Available CI/CD variables

CI/CD variableDescription
SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIXSpecify the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer.
FUZZAPI_VERSIONSpecify API Fuzzing container version. Defaults to 5.
FUZZAPI_IMAGE_SUFFIXSpecify a container image suffix. Defaults to none.
FUZZAPI_API_PORTSpecify the communication port number used by API Fuzzing engine. Defaults to 5500. Introduced in GitLab 15.5.
FUZZAPI_TARGET_URLBase URL of API testing target.
FUZZAPI_TARGET_CHECK_SKIPDisable waiting for target to become available. Introduced in GitLab 17.1.
FUZZAPI_TARGET_CHECK_STATUS_CODEProvide the expected status code for target availability check. If not provided, any non-500 status code is acceptable. Introduced in GitLab 17.1.
FUZZAPI_PROFILEConfiguration profile to use during testing. Defaults to Quick-10.
FUZZAPI_EXCLUDE_PATHSExclude API URL paths from testing.
FUZZAPI_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_ENVJSON string containing excluded parameters.
FUZZAPI_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_FILEPath to a JSON file containing excluded parameters.
FUZZAPI_OPENAPIOpenAPI Specification file or URL.
FUZZAPI_OPENAPI_RELAXED_VALIDATIONRelax document validation. Default is disabled.
FUZZAPI_OPENAPI_ALL_MEDIA_TYPESUse all supported media types instead of one when generating requests. Causes test duration to be longer. Default is disabled.
FUZZAPI_OPENAPI_MEDIA_TYPESColon (:) separated media types accepted for testing. Default is disabled.
FUZZAPI_GRAPHQLPath to GraphQL endpoint, for example /api/graphql. Introduced in GitLab 15.4.
FUZZAPI_GRAPHQL_SCHEMAA URL or filename for a GraphQL schema in JSON format. Introduced in GitLab 15.4.
FUZZAPI_POSTMAN_COLLECTION_VARIABLESPath to a JSON file to extract Postman variable values. The support for comma-separated (,) files was introduced in GitLab 15.1.
FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_FILEPath to a JSON file containing overrides.
FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_ENVJSON string containing headers to override.
FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_CMD_VERBOSEWhen set to any value. It shows overrides command output as part of the job output.
FUZZAPI_PER_REQUEST_SCRIPTFull path and filename for a per-request script. See demo project for examples. Introduced in GitLab 17.2.
FUZZAPI_PRE_SCRIPTRun user command or script before scan session starts. sudo must be used for privileged operations like installing packages.
FUZZAPI_POST_SCRIPTRun user command or script after scan session has finished. sudo must be used for privileged operations like installing packages.
FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_INTERVALHow often to run overrides command in seconds. Defaults to 0 (once).
FUZZAPI_HTTP_USERNAMEUsername for HTTP authentication.
FUZZAPI_HTTP_PASSWORDPassword for HTTP authentication.
FUZZAPI_HTTP_PASSWORD_BASE64Password for HTTP authentication, Base64-encoded. Introduced in GitLab 15.4.
FUZZAPI_SUCCESS_STATUS_CODESSpecify a comma-separated (,) list of HTTP success status codes that determine whether an API Fuzzing testing scanning job has passed. Introduced in GitLab 17.1. Example: '200, 201, 204'