Code comments

Comments for follow-up actions

Whenever you add comments to the code that are expected to be addressed in the future, create a technical debt issue. Then put a link to it to the code comment you’ve created. This allows other developers to quickly check if a comment is still relevant and what needs to be done to address it.


# Deprecated scope until code_owner column has been migrated to rule_type.
# To be removed with
scope :code_owner, -> { where(code_owner: true).or(where(rule_type: :code_owner)) }

Class and method documentation

Use YARD syntax if documenting method arguments or return values.

Example without YARD syntax:

class Order
  # Finds order IDs associated with a user by email address.
  def order_ids_by_email(email)
    # ...

Example using YARD syntax:

class Order
  # Finds order IDs associated with a user by email address.
  # @param email [String, Array<String>] User's email address
  # @return [Array<Integer>]
  def order_ids_by_email(email)
    # ...

If a method’s return value is not used, the YARD @return type should be annotated as void, and the method should explicitly return nil. This pattern clarifies that the return value shouldn’t be used and prevents accidental usage in chains or assignments. For example:

class SomeModel < ApplicationRecord
  # @return [void]
  def validate_some_field
    return unless field_is_invalid

    errors.add(:some_field, format(_("some message")))

    # Explicitly return nil for void methods

For more context and information, see the merge request comment.