Tooling contribute


We use ESLint to encapsulate and enforce frontend code standards. Our configuration may be found in the gitlab-eslint-config project.

Yarn Script

This section describes yarn scripts that are available to validate and apply automatic fixes to files using ESLint.

To check all staged files (based on git diff) with ESLint, run the following script:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:eslint:staged

A list of problems found are logged to the console.

To apply automatic ESLint fixes to all staged files (based on git diff), run the following script:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:eslint:staged:fix

If manual changes are required, a list of changes are sent to the console.

To check a specific file in the repository with ESLINT, run the following script (replacing $PATH_TO_FILE):

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:eslint $PATH_TO_FILE

To check all files in the repository with ESLint, run the following script:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:eslint:all

A list of problems found are logged to the console.

To apply automatic ESLint fixes to all files in the repository, run the following script:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:eslint:all:fix

If manual changes are required, a list of changes are sent to the console.

Limit use to global rule updates. Otherwise, the changes can lead to huge Merge Requests.

Disabling ESLint in new files

Do not disable ESLint when creating new files. Existing files may have existing rules disabled due to legacy compatibility reasons but they are in the process of being refactored.

Do not disable specific ESLint rules. To avoid introducing technical debt, you may disable the following rules only if you are invoking/instantiating existing code modules.

Disable these rules on a per-line basis. This makes it easier to refactor in the future. For example, use eslint-disable-next-line or eslint-disable-line.

Disabling ESLint for a single violation

If you do need to disable a rule for a single violation, disable it for the smallest amount of code necessary:

JavaScript Copy to clipboard
// bad
/* eslint-disable no-new */

import Foo from 'foo';

new Foo();

// better
import Foo from 'foo';

// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Foo();

Generating todo files

When enabling a new ESLint rule that uncovers many offenses across the codebase, it might be easier to generate a todo file to temporarily ignore those offenses. This approach has some pros and cons:


  • A single source of truth for all the files that violate a specific rule. This can make it easier to track the work necessary to pay the incurred technical debt.
  • A smaller changeset when initially enabling the rule as you don’t need to modify every offending file.


  • Disabling the rule for entire files means that more offenses of the same type can be introduced in those files.
  • When fixing offenses over multiple concurrent merge requests, conflicts can often arise in the todo files, requiring MR authors to rebase their branches.

To generate a todo file, run the scripts/frontend/generate_eslint_todo_list.mjs script:

Shell Copy to clipboard
node scripts/frontend/generate_eslint_todo_list.mjs <rule_name>

For example, generating a todo file for the vue/no-unused-properties rule:

Shell Copy to clipboard
node scripts/frontend/generate_eslint_todo_list.mjs vue/no-unused-properties

This creates an ESLint configuration in .eslint_todo/vue-no-unused-properties.mjs which gets automatically added to the global configuration.

Once a todo file has been created for a given rule, make sure to plan for the work necessary to address those violations. Todo files should be as short lived as possible. If some offenses cannot be addressed, switch to inline ignores by disabling ESLint for a single violation.

When all offending files have been fixed, the todo file should be removed along with the export statement in .eslint_todo/index.mjs.

The no-undef rule and declaring globals

Never disable the no-undef rule. Declare globals with /* global Foo */ instead.

When declaring multiple globals, always use one /* global [name] */ line per variable.

JavaScript Copy to clipboard
// bad
/* globals Flash, Cookies, jQuery */

// good
/* global Flash */
/* global Cookies */
/* global jQuery */

Deprecating functions with import/no-deprecated

Our @gitlab/eslint-plugin Node module contains the eslint-plugin-import package.

We can use the import/no-deprecated rule to deprecate functions using a JSDoc block with a @deprecated tag:

JavaScript Copy to clipboard
 * Convert search query into an object
 * @param {String} query from ""
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Boolean} options.gatherArrays - gather array values into an Array
 * @returns {Object}
 *For example: "?one=1&two=2" into {one: 1, two: 2}
 * @deprecated Please use `queryToObject` instead. See for more information
export function queryToObject(query, options = {}) {

It is strongly encouraged that you:

  • Put in an alternative path for developers looking to use this function.
  • Provide a link to the issue that tracks the migration process.

Uses are detected if you import the deprecated function into another file. They are not detected when the function is used in the same file.

Running $ yarn eslint after this will give us the list of deprecated usages:

Shell Copy to clipboard
$ yarn eslint

   9:10  error  Deprecated: Please use `queryToObject` instead. See for more information  import/no-deprecated
  33:23  error  Deprecated: Please use `queryToObject` instead. See for more information  import/no-deprecated

Grep for disabled cases of this rule to generate a working list to create issues from, so you can track the effort of removing deprecated uses:

Shell Copy to clipboard
$ grep "eslint-disable.*import/no-deprecated" -r .

./app/assets/javascripts/issuable_form.js:import { queryToObject, objectToQuery } from './lib/utils/url_utility'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-deprecate
./app/assets/javascripts/issuable_form.js:  // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-deprecated

vue/multi-word-component-names is disabled in my file

Single name components are discouraged by the Vue style guide.

They are problematic because they can be confused with other HTML components: We could name a component <table> and it would stop rendering an HTML <table>.

To solve this, you should rename the .vue file and its references to use at least two words, for example:

  • user/table.vue could be renamed to user/users_table.vue and be imported as UsersTable and used with <users-table />.

GraphQL schema and operations validation

We use @graphql-eslint/eslint-plugin to lint GraphQL schema and operations. This plugin requires the entire schema to function properly. It is thus recommended to generate an up-to-date dump of the schema when running ESLint locally. You can do this by running the ./scripts/dump_graphql_schema script.

Formatting with Prettier

Our code is automatically formatted with Prettier to follow our style guides. Prettier is taking care of formatting .js, .vue, .graphql, and .scss files based on the standard prettier rules. You can find all settings for Prettier in .prettierrc.


The recommended method to include Prettier in your workflow is to set up your preferred editor (all major editors are supported) accordingly. We suggest setting up Prettier to run when each file is saved. For instructions about using Prettier in your preferred editor, see the Prettier documentation.

Take care that you only let Prettier format the same file types as the global Yarn script does (.js, .vue, .graphql, and .scss). For example, you can exclude file formats in your Visual Studio Code settings file:

JSON Copy to clipboard
  "prettier.disableLanguages": [

Yarn Script

The following yarn scripts are available to do global formatting:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:prettier:staged:fix

Updates all staged files (based on git diff) with Prettier and saves the needed changes.

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:prettier:staged

Checks all staged files (based on git diff) with Prettier and log which files would need manual updating to the console.

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:prettier

Checks all files with Prettier and logs which files need manual updating to the console.

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn run lint:prettier:fix

Formats all files in the repository with Prettier.

VS Code Settings

Select Prettier as default formatter

To select Prettier as a formatter, add the following properties to your User or Workspace Settings:

JavaScript Copy to clipboard
  "[html]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[vue]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[graphql]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"

Format on Save

To automatically format your files with Prettier, add the following properties to your User or Workspace Settings:

JavaScript Copy to clipboard
  "[html]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
  "[vue]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
  "[graphql]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true