GitLab Runner feature flags

Data corruption, stability degradation, performance degradation, and security issues may occur if you enable a feature that’s disabled by default. Before you enable feature flags, you should be aware of the risks involved. For more information, see Risks when enabling features still in development.

Feature flags are toggles that allow you to enable or disable specific features. These flags are typically used:

  • For beta features that are made available for volunteers to test, but that are not ready to be enabled for all users.

    Beta features are sometimes incomplete or need further testing. A user who wants to use a beta feature can choose to accept the risk and explicitly enable the feature with a feature flag. Other users who do not need the feature or who are not willing to accept the risk on their system have the feature disabled by default and are not impacted by possible bugs and regressions.

  • For breaking changes that result in functionality deprecation or feature removal in the near future.

    As the product evolves, features are sometimes changed or removed entirely. Known bugs are often fixed, but in some cases, users have already found a workaround for a bug that affected them; forcing users to adopt the standardized bug fix might cause other problems with their customized configurations.

    In such cases, the feature flag is used to switch from the old behavior to the new one on demand. This allows users to adopt new versions of the product while giving them time to plan for a smooth, permanent transition from the old behavior to the new behavior.

Feature flags are toggled using environment variables. To:

  • Activate a feature flag, set the corresponding environment variable to "true" or 1.
  • Deactivate a feature flag, set the corresponding environment variable to "false" or 0.

