Supported package functionality

The GitLab package registry supports different functionalities for each package type. This support includes publishing and pulling packages, request forwarding, managing duplicates, and authentication.

Publishing packages

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Packages can be published to your project, group, or instance.

Pulling packages

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Packages can be pulled from your project, group, or instance.

Forwarding requests

  • Tier: Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

When a package is not found in your project’s package registry, GitLab can forward the request to the corresponding public registry. For example, Maven Central, npmjs, or PyPI.

The default forwarding behavior varies by package type and can introduce a dependency confusion vulnerability.

To reduce the associated security risks:

  • Verify the package is not being actively used.
  • Disable request forwarding:
    • Instance administrators can disable forwarding in the Continuous Integration section of the Admin area.
    • Group owners can disable forwarding in the Packages and Registries section of the group settings.
  • Implement a version control tool, like Git, to track changes to packages.
Package typeSupports request forwardingSecurity considerations
Maven (with mvn)Yes (disabled by default)Requires explicit opt-in for security.
Maven (with gradle)Yes (disabled by default)Requires explicit opt-in for security.
Maven (with sbt)Yes (disabled by default)Requires explicit opt-in for security.
npmYesConsider disabling for private packages.
PyPIYesConsider disabling for private packages.
Generic packagesNN
Ruby gemsNN

Deleting packages

When package requests are forwarded to a public registry, deleting packages can be a dependency confusion vulnerability.

If a system tries to pull a deleted package, the request is forwarded to the public registry. If a package with the same name and version is found in the public registry, that package is pulled instead. There is a risk that the package pulled from the registry might not be what is expected, and could even be malicious.

To reduce the associated security risks, before deleting a package you can:

  • Verify the package is not being actively used.
  • Disable request forwarding:
    • Instance administrators can disable forwarding in the Continuous Integration section of the Admin area.
    • Group owners can disable forwarding in the Packages and Registries section of the group settings.

Importing packages from other repositories

You can use GitLab pipelines to import packages from other repositories, such as Maven Central or Artifactory with the package importer tool.

Allow or prevent duplicates

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

By default, the GitLab package registry either allows or prevents duplicates based on the default of that specific package manager format.

Package typeDuplicates allowed?
Maven (with mvn)Y (configurable)
Maven (with gradle)Y (configurable)
Maven (with sbt)Y (configurable)
Generic packagesY (configurable)
Ruby gemsY

Authentication tokens

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

GitLab tokens are used to authenticate with the GitLab package registry.

The following tokens are supported:

Package typeSupported tokens
Maven (with mvn)Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
Maven (with gradle)Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
Maven (with sbt)Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
npmPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
NuGetPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
PyPIPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
Generic packagesPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
TerraformPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
ComposerPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access
ConanPersonal access, job tokens, project access
HelmPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group)
DebianPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group)
GoPersonal access, job tokens, project access
Ruby gemsPersonal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group)

Authentication protocols

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

The following authentication protocols are supported:

Package typeSupported auth protocols
Maven (with mvn)Headers, Basic auth
Maven (with gradle)Headers, Basic auth
Maven (with sbt)Basic auth (pulling only)
NuGetBasic auth
PyPIBasic auth
Generic packagesBasic auth
ConanOAuth, Basic auth
HelmBasic auth
DebianBasic auth
GoBasic auth
Ruby gemsToken

Supported hash types

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Hash values are used to ensure you are using the correct package. You can view these values in the user interface or with the API.

The package registry supports the following hash types:

Package typeSupported hashes
Maven (with mvn)MD5, SHA1
Maven (with gradle)MD5, SHA1
Maven (with sbt)MD5, SHA1
NuGetnot applicable
Generic packagesSHA256
Composernot applicable
ConanMD5, SHA1
Helmnot applicable
DebianMD5, SHA1, SHA256
GoMD5, SHA1, SHA256
Ruby gemsMD5, SHA1, SHA256 (gemspec only)