.gitignore API

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

In GitLab, the /gitignores endpoint returns a list of Git .gitignore templates. For more information, see the Git documentation for .gitignore.

Users with the Guest role can’t access the .gitignore templates. For more information, see Project and group visibility.

Get all .gitignore templates

Get a list of all .gitignore templates:

Copy to clipboard
GET /templates/gitignores

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/templates/gitignores"

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
    "key": "Actionscript",
    "name": "Actionscript"
    "key": "Ada",
    "name": "Ada"
    "key": "Agda",
    "name": "Agda"
    "key": "Android",
    "name": "Android"
    "key": "AppEngine",
    "name": "AppEngine"
    "key": "AppceleratorTitanium",
    "name": "AppceleratorTitanium"
    "key": "ArchLinuxPackages",
    "name": "ArchLinuxPackages"
    "key": "Autotools",
    "name": "Autotools"
    "key": "C",
    "name": "C"
    "key": "C++",
    "name": "C++"
    "key": "CFWheels",
    "name": "CFWheels"
    "key": "CMake",
    "name": "CMake"
    "key": "CUDA",
    "name": "CUDA"
    "key": "CakePHP",
    "name": "CakePHP"
    "key": "ChefCookbook",
    "name": "ChefCookbook"
    "key": "Clojure",
    "name": "Clojure"
    "key": "CodeIgniter",
    "name": "CodeIgniter"
    "key": "CommonLisp",
    "name": "CommonLisp"
    "key": "Composer",
    "name": "Composer"
    "key": "Concrete5",
    "name": "Concrete5"

Get a single .gitignore template

Get a single .gitignore template:

Copy to clipboard
GET /templates/gitignores/:key
keystringyesThe key of the .gitignore template

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/templates/gitignores/Ruby"

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
  "name": "Ruby",
  "content": "*.gem\n*.rbc\n/.config\n/coverage/\n/InstalledFiles\n/pkg/\n/spec/reports/\n/spec/examples.txt\n/test/tmp/\n/test/version_tmp/\n/tmp/\n\n# Used by dotenv library to load environment variables.\n# .env\n\n## Specific to RubyMotion:\n.dat*\n.repl_history\nbuild/\n*.bridgesupport\nbuild-iPhoneOS/\nbuild-iPhoneSimulator/\n\n## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods):\n#\n# We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However\n# you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at:\n# https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control\n#\n# vendor/Pods/\n\n## Documentation cache and generated files:\n/.yardoc/\n/_yardoc/\n/doc/\n/rdoc/\n\n## Environment normalization:\n/.bundle/\n/vendor/bundle\n/lib/bundler/man/\n\n# for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is\n# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:\n# Gemfile.lock\n# .ruby-version\n# .ruby-gemset\n\n# unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this:\n.rvmrc\n"