Git LFS development guidelines contribute

To handle large binary files, Git Large File Storage (LFS) involves several components working together. These guidelines explain the architecture and code flow for working on the GitLab LFS codebase.

For user documentation, see Git Large File Storage.

The following is a high-level diagram that explains Git push when Git LFS is in use:

Git pushes with Git LFSExplains how the LFS hook routes new files depending on type
Git push
LFS hook
Binary files
LFS server

This diagram is a high-level explanation of a Git pull when Git LFS is in use:

Git pull using Git LFSExplains how the LFS hook pulls LFS assets from the LFS server, and everything else from the Git repository
git pull
Pull data and
LFS transfers
LFS pointers
Pull data and
binary files
LFS hook
LFS server

Controllers and Services


The methods for authentication defined here are inherited by all the other LFS controllers.



After authentication the batch action is the first action called by the Git LFS client during downloads and uploads (such as pull, push, and clone).



Provides payload to Workhorse including a path for Workhorse to save the file to. Could be remote object storage.


Handles requests from Workhorse that contain information on a file that workhorse already uploaded (see this middleware) so that gitlab can either:

  • Create an LfsObject.
  • Connect an existing LfsObject to a project with an LfsObjectsProject.

LfsObject and LfsObjectsProject

  • Only one LfsObject is created for a file with a given oid (a SHA256 checksum of the file) and file size.
  • LfsObjectsProject associate LfsObjects with Projects. They determine if a file can be accessed through a project.
  • These objects are also used for calculating the amount of LFS storage a given project is using. For more information, see ProjectStatistics#update_lfs_objects_size.


Handles the lock API for LFS. Delegates mostly to corresponding services:

  • Lfs::LockFileService
  • Lfs::UnlockFileService
  • Lfs::LocksFinderService

These services create and delete LfsFileLock.


  • This endpoint responds with a payload that allows a client to check if there are any files being pushed that have locks that belong to another user.
  • A client-side lfs.locksverify configuration can be set so that the client aborts the push if locks exist that belong to another user.
  • The existence of locks belonging to other users is also validated on the server side.

Example authentication

GitLab Railsgitlab-shellGit clientGitLab Railsgitlab-shellGit clientalt[Over HTTPS][Over SSH]user-supplied credentials1git-lfs-authenticate2POST /api/v4/internal/lfs_authenticate3token with expiry4
  1. Clients can be configured to store credentials in a few different ways. See the Git LFS documentation on authentication.
  2. Running gitlab-lfs-authenticate on gitlab-shell. See the Git LFS documentation concerning gitlab-lfs-authenticate.
  3. gitlab-shellmakes a request to the GitLab API.
  4. Responding to shell with token which is used in subsequent requests. See Git LFS documentation concerning authentication.

Example clone

WorkhorseGitLab RailsGit clientWorkhorseGitLab RailsGit clientTypical Git clone things happen firstAuthentication for LFS comes nextloop[each object in payload]POST project/namespace/info/lfs/objects/batch1payload with objects2GET project/namespace/gitlab-lfs/objects/:oid/ (<- This URL is from the payload)3SendfileUpload4Binary data5
  1. Git LFS requests to download files with authorization header from authorization.
  2. gitlab responds with the list of objects and where to find them. See LfsApiController#batch.
  3. Git LFS makes a request for each file for the href in the previous response. See how downloads are handled with the basic transfer mode.
  4. gitlab redirects to the remote URL if remote object storage is enabled. See SendFileUpload.

