuer.email=me@example.com

This step can take several minutes in order for all resources to be allocated, services to start, and access made available.

After it’s completed, you can proceed to collect the IP address that has been dynamically allocated for the installed NGINX Ingress.

Retrieve the IP address

You can use kubectl to fetch the address that has been dynamically been allocated by GKE to the NGINX Ingress you’ve just installed and configured as a part of the GitLab chart:

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kubectl get ingress -lrelease=gitlab

The output should look something like the following:

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NAME               HOSTS                 ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE
gitlab-minio       minio.domain.tld   80, 443   118m
gitlab-registry    registry.domain.tld   80, 443   118m
gitlab-webservice  gitlab.domain.tld   80, 443   118m

You’ll notice that there are three entries, all with the same IP address. Take this IP address, and add it to your DNS for the domain you have chosen to use. You can add multiple records of type A, but for simplicity we recommend a single “wildcard” record:

  • In Google Cloud DNS, create an A record with the name *. We also suggest setting the TTL to 1 minute instead of 5 minutes.
  • On AWS EKS, the address will be a URL rather than an IP address. Create a Route 53 alias record *.domain.tld pointing to this URL.

Sign in to GitLab

You can access GitLab at gitlab.domain.tld. For example, if you set global.hosts.domain=my.domain.tld, then you would visit gitlab.my.domain.tld.

To sign in, you must collect the password for the root user. This is automatically generated at installation time and stored in a Kubernetes Secret. Let’s fetch that password from the secret and decode it:

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kubectl get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode ; echo

You can now sign in to GitLab with username root, and the retrieved password. You can change this password through the user preferences after logged in, we only generate it so that we can secure the first login on your behalf.


If you experience issues during this guide, here are a few likely items you should be sure are working:

  1. The gitlab.my.domain.tld resolves to the IP address of the Ingress you retrieved.
  2. If you get a certificate warning, there has been a problem with Let’s Encrypt, usually related to DNS, or the requirement to retry.

For further troubleshooting tips, see our troubleshooting guide.

Helm install returns roles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "gitlab-shared-secrets" is forbidden

After running:

Copy to clipboard
helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab  \
  --set global.hosts.domain=DOMAIN \
  --set certmanager-issuer.email=user@example.com

You might see an error similar to:

Copy to clipboard
Error: failed pre-install: warning: Hook pre-install templates/shared-secrets-rbac-config.yaml failed: roles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "gitlab-shared-secrets" is forbidden: user "some-user@some-domain.com" (groups=["system:authenticated"]) is attempting to grant RBAC permissions not currently held:
{APIGroups:[""], Resources:["secrets"], Verbs:["get" "list" "create" "patch"]}

This means that the kubectl context that you are using to connect to the cluster does not have the permissions needed to create RBAC resources.