Dependencies API

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Every call to this endpoint requires authentication. To perform this call, user should be authorized to read repository. To see vulnerabilities in response, user should be authorized to read Project Security Dashboard.

List project dependencies

Get a list of project dependencies. This API partially mirroring Dependency List feature. This list can be generated only for languages and package managers supported by Gemnasium.

Copy to clipboard
GET /projects/:id/dependencies
GET /projects/:id/dependencies?package_manager=maven
GET /projects/:id/dependencies?package_manager=yarn,bundler
idinteger/stringyesThe ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
package_managerstring arraynoReturns dependencies belonging to specified package manager. Valid values: bundler, composer, conan, go, gradle, maven, npm, nuget, pip, pipenv, pnpm, yarn, sbt, or setuptools.
Shell Copy to clipboard
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

JSON Copy to clipboard
    "name": "rails",
    "version": "5.0.1",
    "package_manager": "bundler",
    "dependency_file_path": "Gemfile.lock",
    "vulnerabilities": [
        "name": "DDoS",
        "severity": "unknown",
        "id": 144827,
        "url": ""
    "licenses": [
        "name": "MIT",
        "url": ""
    "name": "hanami",
    "version": "1.3.1",
    "package_manager": "bundler",
    "dependency_file_path": "Gemfile.lock",
    "vulnerabilities": [],
    "licenses": [
        "name": "MIT",
        "url": ""

Dependencies pagination

By default, GET requests return 20 results at a time because the API results are paginated.

Read more on pagination.