Analyze GitLab usage
GitLab provides different types of analytics insights for instances, groups, and projects. Analytics features require different roles and permissions for projects and groups.
Analytics features
End-to-end insight & visibility analytics
Use these features to gain insights into your overall software development lifecycle.
Feature | Description | Project-level | Group-level | Instance-level |
Value Streams Dashboard | Insights into DevSecOps trends, patterns, and opportunities for digital transformation improvements. | Yes | Yes | No |
Value Stream Management Analytics | Insights into time-to-value through customizable stages. | Yes | Yes | No |
DevOps adoption by group and by instance | Organization’s maturity in DevOps adoption, with feature adoption over time and feature distribution by group. | No | Yes | Yes |
Usage trends | Overview of instance data and changes in data volume over time. | No | No | Yes |
Insights | Customizable reports to explore issues, merged merge requests, and triage hygiene. | Yes | Yes | No |
Product analytics | Understanding how users behave and interact with your product. | No | Yes | No |
Analytics dashboards | Built-in and customizable dashboards to visualize collected data. | Yes | Yes | No |
Productivity analytics
Use these features to gain insights into the productivity of your team on issues and merge requests.
Feature | Description | Project-level | Group-level | Instance-level |
Issue analytics | Visualization of issues created each month. | Yes | Yes | No |
Merge request analytics | Overview of merge requests, with mean time to merge, throughput, and activity details. | Yes | No | No |
Productivity analytics | Merge request lifecycle, filterable down to author level. | No | Yes | No |
Code review analytics | Open merge requests with information about merge request activity. | Yes | No | No |
Developer analytics
Use these features to gain insights into developer productivity and code coverage.
Feature | Description | Project-level | Group-level | Instance-level |
Contribution analytics | Overview of contribution events made by group members, with bar chart of push events, merge requests, and issues. | No | Yes | No |
Contributor analytics | Overview of commits made by project members, with line chart of number of commits. | Yes | No | No |
Repository analytics | Programming languages used in the repository and code coverage statistics. | Yes | Yes | No |
CI/CD analytics
Use these features to gain insights into CI/CD performance.
Feature | Description | Project-level | Group-level | Instance-level |
CI/CD analytics | Pipeline duration and successes or failures. | Yes | Yes | No |
DORA metrics | DORA metrics over time. | Yes | Yes | No |
Security analytics
Use these features to gain insights into security vulnerabilities and metrics.
Feature | Description | Project-level | Group-level | Instance-level |
Security Dashboards | Collection of metrics, ratings, and charts for vulnerabilities detected by security scanners. | Yes | Yes | No |
Metric glossary
The following glossary provides definitions for common development metrics used in analytics features, and explains how they are measured in GitLab.
Metric | Definition | Measurement in GitLab |
Mean Time to Change (MTTC) | The average duration between idea and delivery. | From when an issue is created until its related merge request is deployed to production. |
Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) | The average duration that a bug goes undetected in production. | From when a bug is deployed to production until an issue is created to report it. |
Mean Time to Merge (MTTM) | The average lifespan of a merge request. | From when a merge request is created until it is merged. Excludes merge requests that are closed or unmerged. For more information, see merge request analytics. |
Mean Time to Recover / Repair / Resolution / Resolve / Restore (MTTR) | The average duration that a bug is not fixed in production. | From when a bug is deployed to production until the bug fix is deployed. |
Velocity | The total issue burden completed in a specific period of time. The burden is usually measured in points or weight, often per sprint. | Total points or weight of issues closed in a specific period of time. For example, “30 points per sprint”. |
For more definitions, see also the Value Streams Dashboard metrics and drill-down reports.
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