Tutorial: Create a custom workspace image that supports arbitrary user IDs

This tutorial guides you through creating a custom workspace image that supports arbitrary user IDs. Once complete, you can use this custom image with any workspace you create in GitLab.

To create a custom workspace image that supports arbitrary user IDs:

  1. Create a base Dockerfile.
  2. Add support for arbitrary user IDs.
  3. Build the custom workspace image.
  4. Push the custom workspace image to the GitLab container registry.
  5. Use the custom workspace image in GitLab.

Before you begin

You need the following:

  • A GitLab account with permission to create and push container images to the GitLab container registry.
  • Docker installed on your local machine.

Create a base Dockerfile

Let’s start by creating a base Dockerfile for our container image. Use the Python 3.11-slim-bullseye image from Docker Hub as our starting point:

FROM python:3.11-slim-bullseye

Great! You’ve created the foundation for your custom workspace image. Next, add the code that enables arbitrary user ID support.

Add support for arbitrary user IDs

Next, you will add support for arbitrary user IDs to the base image. This ensures your workspace runs in GitLab.

To add a new gitlab-workspaces user with an ID of 5001, and assign them the necessary directory permissions, add the following code to your Dockerfile:

RUN useradd -l -u 5001 -G sudo -md /home/gitlab-workspaces -s /bin/bash -p gitlab-workspaces gitlab-workspaces

ENV HOME=/home/gitlab-workspaces


RUN mkdir -p /home/gitlab-workspaces && chgrp -R 0 /home && chmod -R g=u /etc/passwd /etc/group /home

USER 5001

Build the custom workspace image

With your Dockerfile complete, you’re ready to build your custom workspace image:

  1. Run the following command in the directory where you created the Dockerfile:

    docker build -t my-gitlab-workspace .

    This might take a few minutes depending on your internet connection and system speed.

  2. After the build process completes, test the image locally:

    docker run -ti my-gitlab-workspace sh

You should now have permission to run commands as the gitlab-workspaces user. Perfect! Your image is working locally. Next, you will make it available in GitLab.

Push the custom workspace image to the GitLab container registry

Push your custom workspace image to the GitLab container registry for use in your projects:

  1. Sign in to your GitLab account:

    docker login registry.gitlab.com
  2. Tag the image with the GitLab container registry URL:

    docker tag my-gitlab-workspace registry.gitlab.com/your-namespace/my-gitlab-workspace:latest

    Remember to replace your-namespace with your actual GitLab namespace.

  3. Push the image to the GitLab container registry:

    docker push registry.gitlab.com/your-namespace/my-gitlab-workspace:latest

    This upload might take a while depending on your internet connection speed.

Well done! Your custom workspace image is now safely stored in the GitLab container registry and ready to use.

Use the custom workspace image in GitLab

For the final step, you will configure your project to use your custom workspace image:

  1. Update the container image in your project’s .devfile.yaml:

    schemaVersion: 2.2.0
      - name: tooling-container
          gl/inject-editor: true
          image: registry.gitlab.com/your-namespace/my-gitlab-workspace:latest

    Remember to replace your-namespace with your actual GitLab namespace.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created and configured a custom workspace image that supports arbitrary user IDs. You can now use this custom image with any workspace you create in GitLab.