Pipelines API

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Pipelines pagination

By default, GET requests return 20 results at a time because the API results are paginated.

Read more on pagination.

List project pipelines


List pipelines in a project.

By default, child pipelines are not included in the results. To return child pipelines, set source to parent_pipeline.

GET /projects/:id/pipelines
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
namestringNoReturn pipelines with the specified name.
order_bystringNoOrder pipelines by id, status, ref, updated_at or user_id (default: id)
refstringNoThe ref of pipelines
scopestringNoThe scope of pipelines, one of: running, pending, finished, branches, tags
shastringNoThe SHA of pipelines
sortstringNoSort pipelines in asc or desc order (default: desc)
sourcestringNoThe pipeline source.
statusstringNoThe status of pipelines, one of: created, waiting_for_resource, preparing, pending, running, success, failed, canceled, skipped, manual, scheduled
updated_afterdatetimeNoReturn pipelines updated after the specified date. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).
updated_beforedatetimeNoReturn pipelines updated before the specified date. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).
usernamestringNoThe username of the user who triggered pipelines
yaml_errorsbooleanNoReturns pipelines with invalid configurations
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines"

Example of response

    "id": 47,
    "iid": 12,
    "project_id": 1,
    "status": "pending",
    "source": "push",
    "ref": "new-pipeline",
    "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
    "name": "Build pipeline",
    "web_url": "https://example.com/foo/bar/pipelines/47",
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z"
    "id": 48,
    "iid": 13,
    "project_id": 1,
    "status": "pending",
    "source": "web",
    "ref": "new-pipeline",
    "sha": "eb94b618fb5865b26e80fdd8ae531b7a63ad851a",
    "name": "Build pipeline",
    "web_url": "https://example.com/foo/bar/pipelines/48",
    "created_at": "2016-08-12T10:06:04.561Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-12T10:09:56.223Z"

Get a single pipeline


Get one pipeline from a project.

You can also get a single child pipeline.

GET /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46"

Example of response

  "id": 287,
  "iid": 144,
  "project_id": 21,
  "name": "Build pipeline",
  "sha": "50f0acb76a40e34a4ff304f7347dcc6587da8a14",
  "ref": "main",
  "status": "success",
  "source": "push",
  "created_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:07.200Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:50.185Z",
  "web_url": "",
  "before_sha": "8a24fb3c5877a6d0b611ca41fc86edc174593e2b",
  "tag": false,
  "yaml_errors": null,
  "user": {
    "id": 1,
    "username": "root",
    "name": "Administrator",
    "state": "active",
    "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
    "web_url": ""
  "started_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:14.197Z",
  "finished_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:50.175Z",
  "committed_at": null,
  "duration": 34,
  "queued_duration": 6,
  "coverage": null,
  "detailed_status": {
    "icon": "status_success",
    "text": "passed",
    "label": "passed",
    "group": "success",
    "tooltip": "passed",
    "has_details": false,
    "details_path": "/test-group/test-project/-/pipelines/287",
    "illustration": null,
    "favicon": "/assets/ci_favicons/favicon_status_success-8451333011eee8ce9f2ab25dc487fe24a8758c694827a582f17f42b0a90446a2.png"

Get the latest pipeline


Get the latest pipeline for the most recent commit on a specific ref in a project. If no pipeline exists for the commit, a 403 status code is returned.

GET /projects/:id/pipelines/latest
refstringNoThe branch or tag to check for the latest pipeline. Defaults to the default branch when not specified.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/latest"

Example of response

    "id": 287,
    "iid": 144,
    "project_id": 21,
    "name": "Build pipeline",
    "sha": "50f0acb76a40e34a4ff304f7347dcc6587da8a14",
    "ref": "main",
    "status": "success",
    "source": "push",
    "created_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:07.200Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:50.185Z",
    "web_url": "",
    "before_sha": "8a24fb3c5877a6d0b611ca41fc86edc174593e2b",
    "tag": false,
    "yaml_errors": null,
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "username": "root",
        "name": "Administrator",
        "state": "active",
        "avatar_url": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
        "web_url": ""
    "started_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:14.197Z",
    "finished_at": "2022-09-21T01:05:50.175Z",
    "committed_at": null,
    "duration": 34,
    "queued_duration": 6,
    "coverage": null,
    "detailed_status": {
        "icon": "status_success",
        "text": "passed",
        "label": "passed",
        "group": "success",
        "tooltip": "passed",
        "has_details": false,
        "details_path": "/test-group/test-project/-/pipelines/287",
        "illustration": null,
        "favicon": "/assets/ci_favicons/favicon_status_success-8451333011eee8ce9f2ab25dc487fe24a8758c694827a582f17f42b0a90446a2.png"

Get variables of a pipeline

Get the variables of a pipeline. Does not include variables that come from a pipeline schedule. For more information, see issue 250850.

GET /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/variables
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46/variables"

Example of response

    "key": "RUN_NIGHTLY_BUILD",
    "variable_type": "env_var",
    "value": "true"
    "key": "foo",
    "value": "bar"

Get a pipeline’s test report

This API route is part of the Unit test report feature.