Example push

WorkhorseGitLab RailsGit clientWorkhorseGitLab RailsGit clientTypical Git push things happen first.Authentication for LFS comes next.loop[each object in payload]POST project/namespace/info/lfs/objects/batch1payload with objects2PUT project/namespace/gitlab-lfs/objects/:oid/:size (URL is from payload)3PUT project/namespace/gitlab-lfs/objects/:oid/:size/authorize4response with where path to upload5Upload6PUT project/namespace/gitlab-lfs/objects/:oid/:size/finalize7
  1. Git LFS requests to upload files.
  2. gitlab responds with the list of objects and uploads to find them. See LfsApiController#batch.
  3. Git LFS makes a request for each file for the href in the previous response. See how uploads are handled with the basic transfer mode.
  4. gitlab responds with a payload including a path for Workhorse to save the file to. Could be remote object storage. See LfsStorageController#upload_authorize.
  5. Workhorse does the work of saving the file.
  6. Workhorse makes a request to gitlab with information on the uploaded file so that gitlab can create an LfsObject. See LfsStorageController#upload_finalize.

Deep Dive

In April 2019, Francisco Javier López hosted a Deep Dive (GitLab team members only: on the GitLab Git LFS implementation to share domain-specific knowledge with anyone who may work in this part of the codebase in the future. You can find the recording on YouTube, and the slides on Google Slides and in PDF. This deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 11.10, and while specific details may have changed, it should still serve as a good introduction.

Including LFS blobs in project archives

The following diagram illustrates how GitLab resolves LFS files for project archives:

SmudgeGitGitalyRailsWorkhorseClientSmudgeGitGitalyRailsWorkhorseClientGET /group/project/-/archive/master.zip1GET /group/project/-/archive/master.zip2Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data git-archive3SendArchiveRequest4git archive master5OID 123456GET /internal/api/v4/lfs?oid=12345&gl_repository=project-12347GET /internal/api/v4/lfs?oid=12345&gl_repository=project-12348Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data send-url9<LFS data>10<LFS data>11<streamed data>12<streamed data>13master.zip14
  1. The user requests the project archive from the UI.
  2. Workhorse forwards this request to Rails.
  3. If the user is authorized to download the archive, Rails replies with an HTTP header of Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data with a base64-encoded JSON payload prefaced with git-archive. This payload includes the SendArchiveRequest binary message, which is encoded again in base64.
  4. Workhorse decodes the Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data payload. If the archive already exists in the archive cache, Workhorse sends that file. Otherwise, Workhorse sends the SendArchiveRequest to the appropriate Gitaly server.
  5. The Gitaly server calls git archive <ref> to begin generating the Git archive on-the-fly. If the include_lfs_blobs flag is enabled, Gitaly enables a custom LFS smudge filter with the -c filter.lfs.smudge=/path/to/gitaly-lfs-smudge Git option.
  6. When git identifies a possible LFS pointer using the .gitattributes file, git calls gitaly-lfs-smudge and provides the LFS pointer through the standard input. Gitaly provides GL_PROJECT_PATH and GL_INTERNAL_CONFIG as environment variables to enable lookup of the LFS object.
  7. If a valid LFS pointer is decoded, gitaly-lfs-smudge makes an internal API call to Workhorse to download the LFS object from GitLab.
  8. Workhorse forwards this request to Rails. If the LFS object exists and is associated with the project, Rails sends ArchivePath either with a path where the LFS object resides (for local disk) or a pre-signed URL (when object storage is enabled) with the Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data HTTP header with a payload prefaced with send-url.
  9. Workhorse retrieves the file and send it to the gitaly-lfs-smudge process, which writes the contents to the standard output.
  10. git reads this output and sends it back to the Gitaly process.
  11. Gitaly sends the data back to Rails.
  12. The archive data is sent back to the client.

In step 7, the gitaly-lfs-smudge filter must talk to Workhorse, not to Rails, or an invalid LFS blob is saved. To support this, GitLab changed the default Linux package configuration to have Gitaly talk to the Workhorse instead of Rails.

One side effect of this change: the correlation ID of the original request is not preserved for the internal API requests made by Gitaly (or gitaly-lfs-smudge), such as the one made in step 8. The correlation IDs for those API requests are random values until this Workhorse issue is resolved.