Breaking change deployments on

Changes are deployed continuously to However, breaking changes can require more time to prepare for.

In the month before the GitLab 18.0 release, breaking changes will be deployed during three time windows. The following tables list when each breaking change will be deployed.

Window 1

This window takes place on April 21 - 23, 2025 from 09:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC.

Registration tokens and server-side runner arguments in POST /api/v4/runners endpointCriticalVerifyInstance, group, project
runnerRegistrationToken parameter for GitLab Runner Helm ChartCriticalVerifyInstance, group, project
Registration tokens and server-side runner arguments in gitlab-runner register commandCriticalVerifyInstance, group, project
Support for REST API endpoints that reset runner registration tokensCriticalVerifyInstance, group, project
GitLab Runner platforms and setup instructions in GraphQL APILowVerifyInstance, group, project
CI/CD job token - Limit access from your project setting removalHighVerifyProject
CI/CD job token - Authorized groups and projects allowlist enforcementHighGovernProject
Deprecate License Scanning CI/CD artifact report typeSecure
OpenTofu CI/CD templateLowDepoyProject
Replace add_on_purchase GraphQL field with add_on_purchasesLowFulfillmentInstance, group
Replace namespace add_on_purchase GraphQL field with add_on_purchasesLowFulfillmentInstance, group
Public use of Secure container registries is deprecatedLowSecureInstance
Limit number of scan execution policy actions allowed per policyLowSecurity risk managementInstance, group, project
Pipelines API cancel endpoint returns error for non-cancelable pipelinesHighVerifyInstance, group, project
Deprecate CI job implementation of Repository X-RayLowCreateProject
Pipeline job limits extended to the Commits APILowVerifyProject
Deprecation of name field in ProjectMonthlyUsageType GraphQL APILowFulfillmentProject
Deprecation of STORAGE enum in NamespaceProjectSortEnum GraphQL APILowFulfillmentGroup
Workspaces editor GraphQL field is deprecatedLowCreateProject
Enforce keyset pagination on audit event APILowSoftware supply chain securityInstance, group, project
Fix typo in user profile visibility updated audit event typeLowSoftware supply chain securityInstance
Dependency Scanning for JavaScript vendored librariesLowApplication_security_testingProject
Dependency Scanning upgrades to the GitLab SBOM Vulnerability ScannerHighApplication_security_testingProject
Resolve a vulnerability for Dependency Scanning on Yarn projectsLowApplication_security_testingProject
DAST dast_devtools_api_timeout will have a lower default valueLowApplication security testingProject
API Discovery will use branch pipelines by defaultLowApplication_security_testingProject
Container Scanning default severity threshold set to mediumLowApplication security testingProject
Subscription related API endpoints in the public API are deprecatedLowFulfillmentInstance
maxHoursBeforeTermination GraphQL field is deprecatedLowCreateProject
RemoteDevelopmentAgentConfig GraphQL type is deprecatedLowCreateProject
defaultMaxHoursBeforeTermination and maxHoursBeforeTerminationLimit fields are deprecatedLowCreateProject
GitLab Advanced SAST will be enabled by defaultMediumApplication security testingInstance
The agentk container registry is moving to Cloud Native GitLabMediumDeployInstance
SAST jobs no longer use global cache settingsMediumApplication security testingInstance
End-of-Support SAST jobs will be removed from the CI/CD templateHighApplication security testingProject
Application Security Testing analyzers major version updateLowApplication security testingProject

Window 2

This window takes place on April 28 - 30, 2025 from 09:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC.

Replace GraphQL field take_ownership_pipeline_schedule with admin_pipeline_schedule in PipelineSchedulePermissionsLowVerifyProject
The heroku/builder:22 image is deprecatedMediumDeployProject
ciMinutesUsed GraphQL field renamed to ciDurationMediumVerifyInstance
mergeTrainIndex and mergeTrainsCount GraphQL fields deprecatedLowVerifyProject
RunnersRegistrationTokenReset GraphQL mutation is deprecatedHighVerifyInstance, group, project
Behavior change for Upcoming and Started milestone filtersLowPlanGroup, project
kpt-based agentk is deprecatedLowDeployProject
Updating CI/CD job tokens to JWT standardSoftware supply chain security

Window 3

This window takes place on May 5 - 7, 2025 from 09:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC.

Runner active GraphQL fields replaced by pausedLowVerify
ZenTao integrationLowFoundationsInstance
GraphQL deprecation of dependencyProxyTotalSizeInBytes fieldLowPackageGroup
The ci_job_token_scope_enabled projects API attribute is deprecatedLowGovernProject
Deprecate license metadata format V1LowSecureInstance
The direction GraphQL argument for ciJobTokenScopeRemoveProject is deprecatedLowGovernProject
Replace threshold with maxretries for container registry notificationsLowPackageProject
GraphQL target field for to-do items replaced with targetEntityLowFoundationsProject
ciJobTokenScopeAddProject GraphQL mutation is deprecatedLowGovernProject
Removal of migrationState field in ContainerRepository GraphQL APILowPackageProject
Rename setPreReceiveSecretDetection GraphQL mutation to setSecretPushProtectionMediumApplication_security_testingProject
Updated tooling to release CI/CD components to the CatalogHighVerifyInstance
Increased default security for use of pipeline variablesMediumVerifyProject
Amazon S3 Signature Version 2LowPackageProject
Dependency Proxy token scope enforcementHighPackageGroup
REST API endpoint pre_receive_secret_detection_enabled is deprecatedMediumApplication_security_testingInstance
Remove duoProAssignedUsersCount GraphQL fieldLowPlanGroup, project
S3 storage driver (AWS SDK v1) for the container registryLowPackageInstance
Remove previousStageJobsOrNeeds from GraphQLLowVerifyInstance