Google Cloud integration API

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:
  • Status: Experiment

Use this API to interact with the Google Cloud integration. For more information, see GitLab and Google Cloud integration.

Project-level Google Cloud integration scripts

  • Status: Experiment

Workload identity federation creation script


Users with at least the Maintainer role for the project can use the following endpoint to query a shell script that creates and configures the workload identity federation in Google Cloud:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/google_cloud/setup/

Supported attributes:

idintegerYesThe ID a project.
google_cloud_project_idstringYesGoogle Cloud Project ID for the workload identity federation.
google_cloud_workload_identity_pool_idstringNoID of the Google Cloud workload identity pool to create. Defaults to gitlab-wlif.
google_cloud_workload_identity_pool_display_namestringNoDisplay name of the Google Cloud workload identity pool to create. Defaults to WLIF for GitLab integration.
google_cloud_workload_identity_pool_provider_idstringNoID of the Google Cloud workload identity pool provider to create. Defaults to gitlab-wlif-oidc-provider.
google_cloud_workload_identity_pool_provider_display_namestringNoDisplay name of the Google Cloud workload identity pool provider to created. Defaults to GitLab OIDC provider.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request GET \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
     --url "<your_project_id>/google_cloud/setup/"

Script to set up a Google Cloud integration


Users with at least the Maintainer role for the project can use the following endpoint to query a shell script to set up a Google Cloud integration:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/google_cloud/setup/

Only the Google Artifact Management integration is supported. The script creates IAM policies to access Google Artifact Registry:

Supported attributes:

idintegerYesThe ID of a GitLab project.
enable_google_cloud_artifact_registrybooleanYesFlag to indicate if Google Artifact Management integration should be enabled.
google_cloud_artifact_registry_project_idstringYesGoogle Cloud Project ID for the Artifact Registry.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request GET \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
     --url "<your_project_id>/google_cloud/setup/"

Script to configure a Google Cloud project for runner provisioning


Users with at least the Maintainer role for the project can use the following endpoint to query a shell script to configure a Google Cloud project for runner provisioning and execution:

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/google_cloud/setup/

The script performs preparatory configuration steps in the specified Google Cloud project, namely enabling required services and creating a GRITProvisioner role and a grit-provisioner service account.

Supported attributes:

idintegerYesThe ID of a GitLab project.
google_cloud_project_idstringYesThe ID of the Google Cloud project.

Example request:

Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request GET \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
     --url "<your_project_id>/google_cloud/setup/<your_google_cloud_project_id>"