Adding new gitlab-ctl commands

New gitlab-ctl commands can be added to two directory : files/gitlab-ctl-commands and files/gitlab-ctl-commands-ee. Chef stores gitlab-ctl commands in /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/omnibus-ctl.

There are two main functions you will use to add commands (

add_command_under_category(string, string, string, int, ruby_block)

This method will add a new command to your gitlab-ctl under a category, useful for grouping similar commands together logically in help output.

Input arguments:

  1. Name of the command.
  2. Category of the command. It should be string consisting of only characters and “-”. If the category does not exist, it will be added. Default categories are “general” and “service-management” (if the latter is enabled).
  3. Description. This will be outputted below the command name when the help command is run.
  4. Arity. Always set to 2, due to a bug in omnibus-ctl.
  5. Ruby block. Ruby code to be executed when your command is run (arguments to that command will be passed into the block).

add_command(string, string, int, ruby_block)

This method will add a new command to your gitlab-ctl without a category. It will be displayed above all categories when the help command is called.

Input arguments are the same as add_command_under_category except 2 doesn’t exist.