Context in GitLab Duo Workflow

Workflow is aware of the context you’re working in, specifically:

AreaHow to use GitLab Workflow
EpicsEnter the epic ID and the name of the group the epic is in. The group must include a project that meets the prerequisites.
IssuesEnter the issue ID if it’s in the current project. In addition, enter the project ID if it is in a different project. The other project must also meet the prerequisites.
Local filesWorkflow can access all files available to Git in the project you have open in your editor. Enter the file path to reference a specific file.
Merge requestsEnter the merge request ID if it’s in the current project. In addition, enter the project ID if it’s in a different project. The other project must also meet the prerequisites.
Merge request pipelinesEnter the merge request ID that has the pipeline, if it’s in the current project. In addition, enter the project ID if it’s in a different project. The other project must also meet the prerequisites.

Workflow also has access to the GitLab Search API to find related issues or merge requests.