CI/CD component examples

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  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Test a component

Depending on a component’s functionality, testing the component might require additional files in the repository. For example, a component which lints, builds, and tests software in a specific programming language requires actual source code samples. You can have source code examples, configuration files, and similar in the same repository.

For example, the Code Quality CI/CD component’s has several code samples for testing.

Example: Test a Rust language CI/CD component

Depending on a component’s functionality, testing the component might require additional files in the repository.

The following “hello world” example for the Rust programming language uses the cargo tool chain for simplicity:

  1. Go to the CI/CD component root directory.

  2. Initialize a new Rust project by using the cargo init command.

    Shell Copy to clipboard
    cargo init

    The command creates all required project files, including a src/ “hello world” example. This step is sufficient to build the Rust source code in a component job with cargo build.

    Copy to clipboard
    ├── Cargo.toml
    ├── src
    │   └──
    └── templates
        └── build.yml
  3. Ensure that the component has a job to build the Rust source code, for example, in templates/build.yml:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
          default: build
          description: 'Defines the build stage'
          default: latest
          description: 'Specify the Rust version, use values from Defaults to latest'
    "build-$[[ inputs.rust_version ]]":
      stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
      image: rust:$[[ inputs.rust_version ]]
        - cargo build --verbose

    In this example:

    • The stage and rust_version inputs can be modified from their default values. The CI/CD job starts with a build- prefix and dynamically creates the name based on the rust_version input. The command cargo build --verbose compiles the Rust source code.
  4. Test the component’s build template in the project’s .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
      # include the component located in the current project from the current SHA
      - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/build@$CI_COMMIT_SHA
          stage: build
    stages: [build, test, release]
  5. For running tests and more, add additional functions and tests into the Rust code, and add a component template and job running cargo test in templates/test.yml.

    YAML Copy to clipboard
          default: test
          description: 'Defines the test stage'
          default: latest
          description: 'Specify the Rust version, use values from Defaults to latest'
    "test-$[[ inputs.rust_version ]]":
      stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
      image: rust:$[[ inputs.rust_version ]]
        - cargo test --verbose
  6. Test the additional job in the pipeline by including the test component template:

    YAML Copy to clipboard
      # include the component located in the current project from the current SHA
      - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/build@$CI_COMMIT_SHA
          stage: build
          stage: test
    stages: [build, test, release]

CI/CD component patterns

This section provides practical examples of implementing common patterns in CI/CD components.

Use boolean inputs to conditionally configure jobs

You can compose jobs with two conditionals by combining boolean type inputs and extends functionality.

For example, to configure complex caching behavior with a boolean input:

YAML Copy to clipboard
      description: 'If set to `true` configures a complex caching behavior'
      type: boolean

  extends: null

    policy: pull-push
    key: $CI_COMMIT_SHA
    paths: [...]

  extends: '.my-component:enable_special_caching:$[[ inputs.enable_special_caching ]]'
  script: ... # run some fancy tooling

This pattern works by passing the enable_special_caching input into the extends keyword of the job. Depending on whether enable_special_caching is true or false, the appropriate configuration is selected from the predefined hidden jobs (.my-component:enable_special_caching:true or .my-component:enable_special_caching:false).

Use options to conditionally configure jobs

You can compose jobs with multiple options, for behavior similar to if and elseif conditionals. Use the extends with string type and multiple options for any number of conditions.

For example, to configure complex caching behavior with 3 different options:

YAML Copy to clipboard
      description: Defines the caching mode to use for this component
      type: string
        - default
        - aggressive
        - relaxed

  extends: null

    policy: push
    key: $CI_COMMIT_SHA
    paths: ['*/**']

    policy: pull-push
    paths: ['bin/*']

  extends: '.my-component:cache_mode:$[[ inputs.cache_mode ]]'
  script: ... # run some fancy tooling

In this example, cache_mode input offers default, aggressive, and relaxed options, each corresponding to a different hidden job. By extending the component job with extends: '.my-component:cache_mode:$[[ inputs.cache_mode ]]', the job dynamically inherits the correct caching configuration based on the selected option.

CI/CD component migration examples

This section shows practical examples of migrating CI/CD templates and pipeline configuration into reusable CI/CD components.

CI/CD component migration example: Go

A complete pipeline for the software development lifecycle can be composed with multiple jobs and stages. CI/CD templates for programming languages may provide multiple jobs in a single template file. As a practice, the following Go CI/CD template should be migrated.

YAML Copy to clipboard
  image: golang:latest

  - test
  - build
  - deploy

  stage: test
    - go fmt $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
    - go vet $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
    - go test -race $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)

  stage: build
    - mkdir -p mybinaries
    - go build -o mybinaries ./...
      - mybinaries

You can also start with migrating one job, instead of all jobs. Follow the instructions below, and only migrate the build CI/CD job in the first iteration.

