GitLab plugin for Neovim - gitlab.vim

The GitLab plugin is a Lua-based plugin that integrates GitLab with Neovim.

Install and configure the extension.

Configure <Plug> key mappings

For convenience, this plugin provides <Plug> key mappings. To use the <Plug>(GitLab...) key mapping, you must include your own key mapping that references it:

-- Toggle Code Suggestions on/off with CTRL-g in normal mode:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-g>', '<Plug>(GitLabToggleCodeSuggestions)')

Disable gitlab.statusline

By default, this plugin enables gitlab.statusline, which uses the built-in statusline to show the status of the Code Suggestions integration. If you want to disable gitlab.statusline, add this to your configuration:

  statusline = {
    enabled = false

Disable Started Code Suggestions LSP Integration messages

To change the minimal message level, add this to your configuration:

  minimal_message_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR,

Report issues with the extension

Report any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the gitlab.vim issue tracker.

Submit your feedback in issue 22 in the gitlab.vim repository.