GitLab Early Access Program

Last status update 2024-10-02.

These features may not be ready for production use and follow the Experimental or Beta policy of GitLab.

Features included in the GitLab Early Access Program

NameStatusIncluded dateProvide feedback
GitLab Duo Vulnerability ResolutionBeta2024-10-02feedback issue
GitLab Duo Issue Description GenerationExperiment2024-10-02feedback issue
GitLab Duo Product AnalyticsExperiment2024-10-02feedback issue
Gitaly on K8sBeta2025-02-25feedback issue

Would you like to use a paid feature but don’t have a subscription? You are more than welcome to request a free trial.

Add a feature to the program

Create a merge request and add your feature to the table above. Assign @nick_vh and @knockfog-ext as reviewers. In addition, post a message in the #developer-relations-early-access-program Slack channel for details.