Tutorial: Set up CI/CD steps

This tutorial shows you how to create and use steps in your pipelines.

Steps are reusable and composable pieces of a job. Each step defines structured inputs and outputs that can be consumed by other steps. You can configure steps in local files, GitLab.com repositories, or any other Git source.

In this tutorial, use the GitLab CLI (glab) to:

  1. Create a step that outputs “hello world”.
  2. Configure a pipeline to use the step.
  3. Add multiple steps to a job.
  4. Use a remote step to echo all the outputs.

Before you begin

  • You must install and sign in to the GitLab CLI (glab).

Create a step

First, create a step with:

  • An exec type.
  • A command that’s started by the executive API of the system.
  1. Create a GitLab project named zero-to-steps in your namespace:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    glab project create zero-to-steps
  2. Go to the root of the project repository:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    cd zero-to-steps
  3. Create a step.yml file.

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    touch step.yml
  4. Use a text editor to add a specification to the step.yml:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
          type: string
          default: world
    • spec has one input called who.
    • The input who is optional because there is a default value.
  5. To add an implementation to the step.yml, add a second YAML document after spec, with the exec key:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
          type: string
          default: world
        - bash
        - -c
        - echo 'hello ${{inputs.who}}'

The triple em dash (---) separates the file into two YAML documents:

  • The first document is the specification, like a function signature.
  • The second document is the implementation, like a function body.

The bash and -c arguments start a Bash shell and take the script input from the command line arguments. In addition to shell scripts, you can use command to execute programs like docker or terraform.

The echo 'hello ${{input.name}}' argument includes an expression inside ${{ and }}. Expressions are evaluated at the last possible moment and have access to the current execution context. This expression accesses inputs and reads the value of who:

  • If who is provided by the caller, that value is substituted for the expression.
  • If who is omitted, then the default world is substituted for the expression instead.

Configure a pipeline to use the step

  1. In the root of the repository, create a .gitlab-ci.yml file:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    touch .gitlab-ci.yml
  2. In the .gitlab-ci.yml, add the following job:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        - name: hello_world
          step: .
    • The run keyword has a list of step invocations.
      • Each invocation is given a name so you can reference the outputs in later steps.
      • Each invocation specifies a step to run. A local reference (.) points to the root of the repository.

    For an example of how this code should look in your repository, see the Steps tutorial, part 1.

  3. Commit both files and push the project repository. This triggers a pipeline that runs the job:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Part 1 complete'
    git push --set-upstream origin main
    glab ci status
  4. Follow the job under “View Logs” until the pipeline completes. Here’s an example of a successful job:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    Step Runner version: a7c7c8fd
    See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/step-runner/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md for changes.
    hello world
    Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
    Job succeeded

You’ve now created and used your first step!

Add multiple steps to a job

You can have more than one step in a job.

  1. In the .gitlab-ci.yml file, add another step called hello_steps to your job:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        - name: hello_world
          step: .
        - name: hello_steps
          step: .
            who: gitlab steps

    This hello_steps step provides a non-default input who of gitlab steps.

    For an example of how this code should look in your repository, see the Steps tutorial, part 2a.

  2. Commit and push the changes:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git commit -a -m 'Added another step'
    git push
    glab ci status
  3. In the terminal, select View Logs and follow the pipeline until it completes. Here’s an example of a successful output:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    Step Runner version: a7c7c8fd
    See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/step-runner/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md for changes.
    hello world
    hello gitlab steps
    Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
    Job succeeded

Refactor your step

To refactor your steps, move them from the .gitlab-ci.yml to a dedicated file:

  1. Move the first step you created to a directory called hello:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    mkdir hello
    mv step.yml hello/
  2. Create a new step at the root of the repository.

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    touch step.yml
  3. Add the following configuration to the new step.yml:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
      - name: hello_world
        step: ./hello
      - name: hello_steps
        step: ./hello
          who: gitlab steps

    This new step has no inputs, so the spec is empty. It is a steps type, which has the same syntax as steps in .gitlab-ci.yml. However, the local reference now points to your step in the hello directory.

  4. To use the new step, modify .gitlab-ci.yml:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        - name: hello_everybody
          step: .

    Now your job invokes only the new step with no inputs. You’ve refactored the details of the job into a separate file.

    For an example of how this code should look in your repository, see the Steps tutorial, part 2b.

  5. Commit and push the changes:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Refactored step config'
    git push
    glab ci status
  6. In the terminal, select View Logs.

  7. To verify that the refactored step performs the same function as the step you first created, view the log output. The log output should match the output of the step you created previously. Here’s an example:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    $ /step-runner ci
    hello world
    hello gitlab steps
    Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
    Job succeeded

Add an output to the step

Add an output to your hello step.

  1. In hello/step.yml, add an outputs structure to the spec:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
          type: string
          default: world
          type: string
        - bash
        - -c
        - echo '{"name":"greeting","value":"hello ${{inputs.who}}"}' | tee ${{output_file}}
    • In this spec, you’ve defined a single output greeting without a default. Because there is no default, the output greeting is required.
    • Outputs are written to the ${{output_file}} file provided at run time in JSON Line format. Each line written to the output file must be a JSON object with two keys, name and value.
    • This step runs echo '{"name":"greeting","value":"hello ${{inputs.who}}"}' and sends the output to the job log and the output file (tee ${{output_file}}).
  2. In step.yml, add an output to the step:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
          type: string
      - name: hello_world
        step: ./hello
      - name: hello_steps
        step: ./hello
          who: gitlab steps
      all_greetings: "${{steps.hello_world.outputs.greeting}} and ${{steps.hello_steps.outputs.greeting}}"

    You’ve now added an output to this step called all_greetings.

    This output shows the expression syntax: ${{steps.hello_world.outputs.greeting}}. all_greetings reads the outputs of the two sub-steps, hello_world and hello_steps. Both sub-step outputs are concatenated into a single string output.

Use a remote step

Before you commit and run your code, add another step to your job to see the final all_greetings output of your main step.yml.

This step invocation references a remote step named echo-step. The echo step takes a single input echo, prints it to the logs, and outputs it as echo.

  1. Edit the .gitlab-ci.yml:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
        - name: hello_everybody
          step: .
        - name: all_my_greetings
          step: gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/runner-tools/echo-step@main
            echo: "all my greetings say ${{steps.hello_everybody.outputs.all_greetings}}"

    For an example of how this code should look in your repository, see the Steps tutorial, part 2c.

  2. Commit and push the changes:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git commit -a -m 'Added outputs'
    git push
    glab ci status
  3. Follow the job under “View Logs” until the pipeline completes. Here’s an example of a successful output:

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    Step Runner version: a7c7c8fd
    See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/step-runner/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md for changes.
    {"name":"greeting","value":"hello world"}
    {"name":"greeting","value":"hello gitlab steps"}
    all my greetings say hello world and hello gitlab steps
    Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
    Job succeeded

That’s it! You’ve just created and implemented steps in your pipeline. For more information about the syntax for steps, see CI/CD Steps.