Releases API

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Use this API to manipulate release entries.

To manipulate links as a release asset, see Release Links API.


For authentication, the Releases API accepts either:

List Releases

Returns a paginated list of releases, sorted by released_at.

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/releases
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
order_bystringnoThe field to use as order. Either released_at (default) or created_at.
sortstringnoThe direction of the order. Either desc (default) for descending order or asc for ascending order.
include_html_descriptionbooleannoIf true, a response includes HTML rendered Markdown of the release description.

If successful, returns 200 OK and the following response attributes:

[]._linksobjectLinks of the release.
[]._links.closed_issues_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s closed issues.
[]._links.closed_merge_requests_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s closed merge requests.
[]._links.edit_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s edit page.
[]._links.merged_merge_requests_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s merged merge requests.
[]._links.opened_issues_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s open issues.
[]._links.opened_merge_requests_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s open merge requests.
[]._links.selfstringHTTP URL of the release.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Escape label and milestone titles to prevent XSS in GLFM autocomplete. !2740\r\n- Prevent private snippets from being embeddable.\r\n- Add subresources removal to member destroy service.",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.2 beta",
      "milestones": [
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 98,
               "closed": 76
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 24,
               "closed": 21
          "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:56:19.539Z"
      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n-Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
         "title":"Initial commit",

         "message":"Initial commit",

          "sha": "c3ffedec13af470e760d6cdfb08790f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:55:18.203Z"
      "_links": {
         "closed_issues_url": "",
         "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
         "edit_url": "",
         "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
         "opened_issues_url": "",
         "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
         "self": ""

Get a Release by a tag name

Gets a release for the given tag.

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_namestringyesThe Git tag the release is associated with.
include_html_descriptionbooleannoIf true, a response includes HTML rendered Markdown of the release description.

If successful, returns 200 OK and the following response attributes:

[]._linksobjectLinks of the release.
[]._links.closed_issues_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s closed issues.
[]._links.closed_merge_requests_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s closed merge requests.
[]._links.edit_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s edit page.
[]._links.merged_merge_requests_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s merged merge requests.
[]._links.opened_issues_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s open issues.
[]._links.opened_merge_requests_urlstringHTTP URL of the release’s open merge requests.
[]._links.selfstringHTTP URL of the release.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
   "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
   "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
      "title":"Initial commit",

      "message":"Initial commit",
   "milestones": [
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "total": 98,
            "closed": 76
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "total": 24,
            "closed": 21
       "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
       "filepath": "",
       "collected_at": "2019-07-16T14:00:12.256Z"
   "_links": {
      "closed_issues_url": "",
      "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
      "edit_url": "",
      "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
      "opened_issues_url": "",
      "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
      "self": ""

Download a release asset


Download a release asset file by making a request with the following format:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/downloads/:direct_asset_path
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_namestringyesThe Git tag the release is associated with.
direct_asset_pathstringyesPath to the release asset file as specified when creating or updating its link.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --location --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Get the latest release


Latest release information is accessible through a permanent API URL.

The format of the URL is:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/releases/permalink/latest

To call any other GET API that requires a release tag, append a suffix to the permalink/latest API path.

For example, to get latest release evidence you can use:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/releases/permalink/latest/evidence

Another example is downloading an asset of the latest release, for which you can use:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/releases/permalink/latest/downloads/bin/asset.exe

Sorting preferences

By default, GitLab fetches the release using released_at time. The use of the query parameter ?order_by=released_at is optional, and support for ?order_by=semver is tracked in issue 352945.

Create a release

Creates a release. Developer level access to the project is required to create a release.

Copy to clipboard
POST /projects/:id/releases
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
namestringnoThe release name.
tag_namestringyesThe tag where the release is created from.
tag_messagestringnoMessage to use if creating a new annotated tag.
descriptionstringnoThe description of the release. You can use Markdown.
refstringyes, if tag_name doesn’t existIf a tag specified in tag_name doesn’t exist, the release is created from ref and tagged with tag_name. It can be a commit SHA, another tag name, or a branch name.
milestonesarray of stringnoThe title of each milestone the release is associated with. GitLab Premium customers can specify group milestones.
assets:linksarray of hashnoAn array of assets links.
assets:links:namestringrequired by: assets:linksThe name of the link. Link names must be unique within the release.
assets:links:urlstringrequired by: assets:linksThe URL of the link. Link URLs must be unique within the release.
assets:links:direct_asset_pathstringnoOptional path for a direct asset link.
assets:links:link_typestringnoThe type of the link: other, runbook, image, package. Defaults to other.
released_atdatetimenoDate and time for the release. Defaults to the current time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z). Only provide this field if creating an upcoming or historical release.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
     --data '{ "name": "New release", "tag_name": "v0.3", "description": "Super nice release", "milestones": ["v1.0", "v1.0-rc"], "assets": { "links": [{ "name": "hoge", "url": "", "direct_asset_path": "/binaries/linux-amd64", "link_type":"other" }] } }' \
     --request POST ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
   "description":"Super nice release",
   "name":"New release",
   "milestones": [
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "total": 99,
            "closed": 76
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "total": 24,
            "closed": 21

Group milestones

  • Tier: Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Group milestones associated with the project may be specified in the milestones array for Create a release and Update a release API calls. Only milestones associated with the project’s group may be specified, and adding milestones for ancestor groups raises an error.

Collect release evidence

  • Tier: Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Creates an evidence for an existing release.

Copy to clipboard
POST /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/evidence
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_namestringyesThe Git tag the release is associated with.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard

Update a release


Updates a release. Developer level access to the project is required to update a release.

Copy to clipboard
PUT /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_namestringyesThe Git tag the release is associated with.
namestringnoThe release name.
descriptionstringnoThe description of the release. You can use Markdown.
milestonesarray of stringnoThe title of each milestone to associate with the release. GitLab Premium customers can specify group milestones. To remove all milestones from the release, specify [].
released_atdatetimenoThe date when the release is/was ready. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --request PUT --data '{"name": "new name", "milestones": ["v1.2"]}' \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
   "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
   "name":"new name",
      "title":"Initial commit",

      "message":"Initial commit",
   "milestones": [
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "opened": 11,
            "closed": 78


Delete a Release

Deletes a release. Deleting a release doesn’t delete the associated tag. Maintainer level access to the project is required to delete a release.

Copy to clipboard
DELETE /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_namestringyesThe Git tag the release is associated with.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
   "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
   "name":"new name",
      "title":"Initial commit",

      "message":"Initial commit",


Upcoming Releases

A release with a released_at attribute set to a future date is labeled as an Upcoming Release in the UI.

Additionally, if a release is requested from the API, for each release with a release_at attribute set to a future date, an additional attribute upcoming_release (set to true) is returned as part of the response.

Historical releases


A release with a released_at attribute set to a past date is labeled as an Historical release in the UI.

Additionally, if a release is requested from the API, for each release with a release_at attribute set to a past date, an additional attribute historical_release (set to true) is returned as part of the response.