- Sections
- Add a role as a Code Owner
- Add a group as a Code Owner
- Path matching
- Entry owners
- Related topics
file uses a syntax to define ownership rules.
Each line in the file represents a rule, and specifies a file path pattern and one or more owners.
The key elements are:
- File paths: Specific files, directories, or wildcards.
Code Owners: Use
for users, groups, or roles. -
Comments: Lines starting with
are ignored. -
Sections: Optional groupings of rules, defined using
[Section name]
Here are some examples:
# Specify a default Code Owner for all files with a wildcard:
* @default-owner
# Specify multiple Code Owners to a specific file:
README.md @doc-team @tech-lead
# Specify a Code Owner to all files with a specific extension:
*.rb @ruby-owner
# Specify Code Owners with usernames or email addresses:
LICENSE @legal janedoe@gitlab.com
# Use group names to match groups and nested groups:
README @group @group/with-nested/subgroup
# Specify a Code Owner to a directory and all its contents:
/docs/ @all-docs
/docs/* @root-docs
/docs/**/*.md @root-docs
# Use a section to group related rules:
ee/docs @docs
docs @docs
# Assign a role as a Code Owner:
/config/ @@maintainer
file, sections are named areas that are analyzed separately,
and always enforced. Until you define a section, GitLab treats your entire CODEOWNERS
as a single section.
Adding more sections changes how GitLab evaluates the file:
- GitLab treats entries without sections, including rules defined before the first section header, as if they were another, unnamed section.
- Each section enforces its rules separately.
- Only one Code Owner pattern per section is matched to a file path.
- Rules defined later in the file take precedence over earlier rules.
For example, in a CODEOWNERS
file with sections that define the Code Owners of a README
* @admin
[README Owners]
README.md @user1 @user2
internal/README.md @user4
[README other owners]
README.md @user3
- The Code Owners for the
in the root directory are:-
, from the unnamed section. -
, from[README Owners]
. -
, from[README other owners]
- The Code Owners for
, from the unnamed section. -
, from the last entry in[README Owners]
. -
from[README other owners]
. (Both lines in[README Owners]
match this file’s name, but only the last line in the section is kept.)
To add a section to the CODEOWNERS
file, enter a section name in square brackets,
followed by the files or directories, and users, groups, or subgroups:
[README Owners]
README.md @user1 @user2
internal/README.md @user2
Each Code Owner in the merge request widget is listed under a label. The following image shows Default, Frontend, and Technical Writing sections:
For more section configuration options, see:
- Default Code Owners and optional sections
- Regular entries and sections
- Sections with duplicate names
Section headings and names
Section headings must have a name. Section names are case-insensitive, and sections with duplicate names are combined. For protected branches only, they can:
- Require approval (default).
- Be optional (prefixed with
). - Require a specific number of approvals. For more information, see Group inheritance and eligibility and Approvals shown as optional.
- Include default owners.
# Required section
[Section name]
# Optional section
^[Section name]
# Section requiring 5 approvals
[Section name][5]
# Section with @username as default owner
[Section name] @username
# Section with @group and @subgroup as default owners and requiring 2 approvals
[Section name][2] @group @subgroup
Set default Code Owner for a section
Introduced in GitLab 15.11 with a flag named
. Disabled by default. -
Generally available in GitLab 15.11. Feature flag
If multiple file paths inside a section share the same ownership, define default Code Owners for the section. All paths in that section inherit this default, unless you override the section default on a specific line.
Default owners are applied when specific owners are not specified for file paths. Specific owners defined beside the file path override default owners.
For example:
[Documentation] @docs-team
[Database] @database-team @agarcia
config/db/database-setup.md @docs-team
In this example:
owns all items in theDocumentation
section. -
own all items in theDatabase
section exceptconfig/db/database-setup.md
, which has an override assigning it to@docs-team
Compare this behavior to when you use regular entries and sections together, when entries in sections don’t override entries without sections.
Optional sections
You can designate optional sections in your Code Owners file. Optional sections enable you to designate responsible parties for various parts of your codebase, but not require approval from them. This approach provides a more relaxed policy for parts of your project that are frequently updated, but don’t require stringent reviews.
To treat the entire section as optional, prepend the section name with the caret ^
In this example, the [Go]
section is optional:
*.md @root
*.rb @root
*.go @root
The optional Code Owners section displays in merge requests under the description:
If a section is duplicated in the file, and one of them is marked as optional and the other isn’t, the section is required.
Optional sections in the CODEOWNERS
file are treated as optional only
when changes are submitted by using merge requests. If a change is submitted directly
to the protected branch, approval from Code Owners is still required, even if the
section is marked as optional.
