Use CI/CD to build your application

Use CI/CD to generate your application.

Getting started
Overview of how CI/CD features fit together.
CI/CD YAML syntax reference
Pipeline configuration keywords, syntax, examples, inputs.
GitLab-hosted runners
Configuration, job execution.
Configuration, automation, stages, schedules, efficiency.
Configuration, rules, caching, artifacts, logs.
CI/CD components
Reusable, versioned CI/CD components for pipelines.
CI/CD variables
Configuration, usage, security.
Pipeline security
Secrets management, job tokens, secure files, cloud security.
Configuration validation, warnings, errors, troubleshooting.
Auto DevOps
Automated DevOps, language detection, deployment, customization.
Unit tests, integration tests, test reports, coverage, quality assurance.
Google cloud integration
Cloud services, Kubernetes deployments.
Migrate to GitLab CI/CD
Migrate from Jenkins, GitHub Actions, others.
External repository integrations
GitHub, Bitbucket, external sources, mirroring, cross-platform.