Enforce two-factor authentication
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two different factors to prove their identity:
- Username and password.
- A second authentication method, such as a code generated by an application.
2FA makes it harder for an unauthorized person to access an account because they would need both factors.
If you are using and enforcing SSO, you might already be enforcing 2FA on the identity provider (IdP) side. Enforcing 2FA on GitLab as well might be unnecessary.
Enforce 2FA for all users
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated
Administrators can enforce 2FA for all users in two different ways:
Enforce on next sign in.
Suggest on next sign in, but allow a grace period before enforcing.
After the configured grace period has elapsed, users can sign in but cannot leave the 2FA configuration area at
You can use the UI or the API to enforce 2FA for all users.
Use the UI
- On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin.
- Select Settings > General.
- Expand Sign-in restrictions:
- Select Enforce two-factor authentication to enable this feature.
- In Two-factor grace period, enter a number of hours. If you want to
enforce 2FA on next sign-in attempt, enter
Use the API
Use the application settings API to modify the following settings:
For more information, see the list of settings that can be accessed through API calls.
Enforce 2FA for Administrator users
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated
Administrators can enforce 2FA for administrator users in a self-managed instance.
- On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin.
- On the left sidebar, select Settings > General.
- Expand the Sign-in restrictions section:
- Select Require administrators to enable 2FA.
- In Two-factor grace period, enter a number of hours. If you want to
enforce 2FA on the next sign-in attempt, enter
- Select Save changes.
If you are using an external provider to sign in into GitLab, this setting will not enforce 2FA for users. 2FA should be enabled on that external provider.
Enforce 2FA for all users in a group
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated
You can enforce 2FA for all users in a group or subgroup.
2FA enforcement applies to both direct and inherited members group members. If 2FA is enforced on a subgroup, members of the parent group must also enroll an authentication factor.
- You must have the Owner role for the group.
To enforce 2FA for a group:
- On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your group.
- Select Settings > General.
- Expand Permissions and group features.
- Select All users in this group must set up two-factor authentication.
- Optional. In Delay 2FA enforcement (hours), enter the number of hours you want the grace period to last for. If there are multiple different grace periods in a top-level group and its subgroups and projects, the shortest grace period is used.
- Select Save changes.
Access tokens are not required to provide a second factor for authentication because they are API-based. Tokens generated before 2FA is enforced remain valid.
The GitLab incoming email feature does not follow 2FA enforcement. Users can use incoming email features such as creating issues or commenting on merge requests without having to authenticate themselves using 2FA first. This applies even if 2FA is enforced.
2FA in subgroups
By default, each subgroup can configure 2FA requirements that might differ from the parent group.
To prevent subgroups from setting individual 2FA requirements:
- Go to the top-level group’s Settings > General.
- Expand the Permissions and group features section.
- Clear the Allow subgroups to set up their own two-factor authentication rule checkbox.
2FA in projects
If a project belonging to a group that enables or enforces 2FA is shared with a group that does not enable or enforce 2FA, members of the non-2FA group can access that project without using 2FA. For example:
- Group A has 2FA enabled and enforced. Group B does not have 2FA enabled.
- If a project, P, that belongs to group A is shared with group B, members of group B can access project P without 2FA.
To ensure this does not occur, prevent sharing of projects for the 2FA group.
If you add members to a project in a group or subgroup that has 2FA enabled, 2FA is not required for those individually added members.
Disable 2FA
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab Self-Managed
You can disable 2FA for a single user or all users.
This action is permanent and irreversible. Users must reactivate 2FA to use it again.
Disabling 2FA for users does not disable the enforce 2FA for all users or enforce 2FA for all users in a group settings. You must also disable any enforced 2FA settings so users aren’t asked to set up 2FA again when they next sign in to GitLab.
For a single user
It is possible to use the Rails console to disable 2FA for a single administrator:
admin = User.find_by_username('<USERNAME>')
user_to_disable = User.find_by_username('<USERNAME>')
TwoFactor::DestroyService.new(admin, user: user_to_disable).execute
The administrator is notified that 2FA has been disabled.
In GitLab 15.2 and later, you can use either the Rails console or the API endpoint to disable 2FA for a non-administrator.
You can disable 2FA for your own account.
You cannot use the API endpoint to disable 2FA for administrators.
For all users
To disable 2FA for all users even when forced 2FA is disabled, use the following Rake task.
For installations that use the Linux package:
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:two_factor:disable_for_all_users
For self-compiled installations:
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:two_factor:disable_for_all_users RAILS_ENV=production
2FA for Git over SSH operations
- Tier: Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab Self-Managed
On GitLab Self-Managed, by default this feature is not available. To make it available, an administrator can enable the feature flag named two_factor_for_cli
. On GitLab.com and GitLab Dedicated, this feature is not available. This feature is not ready for production use. This feature flag also affects session duration for Git Operations when 2FA is enabled.
You can enforce 2FA for Git over SSH operations. However, you should use
ED25519_SK or ECDSA_SK SSH keys instead. 2FA is enforced for Git operations only, and internal commands such as personal_access_token
are excluded.
To perform one-time password (OTP) verification, run:
ssh git@<hostname> 2fa_verify
Then authenticate by either:
- Entering the correct OTP.
- In GitLab 15.3 and later, responding to a device push notification if FortiAuthenticator is enabled.
After successful authentication, you can perform Git over SSH operations for 15 minutes (default) with the associated SSH key.
Security limitation
2FA does not protect users with compromised private SSH keys.
Once an OTP is verified, anyone can run Git over SSH with that private SSH key for the configured session duration.
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