Package Settings contribute
This page includes an exhaustive list of settings related to and maintained by the package stage.
Instance Settings
Package registry
Setting | Table | Description |
nuget_skip_metadata_url_validation | application_settings | Indicates whether to skip metadata URL validation for the NuGet package. |
npm_package_requests_forwarding | application_settings | Enables or disables npm package forwarding for the instance. |
pypi_package_requests_forwarding | application_settings | Enables or disables PyPI package forwarding for the instance. |
packages_cleanup_package_file_worker_capacity | application_settings | Number of concurrent workers allowed for package file cleanup. |
package_registry_allow_anyone_to_pull_option | application_settings | Enables or disables the Allow anyone to pull from package registry toggle. |
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_requests_per_period | application_settings | Request limit for unauthenticated package API requests in the period defined by throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds . |
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds | application_settings | Period in seconds to measure unauthenticated package API requests. |
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_requests_per_period | application_settings | Request limit for authenticated package API requests in the period defined by throttle_authenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds . |
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_period_in_seconds | application_settings | Period in seconds to measure authenticated package API requests. |
throttle_unauthenticated_packages_api_enabled | application_settings | |
throttle_authenticated_packages_api_enabled | application_settings | Enables or disables request limits/throttling for the package API. |
conan_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a Conan package file. |
maven_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a Maven package file. |
npm_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for an npm package file. |
nuget_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a NuGet package file. |
pypi_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a PyPI package file. |
generic_packages_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a generic package file. |
golang_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a GoProxy package file. |
debian_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a Debian package file. |
rubygems_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a RubyGems package file. |
terraform_module_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a Terraform package file. |
helm_max_file_size | plan_limits | Maximum file size for a Helm package file. |
helm_max_packages_count | application_settings | Maximum number of Helm packages that can be listed per channel. Must be at least 1. Default is 1000. |
Container registry
Setting | Table | Description |
container_registry_token_expire_delay | application_settings | The time in minutes before the container registry auth token (JWT) expires. |
container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries | application_settings | Allow or prevent projects older than 12.8 to use container cleanup policies. |
container_registry_vendor | application_settings | The vendor of the container registry. gitlab for the GitLab container registry, other values for external registries. |
container_registry_version | application_settings | The current version of the container registry. |
container_registry_features | application_settings | Features supported by the connected container registry. For example, tag deletion. |
container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeout | application_settings | The maximum time (in seconds) that the cleanup process can take to delete a batch of tags. |
container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity | application_settings | Number of concurrent container image cleanup policy workers allowed. |
container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_size | application_settings | The maximum number of tags that can be deleted in a cleanup policy single execution. Additional tags must be deleted in another execution. |
container_registry_expiration_policies_caching | application_settings | Enable or disable tag creation timestamp caching during execution of cleanup policies. |
container_registry_import_max_tags_count | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns 0 until it gets removed. |
container_registry_import_max_retries | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns 0 until it gets removed. |
container_registry_import_start_max_retries | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns 0 until it gets removed. |
container_registry_import_max_step_duration | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns 0 until it gets removed. |
container_registry_import_target_plan | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns an empty string (’’) until it gets removed. |
container_registry_import_created_before | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns an empty string (’’) until it gets removed. |
container_registry_pre_import_timeout | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns an empty string (’’) until it gets removed. |
container_registry_import_timeout | application_settings | Deprecated in 17.0. The migration for is now complete so we are starting to cleanup this field. This field returns an empty string (’’) until it gets removed. |
dependency_proxy_ttl_group_policy_worker_capacity | application_settings | Number of concurrent dependency proxy cleanup policy workers allowed. |
Namespace/Group Settings
Setting | Table | Description |
maven_duplicates_allowed | namespace_package_settings | Allow or prevent duplicate Maven packages. |
maven_duplicate_exception_regex | namespace_package_settings | Regex defining Maven packages that are allowed to be duplicate when duplicates are not allowed. This matches the name and version of the package. |
generic_duplicates_allowed | namespace_package_settings | Allow or prevent duplicate generic packages. |
generic_duplicate_exception_regex | namespace_package_settings | Regex defining generic packages that are allowed to be duplicate when duplicates are not allowed. |
nuget_duplicates_allowed | namespace_package_settings | Allow or prevent duplicate NuGet packages. |
nuget_duplicate_exception_regex | namespace_package_settings | Regex defining NuGet packages that are allowed to be duplicate when duplicates are not allowed. |
nuget_symbol_server_enabled | namespace_package_settings | Enable or disable the NuGet symbol server. |
terraform_module_duplicates_allowed | namespace_package_settings | Allow or prevent duplicate Terraform module packages. |
terraform_module_duplicate_exception_regex | namespace_package_settings | Regex defining Terraform module packages that are allowed to be duplicate when duplicates are not allowed. |
Dependency Proxy Cleanup Policies - ttl | dependency_proxy_image_ttl_group_policies | Number of days to retain an unused Dependency Proxy file before it is removed. |
Dependency Proxy - enabled | dependency_proxy_image_ttl_group_policies | Enable or disable the Dependency Proxy cleanup policy. |
Project Settings
Setting | Table | Description |
Container Cleanup Policies - next_run_at | container_expiration_policies | When the project qualifies for the next container cleanup policy cron worker. |
Container Cleanup Policies - name_regex | container_expiration_policies | Regex defining image names to remove with the container cleanup policy. |
Container Cleanup Policies - cadence | container_expiration_policies | How often the container cleanup policy should run. |
Container Cleanup Policies - older_than | container_expiration_policies | Age of images to remove with the container cleanup policy. |
Container Cleanup Policies - keep_n | container_expiration_policies | Number of images to retain in a container cleanup policy. |
Container Cleanup Policies - enabled | container_expiration_policies | Enable or disable a container cleanup policy. |
Container Cleanup Policies - name_regex_keep | container_expiration_policies | Regex defining image names to always keep regardless of other rules with the container cleanup policy. |
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