The CI/CD template migration involves the following steps:

  1. Analyze the CI/CD jobs and dependencies, and define migration actions:

    • The image configuration is global, needs to be moved into the job definitions.
    • The format job runs multiple go commands in one job. The go test command should be moved into a separate job to increase pipeline efficiency.
    • The compile job runs go build and should be renamed to build.
  2. Define optimization strategies for better pipeline efficiency.

    • The stage job attribute should be configurable to allow different CI/CD pipeline consumers.
    • The image key uses a hardcoded image tag latest. Add golang_version as input with latest as default value for more flexible and reusable pipelines. The input must match the Docker Hub image tag values.
    • The compile job builds the binaries into a hard-coded target directory mybinaries, which can be enhanced with a dynamic input and default value mybinaries.
  3. Create a template directory structure for the new component, based on one template for each job.

    • The name of the template should follow the go command, for example format.yml, build.yml, and test.yml.
    • Create a new project, initialize a Git repository, add/commit all changes, set a remote origin and push. Modify the URL for your CI/CD component project path.
    • Create additional files as outlined in the guidance to write a component:,, .gitlab-ci.yml, .gitignore. The following shell commands initialize the Go component structure:
    Shell Copy to clipboard
    git init
    mkdir templates
    touch templates/{format,build,test}.yml
    touch .gitlab-ci.yml .gitignore
    git add -A
    git commit -avm "Initial component structure"
    git remote add origin
    git push
  4. Create the CI/CD jobs as template. Start with the build job.

    • Define the following inputs in the spec section: stage, golang_version and binary_directory.

    • Add a dynamic job name definition, accessing inputs.golang_version.

    • Use the similar pattern for dynamic Go image versions, accessing inputs.golang_version.

    • Assign the stage to the inputs.stage value.

    • Create the binary director from inputs.binary_directory and add it as parameter to go build.

    • Define the artifacts path to inputs.binary_directory.

      YAML Copy to clipboard
            default: 'build'
            description: 'Defines the build stage'
            default: 'latest'
            description: 'Go image version tag'
            default: 'mybinaries'
            description: 'Output directory for created binary artifacts'
      "build-$[[ inputs.golang_version ]]":
        image: golang:$[[ inputs.golang_version ]]
        stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
          - mkdir -p $[[ inputs.binary_directory ]]
          - go build -o $[[ inputs.binary_directory ]] ./...
            - $[[ inputs.binary_directory ]]
    • The format job template follows the same patterns, but only requires the stage and golang_version inputs.

      YAML Copy to clipboard
            default: 'format'
            description: 'Defines the format stage'
            default: 'latest'
            description: 'Golang image version tag'
      "format-$[[ inputs.golang_version ]]":
        image: golang:$[[ inputs.golang_version ]]
        stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
          - go fmt $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
          - go vet $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
    • The test job template follows the same patterns, but only requires the stage and golang_version inputs.

      YAML Copy to clipboard
            default: 'test'
            description: 'Defines the format stage'
            default: 'latest'
            description: 'Golang image version tag'
      "test-$[[ inputs.golang_version ]]":
        image: golang:$[[ inputs.golang_version ]]
        stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
          - go test -race $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
  5. In order to test the component, modify the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file, and add tests.

    • Specify a different value for golang_version as input for the build job.

    • Modify the URL for your CI/CD component path.

      YAML Copy to clipboard
      stages: [format, build, test]
        - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/format@$CI_COMMIT_SHA
        - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/build@$CI_COMMIT_SHA
        - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/build@$CI_COMMIT_SHA
            golang_version: "1.21"
        - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/test@$CI_COMMIT_SHA
            golang_version: latest
  6. Add Go source code to test the CI/CD component. The go commands expect a Go project with go.mod and main.go in the root directory.

    • Initialize the Go modules. Modify the URL for your CI/CD component path.

      Shell Copy to clipboard
      go mod init
    • Create a main.go file with a main function, printing Hello, CI/CD component for example. You can use code comments to generate Go code using GitLab Duo Code Suggestions.

      Go Copy to clipboard
      // Specify the package, import required packages
      // Create a main function
      // Inside the main function, print "Hello, CI/CD Component"
      package main
      import "fmt"
      func main() {
        fmt.Println("Hello, CI/CD Component")
    • The directory tree should look as follows:

      Copy to clipboard
      ├── go.mod
      ├── main.go
      └── templates
          ├── build.yml
          ├── format.yml
          └── test.yml

Follow the remaining steps in the converting a CI/CD template into a component section to complete the migration:

  1. Commit and push the changes, and verify the CI/CD pipeline results.
  2. Follow the guidance on writing a component to update the and files.
  3. Release the component and verify it in the CI/CD catalog.
  4. Add the CI/CD component into your staging/production environment.

The GitLab-maintained Go component provides an example for a successful migration from a Go CI/CD template, enhanced with inputs and component best practices. You can inspect the Git history to learn more.