Troubleshoot GitLab Duo Workflow

If you encounter issues:

  1. Ensure that you have the latest version of the GitLab Workflow extension.
  2. Ensure that the project you want to use it with meets the prerequisites.
  3. Ensure that the folder you opened in VS Code has a Git repository for your GitLab project.
  4. Ensure that you’ve checked out the branch for the code you’d like to change.
  5. Check your Docker configuration:
    1. Install Docker and set the socket file path.

    2. Restart your container manager. For example, if you use Colima, colima restart.

    3. Pull the base Docker image:

      docker pull
    4. For permission issues, ensure your operating system user has the necessary Docker permissions.

    5. Verify Docker’s internet connectivity by executing the command docker image pull redhat/ubi8. If this does not work, the DNS configuration of Colima might be at fault. Edit the DNS setting in ~/.colima/default/colima.yaml to dns: [] and then restart Colima with colima restart.

  6. Check local debugging logs:
    1. For more output in the logs, open the settings:
      1. On macOS: Cmd + ,
      2. On Windows and Linux: Ctrl + ,
      3. Search for the setting GitLab: Debug and enable it.
    2. Check the language server logs:
      1. To open the logs in VS Code, select View > Output. In the output panel at the bottom, in the top-right corner, select GitLab Workflow or GitLab Language Server from the list.
      2. Review for errors, warnings, connection issues, or authentication problems.
    3. Check the executor logs:
      1. Use docker ps -a | grep duo-workflow to get the list of Workflow containers and their ids.
      2. Use docker logs <container_id> to view the logs for the specific container.
  7. Examine the Workflow Service production LangSmith trace.