GET /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/test_report
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline

Sample request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46/test_report"

Sample response:

  "total_time": 5,
  "total_count": 1,
  "success_count": 1,
  "failed_count": 0,
  "skipped_count": 0,
  "error_count": 0,
  "test_suites": [
      "name": "Secure",
      "total_time": 5,
      "total_count": 1,
      "success_count": 1,
      "failed_count": 0,
      "skipped_count": 0,
      "error_count": 0,
      "test_cases": [
          "status": "success",
          "name": "Security Reports can create an auto-remediation MR",
          "classname": "vulnerability_management_spec",
          "execution_time": 5,
          "system_output": null,
          "stack_trace": null

Get a pipeline’s test report summary

This API route is part of the Unit test report feature.

GET /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/test_report_summary
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline

Sample request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46/test_report_summary"

Sample response:

    "total": {
        "time": 1904,
        "count": 3363,
        "success": 3351,
        "failed": 0,
        "skipped": 12,
        "error": 0,
        "suite_error": null
    "test_suites": [
            "name": "test",
            "total_time": 1904,
            "total_count": 3363,
            "success_count": 3351,
            "failed_count": 0,
            "skipped_count": 12,
            "error_count": 0,
            "build_ids": [
            "suite_error": null

Create a new pipeline

POST /projects/:id/pipeline
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
refstringYesThe branch or tag to run the pipeline on. For merge request pipelines use the merge requests endpoint.
variablesarrayNoAn array of hashes containing the variables available in the pipeline, matching the structure [{ 'key': 'UPLOAD_TO_S3', 'variable_type': 'file', 'value': 'true' }, {'key': 'TEST', 'value': 'test variable'}]. If variable_type is excluded, it defaults to env_var.
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipeline?ref=main"

Example of response

  "id": 61,
  "iid": 21,
  "project_id": 1,
  "sha": "384c444e840a515b23f21915ee5766b87068a70d",
  "ref": "main",
  "status": "pending",
  "before_sha": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "tag": false,
  "yaml_errors": null,
  "user": {
    "name": "Administrator",
    "username": "root",
    "id": 1,
    "state": "active",
    "avatar_url": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
    "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root"
  "created_at": "2016-11-04T09:36:13.747Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-11-04T09:36:13.977Z",
  "started_at": null,
  "finished_at": null,
  "committed_at": null,
  "duration": null,
  "queued_duration": 0.010,
  "coverage": null,
  "web_url": "https://example.com/foo/bar/pipelines/61"

Retry jobs in a pipeline


Retry failed or canceled jobs in a pipeline. If there are no failed or canceled jobs in the pipeline, calling this endpoint has no effect.

POST /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/retry
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46/retry"


  "id": 46,
  "iid": 11,
  "project_id": 1,
  "status": "pending",
  "ref": "main",
  "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
  "before_sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
  "tag": false,
  "yaml_errors": null,
  "user": {
    "name": "Administrator",
    "username": "root",
    "id": 1,
    "state": "active",
    "avatar_url": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
    "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z",
  "started_at": null,
  "finished_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.145Z",
  "committed_at": null,
  "duration": null,
  "queued_duration": 0.010,
  "coverage": null,
  "web_url": "https://example.com/foo/bar/pipelines/46"

Cancel a pipeline’s jobs

POST /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/cancel

This endpoint returns a success response 200 regardless of the pipeline’s state. For more information, see issue 414963.

idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46/cancel"


  "id": 46,
  "iid": 11,
  "project_id": 1,
  "status": "canceled",
  "ref": "main",
  "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
  "before_sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
  "tag": false,
  "yaml_errors": null,
  "user": {
    "name": "Administrator",
    "username": "root",
    "id": 1,
    "state": "active",
    "avatar_url": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
    "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z",
  "started_at": null,
  "finished_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.145Z",
  "committed_at": null,
  "duration": null,
  "queued_duration": 0.010,
  "coverage": null,
  "web_url": "https://example.com/foo/bar/pipelines/46"

Delete a pipeline

Deleting a pipeline expires all pipeline caches, and deletes all immediately related objects, such as builds, logs, artifacts, and triggers. This action cannot be undone.

Deleting a pipeline does not automatically delete its child pipelines. See the related issue for details.

DELETE /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --request "DELETE" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46"

Update pipeline metadata

You can update the metadata of a pipeline. The metadata contains the name of the pipeline.

PUT /projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/metadata
idinteger/stringYesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
namestringYesThe new name of the pipeline
pipeline_idintegerYesThe ID of a pipeline

Sample request:

curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --data "name=Some new pipeline name" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/46/metadata"

Sample response:

  "id": 46,
  "iid": 11,
  "project_id": 1,
  "status": "running",
  "ref": "main",
  "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
  "before_sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
  "tag": false,
  "yaml_errors": null,
  "user": {
    "name": "Administrator",
    "username": "root",
    "id": 1,
    "state": "active",
    "avatar_url": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80&d=identicon",
    "web_url": "http://localhost:3000/root"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z",
  "started_at": null,
  "finished_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.145Z",
  "committed_at": null,
  "duration": null,
  "queued_duration": 0.010,
  "coverage": null,
  "web_url": "https://example.com/foo/bar/pipelines/46",
  "name": "Some new pipeline name"