Available feature flags

Feature flagDefault valueDeprecatedTo be removed withDescription
FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILDfalsedotted-circle NoEnables creation of a Docker network per build with the docker executor
FF_USE_LEGACY_KUBERNETES_EXECUTION_STRATEGYfalsedotted-circle NoWhen set to false disables execution of remote Kubernetes commands through exec in favor of attach to solve problems like #4119
FF_USE_DIRECT_DOWNLOADtruedotted-circle NoWhen set to true Runner tries to direct-download all artifacts instead of proxying through GitLab on a first try. Enabling might result in a download failures due to problem validating TLS certificate of Object Storage if it is enabled by GitLab. See Self-signed certificates or custom Certification Authorities
FF_SKIP_NOOP_BUILD_STAGEStruedotted-circle NoWhen set to false all build stages are executed even if running them has no effect
FF_USE_FASTZIPfalsedotted-circle NoFastzip is a performant archiver for cache/artifact archiving and extraction
FF_DISABLE_UMASK_FOR_DOCKER_EXECUTORfalsedotted-circle NoIf enabled will remove the usage of umask 0000 call for jobs executed with docker executor. Instead Runner will try to discover the UID and GID of the user configured for the image used by the build container and will change the ownership of the working directory and files by running the chmod command in the predefined container (after updating sources, restoring cache and downloading artifacts). POSIX utility id must be installed and operational in the build image for this feature flag. Runner will execute id with options -u and -g to retrieve the UID and GID.
FF_ENABLE_BASH_EXIT_CODE_CHECKfalsedotted-circle NoIf enabled, bash scripts don’t rely solely on set -e, but check for a non-zero exit code after each script command is executed.
FF_USE_WINDOWS_LEGACY_PROCESS_STRATEGYfalsedotted-circle NoIn GitLab Runner 16.10 and later, the default is false. In GitLab Runner 16.9 and earlier, the default is true. When disabled, processes that Runner creates on Windows (shell and custom executor) will be created with additional setup that should improve process termination. When set to true, legacy process setup is used. To successfully and gracefully drain a Windows Runner, this feature flag should be set to false.
FF_USE_NEW_BASH_EVAL_STRATEGYfalsedotted-circle NoWhen set to true, the Bash eval call is executed in a subshell to help with proper exit code detection of the script executed.
FF_USE_POWERSHELL_PATH_RESOLVERfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, PowerShell resolves pathnames rather than Runner using OS-specific filepath functions that are specific to where Runner is hosted.
FF_USE_DYNAMIC_TRACE_FORCE_SEND_INTERVALfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the trace force send interval for logs is dynamically adjusted based on the trace update interval.
FF_SCRIPT_SECTIONSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, each script line from the .gitlab-ci.yml file is in a collapsible section in the job output, and shows the duration of each line. When the command spans multiple lines, the complete command is displayed within the job log output terminal.
FF_ENABLE_JOB_CLEANUPfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the project directory will be cleaned up at the end of the build. If GIT_CLONE is used, the whole project directory will be deleted. If GIT_FETCH is used, a series of Git clean commands will be issued.
FF_KUBERNETES_HONOR_ENTRYPOINTfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the Docker entrypoint of an image will be honored if FF_USE_LEGACY_KUBERNETES_EXECUTION_STRATEGY is not set to true
FF_POSIXLY_CORRECT_ESCAPESfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, POSIX shell escapes are used rather than bash-style ANSI-C quoting. This should be enabled if the job environment uses a POSIX-compliant shell.
FF_RESOLVE_FULL_TLS_CHAINfalsedotted-circle NoIn GitLab Runner 16.4 and later, the default is false. In GitLab Runner 16.3 and earlier, the default is true. When enabled, the runner resolves a full TLS chain all the way down to a self-signed root certificate for CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE. This was previously required to make Git HTTPS clones work for a Git client built with libcurl prior to v7.68.0 and OpenSSL. However, the process to resolve certificates might fail on some operating systems, such as macOS, that reject root certificates signed with older signature algorithms. If certificate resolution fails, you might need to disable this feature. This feature flag can only be disabled in the [runners.feature_flags] configuration.
FF_DISABLE_POWERSHELL_STDINfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, PowerShell scripts for shell and custom executors are passed by file, rather than passed and executed via stdin. This is required for jobs’ allow_failure:exit_codes keywords to work correctly.
FF_USE_POD_ACTIVE_DEADLINE_SECONDStruedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the pod activeDeadlineSeconds is set to the CI/CD job timeout. This flag affects the pod’s lifecycle.
FF_USE_ADVANCED_POD_SPEC_CONFIGURATIONfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the user can set an entire whole pod specification in the config.toml file. For more information, see Overwrite generated pod specifications (Experiment).
FF_SET_PERMISSIONS_BEFORE_CLEANUPtruedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, permissions on directories and files in the project directory are set first, to ensure that deletions during cleanup are successful.
FF_SECRET_RESOLVING_FAILS_IF_MISSINGtruedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, secret resolving fails if the value cannot be found.
FF_RETRIEVE_POD_WARNING_EVENTStruecheck-circle YesWhen enabled, all warning events associated with the pod are retrieved when the job fails. This flag was deprecated in GitLab Runner 17.2 and is planned for removal in 18.0. In GitLab Runner 17.2 and later, pod warning events are retrieved and logged unconditionally. However, no failure occurs even if RBAC permissions are missing.
FF_PRINT_POD_EVENTSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, all events associated with the build pod will be printed until it’s started.
FF_USE_GIT_BUNDLE_URIStruedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the Git transfer.bundleURI configuration option is set to true. This FF is enabled by default. Set to false to disable Git bundle support.
FF_USE_DUMB_INIT_WITH_KUBERNETES_EXECUTORfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, dumb-init is used to execute all the scripts. This allows dumb-init to run as the first process in the helper and build container.
FF_USE_INIT_WITH_DOCKER_EXECUTORfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the Docker executor starts the service and build containers with the --init option, which runs tini-init as PID 1.
FF_LOG_IMAGES_CONFIGURED_FOR_JOBfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the runner logs names of the image and service images defined for each received job.
FF_USE_DOCKER_AUTOSCALER_DIAL_STDIOtruedotted-circle NoWhen enabled (the default), docker system stdio is used to tunnel to the remote Docker daemon. When disabled, for SSH connections a native SSH tunnel is used, and for WinRM connections a ‘fleeting-proxy’ helper binary is first deployed.
FF_CLEAN_UP_FAILED_CACHE_EXTRACTfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, commands are inserted into build scripts to detect a failed cache extraction and clean up partial cache contents left behind.
FF_USE_WINDOWS_JOB_OBJECTfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, a job object is created for each process that the runner creates on Windows with the shell and custom executors. To force-kill the processes, the runner closes the job object. This should improve the termination of difficult-to-kill processes.
FF_TIMESTAMPSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled timestamps are added to the beginning of each log trace line.
FF_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_TOKEN_ROTATIONfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, it restricts automatic token rotation and logs a warning when the token is about to expire.
FF_USE_LEGACY_GCS_CACHE_ADAPTERfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the legacy GCS Cache adapter is used. When disabled (default), a newer GCS Cache adapter is used which uses Google Cloud Storage’s SDK for authentication. This should resolve authentication problems in environments that the legacy adapter struggled with, such as workload identity configurations in GKE.
FF_DISABLE_UMASK_FOR_KUBERNETES_EXECUTORfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, removes the umask 0000 call for jobs executed with the Kubernetes executor. Instead, the runner tries to discover the user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) of the user the build container runs as. The runner also changes the ownership of the working directory and files by running the chown command in the predefined container (after updating sources, restoring cache, and downloading artifacts).
FF_USE_LEGACY_S3_CACHE_ADAPTERfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the legacy S3 Cache adapter is used. When disabled (default), a newer S3 Cache adapter is used which uses Amazon’s S3 SDK for authentication. This should resolve authentication problems in environments that the legacy adapter struggled with, such as custom STS endpoints.
FF_GIT_URLS_WITHOUT_TOKENSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, GitLab Runner doesn’t embed the job token anywhere during Git configuration or command execution. Instead, it sets up a Git credential helper that uses the environment variable to obtain the job token. This approach limits token storage and reduces the potential for leaks.
FF_WAIT_FOR_POD_TO_BE_REACHABLEfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the runner waits for the Pod status to be ‘Running’, and for the Pod to be ready with its certificates attached.
FF_USE_NATIVE_STEPSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled and when a job is specified using the ‘run’ keyword, steps are executed using Native Step Runner Integration. This applies only to executors that support native steps integration like Docker, Docker Autoscaler, Docker for Windows.
FF_MASK_ALL_DEFAULT_TOKENStruedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, GitLab Runner automatically masks all default tokens patterns.
FF_EXPORT_HIGH_CARDINALITY_METRICSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, the runner exports the metrics with high cardinality. Special care should be taken when enabling this feature flag to avoid ingesting large amounts of data. For more information, see Fleet scaling.
FF_USE_FLEETING_ACQUIRE_HEARTBEATSfalsedotted-circle NoWhen enabled, fleeting instance connectivity is checked before a job is assigned to an instance.

Enable feature flag in pipeline configuration

You can use CI variables to enable feature flags:

  • For all jobs in the pipeline (globally):

  • For a single job:

      stage: test
      - echo "Hello"

Enable feature flag in runner environment variables

To enable the feature for every job a Runner runs, specify the feature flag as an environment variable in the Runner configuration:

  name = "ruby-2.7-docker"
  url = "https://CI/"
  token = "TOKEN"
  limit = 0
  executor = "docker"
  builds_dir = ""
  shell = ""
  environment = ["FEATURE_FLAG_NAME=1"]

Enable feature flag in runner configuration


You can enable feature flags by specifying them under [runners.feature_flags]. This setting prevents any job from overriding the feature flag values.

Some feature flags are also only usable when you configure this setting, because they don’t deal with how the job is executed.

  name = "ruby-2.7-docker"
  url = "https://CI/"
  token = "TOKEN"
  executor = "docker"