Secret Detection

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Getting Started

Download the Solution Component

  1. Obtain the invitation code from your account team.
  2. Download the solution component from the solution component webstore by using your invitation code.


  • GitLab Ultimate tier
  • Administrator access to your GitLab instance or group
  • Secret Detection enabled for your projects

Configure Secret Detection Custom Rules

This guide helps you implement Secret Detection Policy at the global level. This solution extends the default secret detection rules to include the detection of PII data elements like Social Security Number and passwords in clear text. The rule extension is considered as the remote ruleset.

Configure Custom Ruleset

You can set up custom ruleset with the following steps

  1. Create a top level group Secret Detection
  2. From your downloaded component, copy the project Secret Detection Custom Ruleset into your newly created Secret Detection group.

This custom ruleset extends GitLab pre-build rules. The extension can detect and alert secrets including:

  • PII data elements: social security number
  • Passwords in plain text.

Custom Ruleset File

The custom ruleset is defined in .gitlab/secret-detection-ruleset.toml The rules can be defined using regex

PII Data Element Detection

The extended rules for PII data element detection

id = "ssn"
description = "Social Security Number"
regex = "[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}"
tags = ["ssn", "social-security-number"]
keywords = ["ssn"]

Password in Plain Text

The extended rules for password in plain text

id = "password-secret"
description = "Detect secrets starting with Password or PASSWORD"
regex = "(?i)Password[:=]\\s*['\"]?[^'\"]+['\"]?"
tags = ["password", "secret"]
keywords = ["password", "PASSWORD"]

Access Defined Custom Ruleset

In order to access the custom ruleset, you need to create a group access token which generates a bot user. The bot user can be used to authenticate and access the custom ruleset by any projects that run the secret detection with the global policy.

To set the access and authentication, follow these steps:

  1. Create a group token: In the group Secret Detection, create a group access token Secret Detection Group Token under Settings menu option, give the token reporter role with read_repository access

Security Dashboard

  1. Create a group variable: Copy the token value and store safely. Add a group variable under Settings menu option called SECRET_DETECTION_GROUP_TOKEN as the key with the token value.
  2. Obtain the group token bot user: In the same group, navigate to manage menu option to select member and look up corresponding bot user for the group access token Secrete Detection Group Token, copy the value representing the bot user for the group in the format of @group_[group_id]_bot_[random_number]

Security Dashboard

Implementation Guide

This guide covers the steps to configure the policy to run secret detection for all projects using centralized custom ruleset.

Configure Secret Detection Policy

To run secret detection automatically in the pipeline as the enforced global policy, set up the policy at the highest level, in this case the top group level. Follow the steps outlined below to create the new secret detection policy.

  1. Create the policy: In the same group Secret Detection, navigate to that group’s Secure > Policies page.

  2. Click on New policy.

  3. Select Scan execution policy.

  4. Configure the policy: Give the policy name Secret Detection Policy and enter a description and select Secret Detection scan

  5. Set the Policy scope by selecting either “All projects in this group” (and optionally set exceptions) or “Specific projects” (and select the projects from the dropdown).

  6. Under the Actions section, select “Dependency scanning” instead of “Secret Detection” (default).

  7. Under the Conditions section, you can optionally change “Triggers:” to “Schedules:” if you want to run the scan on a schedule instead of at every commit.

  8. Setup access to the custom ruleset: add CI variables with the value of the bot user, group variable and the URL of the custom ruleset project.

    Since the custom ruleset is hosted in a different project and considered as the remote ruleset, the SECRET_DETECTION_RULESET_GIT_REFERENCE must be used.

      SECRET_DETECTION_RULESET_GIT_REFERENCE: "group_[group_id]_bot_[random_number]:$SECRET_DETECTION_GROUP_TOKEN@[custom ruleset project URL]"

The UI configuration is shown in this screen: Security Dashboard For detailed information about this CI variable, see this document for details.

  1. Click Create policy.

Complete Policy Configuration

Upon creating the policy, for reference, here is the complete policy configuration:

- name: Scan Execution for Secret Detection with Custom Rules
  description: ''
  enabled: true
      excluding: []
  - type: pipeline
    - "*"
  - scan: secret_detection
      SECRET_DETECTION_RULESET_GIT_REFERENCE: "@group_[group_id]_bot_[random_number]:$"
    allowed: true
      users: []
approval_policy: []

How It Works

Once the policy is running. all the projects associated with the global policy will have the secret detect job will run automatically in the pipeline as secret_detection_0 job. Security Dashboard

Secrets will be detected and surfaced. If there is a merge request, the net new secrets will be displayed in the MR widget. If it is the default branch merged, they will be shown in the security vulnerability report as following: Security Dashboard

An example password in clear is shown below: Security Dashboard


Policy not applying

Ensure the security policy project you modified is correctly linked to your group. See Link to a security policy project for more.