Add a role as a Code Owner
Introduced in GitLab 17.7 with a flag named
. - Enabled on GitLab.com in GitLab 17.8.
You can add or set a role for direct project members as Code Owners:
- Use the
prefix to set a role. - Only Developer, Maintainer, and Owner roles are available.
- Roles are not inclusive of higher roles. For example, specifying
does not include users with Maintainer or Owner roles. - Only direct project members with the specified roles are eligible Code Owners.
- It is possible to specify plural roles. For example,
is accepted.
The following example sets all direct project members with the Developer or Maintainer
role as Code Owners for file.md
- Open the
file. -
Add a line using the following pattern:
file.md @@developer @@maintainer
- Save the file.
- Commit and merge the changes.
Add a group as a Code Owner
You can set direct members of a group or subgroup as a Code Owner. For more information about group membership, see Membership types.
To set direct members of a group or subgroup as a Code Owner:
- Open the
file. -
Enter text that follows one of these patterns:
# All direct group members as Code Owners for a file file.md @group-x # All direct subgroup members as Code Owners for a file file.md @group-x/subgroup-y # All direct group and direct subgroup members as Code Owners for a file file.md @group-x @group-x/subgroup-y
- Save the file.
- Commit and merge the changes.
Example configuration
* @gitlab-org/maintainers/group-name
In this example:
- The group
is listed under the[Maintainers]
section. -
contains the following direct members: -
In the merge request approval widget, the same direct members are listed as
If you encounter issues, refer to User not shown as possible approver.
Path matching
Paths can be absolute, relative, directory, wildcard, or globstar, and are matched against the repository root.
Absolute paths
Paths starting with /
match from the repository root:
# # Matches only README.md in the root.
# Matches only README.md inside the /docs directory.
Relative paths
Paths without a leading /
are treated as globstar paths:
# Matches /README.md, /internal/README.md, /app/lib/README.md
README.md @username
# Matches /internal/README.md, /docs/internal/README.md, /docs/api/internal/README.md
without a leading /
matches any README.md
file in any directory or subdirectory of the repository.Directory paths
Paths ending with /
match any file in the directory:
# This is the same as `/docs/**/*`
Wildcard paths
Use wildcards to match multiple characters:
# Any markdown files in the docs directory
/docs/*.md @username
# /docs/index file of any filetype
# For example: /docs/index.md, /docs/index.html, /docs/index.xml
/docs/index.* @username
# Any file in the docs directory with 'spec' in the name.
# For example: /docs/qa_specs.rb, /docs/spec_helpers.rb, /docs/runtime.spec
/docs/*spec* @username
# README.md files one level deep within the docs directory
# For example: /docs/api/README.md
/docs/*/README.md @username
Globstar paths
Use **
to match zero or more directories recursively:
# Matches /docs/index.md, /docs/api/index.md, and /docs/api/graphql/index.md.
Exclusion patterns
Prefix files or paths with !
to exempt or exclude them from requiring code owner approval.
Exclusions apply in their section. In the following example:
- The
exclusion applies to the default section. - The
exclusion only affects Ruby files in the Ruby section.
# All files require approval from @username
* @username
# Except pom.xml which needs no approval
# All ruby files require approval from @ruby-team
*.rb @ruby-team
# Except Ruby files in the config directory
The following guidelines explain how exclusion patterns behave:
Exclusions are evaluated in order in their section. For example:
* @default-owner !*.rb # Excludes all Ruby files. /special/*.rb @ruby-owner # This won't take effect as *.rb is already excluded.
After a pattern is excluded, it cannot be included again in the same section:
[Ruby] *.rb @ruby-team # All Ruby files need Ruby team approval. !/config/**/*.rb # Ruby files in config don't need Ruby team approval. /config/routes.rb @ops # This won't take effect as config Ruby files are excluded.
Files matching an exclusion pattern do not require code owner approval for that section. If you need different exclusions for different owners, use multiple sections:
[Ruby] *.rb @ruby-team !/config/**/*.rb # Config Ruby files don't need Ruby team approval. [Config] /config/**/* @ops-team # Config files still require ops-team approval.
Use exclusions for files that are automatically updated:
* @default-owner # Files updated by automation don't need approval. !package-lock.json !yarn.lock !**/generated/**/* # Any files in generated directories. !.gitlab-ci.yml
Entry owners
Entries must have one or more owners These can be groups, subgroups, and users.
/path/to/entry.rb @group
/path/to/entry.rb @group/subgroup
/path/to/entry.rb @user
/path/to/entry.rb @group @group/subgroup @user
For more information on adding groups as Code Owners, see Add a group as a Code Owner.