Draft Notes API

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Draft notes are pending, unpublished comments on merge requests. They can either:

  • Start a discussion.
  • Continue an existing discussion as a reply.

Before publishing, draft notes are visible only to the author.

List all merge request draft notes

Gets a list of all draft notes for a single merge request.

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request
JSON Copy to clipboard
    "id": 5,
    "author_id": 23,
    "merge_request_id": 11,
    "resolve_discussion": false,
    "discussion_id": null,
    "note": "Example title",
    "commit_id": null,
    "line_code": null,
    "position": {
      "base_sha": null,
      "start_sha": null,
      "head_sha": null,
      "old_path": null,
      "new_path": null,
      "position_type": "text",
      "old_line": null,
      "new_line": null,
      "line_range": null
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes"

Get a single draft note

Returns a single draft note for a given merge request.

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes/:draft_note_id
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
draft_note_idintegeryesThe ID of a draft note.
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request.
JSON Copy to clipboard
    "id": 5,
    "author_id": 23,
    "merge_request_id": 11,
    "resolve_discussion": false,
    "discussion_id": null,
    "note": "Example title",
    "commit_id": null,
    "line_code": null,
    "position": {
      "base_sha": null,
      "start_sha": null,
      "head_sha": null,
      "old_path": null,
      "new_path": null,
      "position_type": "text",
      "old_line": null,
      "new_line": null,
      "line_range": null
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes/5"

Create a draft note

Create a draft note for a given merge request.

Copy to clipboard
POST /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request.
notestringyesThe content of a note.
commit_idstringnoThe SHA of a commit to associate the draft note to.
in_reply_to_discussion_idstringnoThe ID of a discussion the draft note replies to.
resolve_discussionbooleannoThe associated discussion should be resolved.
position[base_sha]stringyesBase commit SHA in the source branch.
position[head_sha]stringyesSHA referencing HEAD of this merge request.
position[start_sha]stringyesSHA referencing commit in target branch.
position[new_path]stringyes (if the position type is text)File path after change.
position[old_path]stringyes (if the position type is text)File path before change.
position[position_type]stringyesType of the position reference. Allowed values: text, image, or file. file introduced in GitLab 16.4.
positionhashnoPosition when creating a diff note.
position[new_line]integernoFor text diff notes, the line number after change.
position[old_line]integernoFor text diff notes, the line number before change.
position[line_range]hashnoLine range for a multi-line diff note.
position[width]integernoFor image diff notes, width of the image.
position[height]integernoFor image diff notes, height of the image.
position[x]floatnoFor image diff notes, X coordinate.
position[y]floatnoFor image diff notes, Y coordinate.
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes?note=note"

Modify existing draft note

Modify a draft note for a given merge request.

Copy to clipboard
PUT /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes/:draft_note_id
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
draft_note_idintegeryesThe ID of a draft note.
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request.
notestringnoThe content of a note.
position[base_sha]stringyesBase commit SHA in the source branch.
position[head_sha]stringyesSHA referencing HEAD of this merge request.
position[start_sha]stringyesSHA referencing commit in target branch.
position[new_path]stringyes (if the position type is text)File path after change.
position[old_path]stringyes (if the position type is text)File path before change.
position[position_type]stringyesType of the position reference. Allowed values: text, image or file. file introduced in GitLab 16.4.
positionhashnoPosition when creating a diff note.
position[new_line]integernoFor text diff notes, the line number after change.
position[old_line]integernoFor text diff notes, the line number before change.
position[line_range]hashnoLine range for a multi-line diff note.
position[width]integernoFor image diff notes, width of the image.
position[height]integernoFor image diff notes, height of the image.
position[x]floatnoFor image diff notes, X coordinate.
position[y]floatnoFor image diff notes, Y coordinate.
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request PUT \
  --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes/5"

Delete a draft note

Deletes an existing draft note for a given merge request.

Copy to clipboard
DELETE /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes/:draft_note_id
draft_note_idintegeryesThe ID of a draft note.
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request.
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request DELETE \
  --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes/5"

Publish a draft note

Publishes an existing draft note for a given merge request.

Copy to clipboard
PUT /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes/:draft_note_id/publish
draft_note_idintegeryesThe ID of a draft note.
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request.
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request PUT \
  --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes/5/publish"

Publish all pending draft notes

Bulk publishes all existing draft notes for a given merge request that belong to the user.

Copy to clipboard
POST /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/draft_notes/bulk_publish
idinteger or stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
merge_request_iidintegeryesThe IID of a project merge request.
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --request POST \
  --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  --url "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/14/merge_requests/11/draft_notes/bulk_publish"