Version format for the packages and Docker images contribute


Packages built by the omnibus-gitlab continuous integration pipelines have a version string in the format <build_version>-<build_iteration>. The pipelines generally produce three types of packages:

  • feature branch builds
  • nightly builds
  • tagged release builds

The build_iteration portion of versions strings conveys a specific meaning and contributes to how build_version is computed. The next sections are written with that in mind as build_iteration must be understood first even though it comes last in the version string.

Build Iteration

Version strings use build_iteration when packaging related logic changes that do not contain changes to bundled components.

Release TypeExample Pipelinesbuild_iteration String
non-taggedfeature branches, nightly builds0
taggedreleasesce.<OMNIBUS_RELEASE> or ee.<OMNIBUS_RELEASE>

The edition component, ce or ee, instructs package managers such as apt or yum to treat Enteprise Edition packages as an upgrade from Community Edition when the package version is the same because ee is sorted lexographically after ce.

The OMNIBUS_RELEASE component is deprecated and always set to 0. Historically, OMNIBUS_RELEASE indicated quick bug fixes targeting omnibus-gitlab with no changes in GitLab Rails or other bundled components. The updates frequently required Semantic Version updates because of user impact. For this reason, OMNIBUS_RELEASE was not useful in practice and is no longer relevant.

Build version

The build version component of the version string changes based on whether the package is a a feature branch, a nightly build, or a tagged release.

Regular feature branch builds

For regular feature branch builds, the version format is <latest stable git tag>+rfbranch.<pipeline id>.<omnibus-gitlab SHA>-<build iteration>.

As noted above, build iteration for regular feature branch builds is set to 0. An example version string of this type is 13.1.1+rfbranch.159743.eb538eaf-0.

The +rfbranch string denotes the package as built from a regular feature branch build. It also lexographically places it after a stable branch causing package managers such as apt or yum to view it as an upgrade from a stable release package.

Nightly builds

For nightly packages , the version format is <latest stable git tag>+rnightly.<pipeline id>.<omnibus-gitlab SHA>-<build iteration>.

As noted above, build iteration for nightly builds is set to 0. An example version string of this type is 13.1.1+rnightly.159756.b2b5f05e-0.

The +rnightly denotes the package as the output from a nightly build. When compared alphabetically by package managers, +rnightly is considered greater than both the latest stable and the +rfbranch packages. Package managers will always treat a nightly package as a package upgrade.

Tagged release builds

For tagged release builds, while the Git tags are of the format <SemVer version>+<build iteration>, the version strings follow the format of <SemVer version>-<build iteration>.

For example, if the tags are 13.1.0+rc42.ce.0, 13.1.0+ce.0, and 13.1.0+ee.0, the version strings will be, 13.1.0-ce.0, and 13.1.0-ee.0 respectively.

As noted above, unlike feature branch and nightly builds, the build iteration component of these releases are of the format (ce|ee).0

Docker images

Docker images created by omnibus-gitlab CI pipelines are based on the Ubuntu package built in the previous stage. Hence, the Docker image tag also reflects the same information given by the package version string. Because + symbol used in package versions is not a supported character for image tags, it is replaced with a - to get a slug.

As a general rule, Docker images will use a slug of the package version as tags. Also, all Docker images will be pushed to Docker container registries corresponding to the host where they are being built.

The entire image reference will be of the form

Copy to clipboard|ee):<slug of package version>

For example, will be the image tag for a Docker built from a GitLab CE package with version 13.2.1+rfbranch.163015.32ed1c58-0

The special cases that deviate from this general rule is listed below.

Triggered builds in QA mirror

When builds are triggered in the QA mirror, Docker images created as part of triggered pipeline (for Package and QA run) has their tag decided depending on where the trigger originated. If the trigger originated from an omnibus-gitlab pipeline, the image tag is the slug of the package version. But, if the trigger originated from a GitLab or GitLab-FOSS pipeline, the image tag will be set to the SHA of the commit corresponding to that pipeline.

These jobs are not published to Dockerhub repository.

Nightly builds

In addition to the general naming scheme, Docker images built by scheduled nightly pipelines gets tagged with the nightly tag and both tags are pushed to the Dockerhub repository also.

gitlab/gitlab-ee:nightly and gitlab/gitlab-ce:nightly denote image references for the two editions available.

Tagged release builds

In addition to the general naming scheme, Docker images built by tagged release pipelines also gets tagged as latest and both tags are pushed to the Dockerhub repository also.