Protected tags

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Protected tags:

  • Allow control over who has permission to create tags.
  • Prevent accidental update or deletion once created.

Each rule allows you to match either:

  • An individual tag name.
  • Wildcards to control multiple tags at once.

This feature evolved out of protected branches.

To create or delete a protected tag, you must be in the Allowed to create or delete list for that protected tag.

Configuring protected tags


  • You must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.
  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.

  2. Select Settings > Repository.

  3. Expand Protected tags.

  4. Select Add new.

  5. To protect a single tag, select Tag, then choose your tag from the dropdown list.

  6. To protect all tags with names matching a string:

    1. Select Tag.
    2. Enter the string to use for tag matching. Wildcards (*) are supported.
    3. Select Create wildcard.
  7. In Allowed to create , select roles that may create protected tags.

    In GitLab Premium and Ultimate, you can also add groups or individual users to Allowed to create.

  8. Select Protect.

The protected tag (or wildcard) displays in the Protected tags list.

Add a group to protected tags

To set the members of a group or subgroup as Allowed to create protected tags:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.

  2. Select Settings > Repository.

  3. Expand Protected tags.

  4. Add groups to the following field:

    # Allow group members to create protected tags
    Allowed to create: @group-x

Group inheritance and eligibility

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
graph TD
    accTitle: Diagram of group inheritance for protected tags
    accDescr: If a project is shared with a group, the group members inherit permissions for protected tags.
    A[Parent group X] -->|owns| B[Project A]
    A -->|contains| C[Subgroup Y]
    B -->|shared with| C
    C -->|members inherit permissions| B

In this example:

  • Parent group X (group-x) owns Project A.
  • Parent group X also contains a subgroup, Subgroup Y. (group-x/subgroup-y)
  • Project A is shared with Subgroup Y.

The eligible groups for protected tag permissions are:

  • Project A: Both Group X and Subgroup Y, because Project A is shared with Subgroup Y.

Share projects with groups for protected tag permissions

You can share the project with a group or subgroup so that their members are eligible for protected tag permissions.

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
graph LR
    accTitle: Diagram of project sharing for protected tag permissions
    accDescr: Sharing a project with a group affects whether their members can have protected tag permissions.
    A[Parent group X] -->|owns| B[Project A]
    A -->|also contains| C[Subgroup Y]
    C -.->D{Share Project A<br/>with Subgroup Y?} -.->|yes| E[Members of Subgroup Y<br/>can have protected<br/>tag permissions]
    D{Share Project A<br/>with Subgroup Y?} -.->|no| F[Members of Subgroup Y<br />cannot have protected<br/>tag permissions]
    E -.->|Add Subgroup Y<br/> to protected tag settings| I[Subgroup Y members<br/>can create tags] -.-> B
    F -.-> |Add Subgroup Y<br/> to protected tag settings| J[Settings will not<br/>take effect] -.-> B

To grant access to Subgroup Y members for Project A, you must share the project with the subgroup. Adding the subgroup directly to the protected tag settings is not effective and isn’t applicable to subgroup members.

For a group to have protected tag permissions, the project must be directly shared with the group. Inherited project membership from parent groups is not sufficient for protected tag permissions.

Wildcard protected tags

You can specify a wildcard protected tag, which protects all tags matching the wildcard. For example:

Wildcard Protected TagMatching Tags
v*v1.0.0, version-9.1
*-deploymarch-deploy, 1.0-deploy
*gitlab*gitlab, gitlab/v1
*v1.0.1rc2, accidental-tag

Two different wildcards can potentially match the same tag. For example, *-stable and production-* would both match a production-stable tag. In that case, if any of these protected tags have a setting like Allowed to create, then production-stable also inherit this setting.

If you select a protected tag’s name, GitLab displays a list of all matching tags.

Prevent tag creation with the same name as branches

A tag and a branch with identical names can contain different commits. If your tags and branches use the same names, users running git checkout commands might check out the tag qa when they instead meant to check out the branch qa. As an added security measure, avoid creating tags with the same name as branches. Confusing the two could lead to potential security or operational issues.

To prevent this problem:

  1. Identify the branch names you do not want used as tags.

  2. As described in Configuring protected tags, create a protected tag:

    • For the Name, provide a name, such as stable. You can also create a wildcard like stable-* to match multiple names, like stable-v1 and stable-v2.
    • For Allowed to Create, select No one.
    • Select Protect.

Users can still create branches, but not tags, with the protected names.

Allow deploy keys to create protected tags


You can permit a deploy key to create protected tags.


  • The deploy key must be enabled for your project. A project deploy key is enabled by default when it is created. However, a public deploy key must be granted access to the project.
  • The deploy key must have write access to your project repository.
  • The owner of the deploy key must have at least read access to the project.
  • The owner of the deploy key must also be a member of the project.

To allow a deploy key to create a protected tag:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Settings > Repository.
  3. Expand Protected tags.
  4. From the Tag dropdown list, select the tag you want to protect.
  5. From the Allowed to create list, select the deploy key.
  6. Select Protect.

Run pipelines on protected tags

The permissions to create protected tags define if a user can:

  • Initiate and run CI/CD pipelines.
  • Execute actions on jobs associated with these tags.

These permissions ensure that only authorized users can trigger and manage CI/CD processes for protected tags.

Delete a protected tag

You can manually delete protected tags with the GitLab API, or the GitLab user interface.


  • You must be in the Allowed to create or delete list.

To do this:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Code > Tags.
  3. Next to the tag you want to delete, select Delete ( remove ).
  4. On the confirmation dialog, enter the tag name and select Yes, delete protected tag.

Protected tags can only be deleted by using GitLab either from the UI or API. These protections prevent you from accidentally deleting a tag through local Git commands or third-party Git clients.