Publish packages with Yarn

You can publish and install packages with Yarn 1 (Classic) and Yarn 2+.

To find the Yarn version used in the deployment container, run yarn --version in the script block of the CI/CD script job block that is responsible for calling yarn publish. The Yarn version is shown in the pipeline output.

Authenticating to the package registry

You need a token to interact with the package registry. Different tokens are available depending on what you’re trying to achieve. For more information, review the guidance on tokens.

  • If your organization uses two-factor authentication (2FA), you must use a personal access token with the scope set to api.
  • If you publish a package with CI/CD pipelines, you can use a CI/CD job token with private runners. You can also register a variable for instance runners.

Configure Yarn for publication

To configure Yarn to publish to the package registry, edit your .yarnrc.yml file. You can find this file in root directory of your project, in the same place as the package.json file.

  • Edit .yarnrc.yml and add the following configuration:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        npmPublishRegistry: 'https://<domain>/api/v4/projects/<project_id>/packages/npm/'
        npmAlwaysAuth: true
        npmAuthToken: '<token>'

    In this configuration:

    • Replace <my-org> with your organization scope. Do not include the @ symbol.
    • Replace <domain> with your domain name.
    • Replace <project_id> with your project’s ID, which you can find on the project overview page.
    • Replace <token> with a deployment token, group access token, project access token, or personal access token.

In Yarn Classic, scoped registries with publishConfig["@scope:registry"] are not supported. See Yarn pull request 7829 for more information. Instead, set publishConfig to registry in your package.json file.

Publish a package

You can publish a package from the command line, or with GitLab CI/CD.

With the command line

To publish a package manually:

  • Run the following command:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    # Yarn 1 (Classic)
    yarn publish
    # Yarn 2+
    yarn npm publish

With CI/CD

You can publish a package automatically with instance runners (default) or private runners (advanced). You can use pipeline variables when you publish with CI/CD.

  1. Create an authentication token for your project or group:

    1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project or group.
    2. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Repository > Deploy Tokens.
    3. Create a deployment token with read_package_registry and write_package_registry scopes and copy the generated token.
    4. On the left sidebar, select Settings > CI/CD > Variables.
    5. Select Add variable and use the following settings:
    Protected variableCHECKED
    Mask variableCHECKED
    Expand variableCHECKED
  2. Optional. To use protected variables:

    1. Go to the repository that contains the Yarn package source code.
    2. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Repository.
      • If you are building from branches with tags, select Protected Tags and add v* (wildcard) for semantic versioning.
      • If you are building from branches without tags, select Protected Branches.
  3. Add the NPM_AUTH_TOKEN you created to the .yarnrc.yml configuration in your package project root directory where package.json is found:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        npmPublishRegistry: '${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/npm/'
        npmAlwaysAuth: true
        npmAuthToken: '${NPM_AUTH_TOKEN}'

    In this configuration, replace <my-org> with your organization scope, excluding the @ symbol.

Install a package

You can install from an instance or project. If multiple packages have the same name and version, only the most recently published package is retrieved when you install a package.

Scoped package names

To install from an instance, a package must be named with a scope. You can set up the scope for your package in the .yarnrc.yml file and with the publishConfig option in the package.json. You don’t need to follow package naming conventions if you install from a project or group.

A package scope begins with a @ and follows the format @owner/package-name:

  • The @owner is the top-level project that hosts the packages, not the root of the project with the package source code.
  • The package name can be anything.

For example:

Project URLPackage registryOrganization scopeFull package name<my-org>/<group-name>/<package-name-example>Package Name Example@my-org@my-org/package-name<example-org>/<group-name>/<project-name>Project Name@example-org@example-org/project-name

Install from the instance

If you’re working with many packages in the same organization scope, consider installing from the instance.

  1. Configure your organization scope. In your .yarnrc.yml file, add the following:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
       npmRegistryServer: 'https://<domain_name>/api/v4/packages/npm'
    • Replace <my-org> with the root level group of the project you’re installing to the package from excluding the @ symbol.
    • Replace <domain_name> with your domain name, for example,
  2. Optional. If your package is private, you must configure access to the package registry:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        npmAlwaysAuth: true
        npmAuthToken: '<token>'
    • Replace <domain_name> with your domain name, for example,
    • Replace <token> with a deployment token (recommended), group access token, project access token, or personal access token.
  3. Install the package with Yarn.

Install from a group or project

If you have a one-off package, you can install it from a group or project.

  1. Configure the group scope. In your .yarnrc.yml file, add the following:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        npmRegistryServer: 'https://<domain_name>/api/v4/groups/<group_id>/-/packages/npm'
    • Replace <my-org> with the top-level group that contains the group you want to install from. Exclude the @ symbol.
    • Replace <domain_name> with your domain name, for example,
    • Replace <group_id> with your group ID, found on the group overview page.
  2. Optional. If your package is private, you must set the registry:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        npmAlwaysAuth: true
        npmAuthToken: "<token>"
    • Replace <domain_name> with your domain name, for example,
    • Replace <token> with a deployment token (recommended), group access token, project access token, or personal access token.
    • Replace <group_id> with your group ID, found on the group overview page.
  3. Install the package with Yarn.

Install with Yarn

  • Run yarn add either from the command line, or from a CI/CD pipeline:
Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn add @scope/my-package


Error running Yarn with the package registry for the npm registry

If you are using Yarn with the npm registry, you may get an error message like:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn install v1.15.2
warning package.json: No license field
info No lockfile found.
warning XXX: No license field
[1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/Users/XXX/gitlab-migration/module-util/yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command

In this case, the following commands create a file called .yarnrc in the current directory. Make sure to be in either your user home directory for global configuration or your project root for per-project configuration:

Shell Copy to clipboard
yarn config set '//<project_id>/packages/npm/:_authToken' '<token>'
yarn config set '//' '<token>'

yarn install fails to clone repository as a dependency

If you use yarn install from a Dockerfile, when you build the Dockerfile you might get an error like this:

Copy to clipboard
#6 8.621 fatal: unable to access '': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
#6 8.621 info Visit for documentation about this command.
#6 ...

To resolve this issue, add an exclamation mark (!) to every Yarn-related path in your .dockerignore file.

Dockerfile Copy to clipboard
