Tutorial: Build iOS apps with GitLab Mobile DevOps

In this tutorial, you’ll create a pipeline by using GitLab CI/CD that builds your iOS mobile app, signs it with your credentials, and distributes it to app stores.

To set up mobile DevOps:

  1. Set up your build environment
  2. Configure code signing with fastlane
  3. Set up app distribution with Apple Store integration and fastlane

Before you begin

Before you start this tutorial, make sure you have:

  • A GitLab account with access to CI/CD pipelines
  • Your mobile app code in a GitLab repository
  • An Apple Developer account
  • fastlane installed locally

Set up your build environment

Use GitLab-hosted runners, or set up self-managed runners for complete control over the build environment.

  1. Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in your repository root.

  2. Add a supported macOS images to run a job on a macOS GitLab hosted runners (beta):

    Copy to clipboard
      image: macos-14-xcode-15
      stage: test
        - fastlane test
        - saas-macos-medium-m1

Configure code signing with fastlane

To set up code signing for iOS, upload signed certificates to GitLab by using fastlane:

  1. Initialize fastlane:

    Copy to clipboard
    fastlane init
  2. Generate a Matchfile with the configuration:

    Copy to clipboard
    fastlane match init
  3. Generate certificates and profiles in the Apple Developer portal and upload those files to GitLab:

    Copy to clipboard
    PRIVATE_TOKEN=YOUR-TOKEN bundle exec fastlane match development
  4. Optional. If you have already created signing certificates and provisioning profiles for your project, use fastlane match import to load your existing files into GitLab:

    Copy to clipboard
    PRIVATE_TOKEN=YOUR-TOKEN bundle exec fastlane match import

You are prompted to input the path to your files. After you provide those details, your files are uploaded and visible in your project’s CI/CD settings. If prompted for the git_url during the import, it is safe to leave it blank and press enter.

The following are sample fastlane/Fastfile and .gitlab-ci.yml files with this configuration:

  • fastlane/Fastfile:

    Copy to clipboard
    platform :ios do
      desc "Build and sign the application for development"
      lane :build do
        match(type: 'development', readonly: is_ci)
          project: "ios demo.xcodeproj",
          scheme: "ios demo",
          configuration: "Debug",
          export_method: "development"
  • .gitlab-ci.yml:

    Copy to clipboard
      image: macos-12-xcode-14
      stage: build
        - fastlane build
        - saas-macos-medium-m1

Set up app distribution with Apple Store integration and fastlane

Signed builds can be uploaded to the Apple App Store by using the Mobile DevOps Distribution integrations.


  • You must have an Apple ID enrolled in the Apple Developer Program.
  • You must generate a new private key for your project in the Apple App Store Connect portal.

To create an iOS distribution with the Apple Store integration and fastlane:

  1. Generate an API Key for App Store Connect API. In the Apple App Store Connect portal, generate a new private key for your project.
  2. Enable the Apple App Store Connect integration:
    1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
    2. Select Settings > Integrations.
    3. Select Apple App Store Connect.
    4. Under Enable integration, select the Active checkbox.
    5. Provide the Apple App Store Connect configuration information:
      • Issuer ID: The Apple App Store Connect issuer ID.
      • Key ID: The key ID of the generated private key.
      • Private key: The generated private key. You can download this key only once.
      • Protected branches and tags only: Enable to set variables on protected branches and tags only.
    6. Select Save changes.
  3. Add the release step to your pipeline and fastlane configuration.

The following is a sample fastlane/Fastfile:

Copy to clipboard

platform :ios do
  desc "Build and sign the application for distribution, upload to TestFlight"
  lane :beta do

    match(type: 'appstore', readonly: is_ci)


      build_number: latest_testflight_build_number(initial_build_number: 1) + 1,
      xcodeproj: "ios demo.xcodeproj"

      project: "ios demo.xcodeproj",
      scheme: "ios demo",
      configuration: "Release",
      export_method: "app-store"


The following is a sample .gitlab-ci.yml:

Copy to clipboard
  image: macos-12-xcode-14
  stage: beta
    - fastlane beta

Congratulations! Your app is now set up for automated building, signing, and distribution. Try creating a merge request to trigger your first pipeline.

See the sample reference projects below for complete build, sign, and release pipeline examples for various platforms. A list of all available projects can be found in the Mobile DevOps Demo Projects group.

For additional reference materials, see the DevOps section of the GitLab blog.