External Status Checks API

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Get project external status check services

You can request information about a project’s external status check services using the following endpoint:

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GET /projects/:id/external_status_checks


idintegeryesID of a project
JSON Copy to clipboard
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Compliance Tool",
    "project_id": 6,
    "external_url": "https://gitlab.com/example/compliance-tool",
    "hmac": true,
    "protected_branches": [
        "id": 14,
        "project_id": 6,
        "name": "main",
        "created_at": "2020-10-12T14:04:50.787Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-10-12T14:04:50.787Z",
        "code_owner_approval_required": false

Create external status check service

You can create a new external status check service for a project using the following endpoint:

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POST /projects/:id/external_status_checks

External status checks send information about all applicable merge requests to the defined external service. This includes confidential merge requests.

idintegeryesID of a project
namestringyesDisplay name of external status check service
external_urlstringyesURL of external status check service
shared_secretstringnoHMAC secret for external status check
protected_branch_idsarray<Integer>noIDs of protected branches to scope the rule by

Update external status check service

You can update an existing external status check for a project using the following endpoint:

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PUT /projects/:id/external_status_checks/:check_id
idintegeryesID of a project
check_idintegeryesID of an external status check service
namestringnoDisplay name of external status check service
external_urlstringnoURL of external status check service
shared_secretstringnoHMAC secret for external status check
protected_branch_idsarray<Integer>noIDs of protected branches to scope the rule by

Delete external status check service

You can delete an external status check service for a project using the following endpoint:

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DELETE /projects/:id/external_status_checks/:check_id
check_idintegeryesID of an external status check service
idintegeryesID of a project

List status checks for a merge request

For a single merge request, list the external status check services that apply to it and their status.

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GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/status_checks


idintegeryesID of a project
merge_request_iidintegeryesIID of a merge request
JSON Copy to clipboard
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Service 1",
        "external_url": "https://gitlab.com/test-endpoint",
        "status": "passed"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Service 2",
        "external_url": "https://gitlab.com/test-endpoint-2",
        "status": "pending"

Set status of an external status check


For a single merge request, use the API to inform GitLab that a merge request has passed a check by an external service. To set the status of an external check, the personal access token used must belong to a user with at least the Developer role on the target project of the merge request.

Execute this API call as any user with rights to approve the merge request itself.

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POST /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/status_check_responses


idintegeryesID of a project
merge_request_iidintegeryesIID of a merge request
shastringyesSHA at HEAD of the source branch
external_status_check_idintegeryesID of an external status check
statusstringnoSet to pending to mark the check as pending, passed to pass the check, or failed to fail it

sha must be the SHA at the HEAD of the merge request’s source branch.

Retry failed status check for a merge request


For a single merge request, retry the specified failed external status check. Even though the merge request hasn’t changed, this endpoint resends the current state of merge request to the defined external service.

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POST /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/status_checks/:external_status_check_id/retry


idintegeryesID of a project
merge_request_iidintegeryesIID of a merge request
external_status_check_idintegeryesID of a failed external status check


In case of success status code is 202.

JSON Copy to clipboard
    "message": "202 Accepted"

In case status check is already passed status code is 422

JSON Copy to clipboard
    "message": "External status check must be failed"

Example payload sent to external service

JSON Copy to clipboard
  "object_kind": "merge_request",
  "event_type": "merge_request",
  "user": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Administrator",
    "username": "root",
    "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
    "email": "[REDACTED]"
  "project": {
    "id": 6,
    "name": "Flight",
    "description": "Ipsa minima est consequuntur quisquam.",
    "web_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight",
    "avatar_url": null,
    "git_ssh_url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
    "git_http_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
    "namespace": "Flightjs",
    "visibility_level": 20,
    "path_with_namespace": "flightjs/Flight",
    "default_branch": "main",
    "ci_config_path": null,
    "homepage": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight",
    "url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
    "ssh_url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
    "http_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git"
  "object_attributes": {
    "assignee_id": null,
    "author_id": 1,
    "created_at": "2022-12-07 07:53:43 UTC",
    "description": "",
    "head_pipeline_id": 558,
    "id": 144,
    "iid": 4,
    "last_edited_at": null,
    "last_edited_by_id": null,
    "merge_commit_sha": null,
    "merge_error": null,
    "merge_params": {
      "force_remove_source_branch": "1"
    "merge_status": "can_be_merged",
    "merge_user_id": null,
    "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds": false,
    "milestone_id": null,
    "source_branch": "root-main-patch-30152",
    "source_project_id": 6,
    "state_id": 1,
    "target_branch": "main",
    "target_project_id": 6,
    "time_estimate": 0,
    "title": "Update README.md",
    "updated_at": "2022-12-07 07:53:43 UTC",
    "updated_by_id": null,
    "url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight/-/merge_requests/4",
    "source": {
      "id": 6,
      "name": "Flight",
      "description": "Ipsa minima est consequuntur quisquam.",
      "web_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight",
      "avatar_url": null,
      "git_ssh_url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "git_http_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "namespace": "Flightjs",
      "visibility_level": 20,
      "path_with_namespace": "flightjs/Flight",
      "default_branch": "main",
      "ci_config_path": null,
      "homepage": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight",
      "url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "ssh_url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "http_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git"
    "target": {
      "id": 6,
      "name": "Flight",
      "description": "Ipsa minima est consequuntur quisquam.",
      "web_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight",
      "avatar_url": null,
      "git_ssh_url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "git_http_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "namespace": "Flightjs",
      "visibility_level": 20,
      "path_with_namespace": "flightjs/Flight",
      "default_branch": "main",
      "ci_config_path": null,
      "homepage": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight",
      "url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "ssh_url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
      "http_url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git"
    "last_commit": {
      "id": "141be9714669a4c1ccaa013c6a7f3e462ff2a40f",
      "message": "Update README.md",
      "title": "Update README.md",
      "timestamp": "2022-12-07T07:52:11+00:00",
      "url": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight/-/commit/141be9714669a4c1ccaa013c6a7f3e462ff2a40f",
      "author": {
        "name": "Administrator",
        "email": "admin@example.com"
    "work_in_progress": false,
    "total_time_spent": 0,
    "time_change": 0,
    "human_total_time_spent": null,
    "human_time_change": null,
    "human_time_estimate": null,
    "assignee_ids": [
    "reviewer_ids": [
    "labels": [
    "state": "opened",
    "blocking_discussions_resolved": true,
    "first_contribution": false,
    "detailed_merge_status": "mergeable"
  "labels": [
  "changes": {
  "repository": {
    "name": "Flight",
    "url": "ssh://example.com/flightjs/Flight.git",
    "description": "Ipsa minima est consequuntur quisquam.",
    "homepage": "http://example.com/flightjs/Flight"
  "external_approval_rule": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "QA",
    "external_url": "https://example.com/"