HAML contribute

HAML is the Ruby on Rails template language that GitLab uses.

HAML and our Pajamas Design System

GitLab UI is a Vue component library that conforms to the Pajamas design system. Many of these components rely on JavaScript and therefore can only be used in Vue.

However, some of the simpler components (such as buttons, checkboxes, or form inputs) can be used in HAML:

  • Some of the Pajamas components are available as a ViewComponent. Use these when possible.
  • If no ViewComponent exists, why not go ahead and create it? Talk to the Design System team if you need help.
  • As a fallback, this can be done by applying the correct CSS classes to the elements.
  • A custom Ruby on Rails form builder exists to help use GitLab UI components in HAML forms.

Use the GitLab UI form builder

To use the GitLab UI form builder:

  1. Change form_for to gitlab_ui_form_for.
  2. Change f.check_box to f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component.
  3. Remove f.label and instead pass the label as the second argument in f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component.

For example:

  • Before:

    haml Copy to clipboard
    = form_for @group do |f|
          = f.check_box :prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy, disabled: !can_change_prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy?(@group), class: 'custom-control-input'
          = f.label :prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy, class: 'custom-control-label' do
              = safe_format(s_('GroupSettings|Prevent members from sending invitations to groups outside of %{group} and its subgroups.'), group: link_to_group(@group))
            %p.help-text= prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy_help_text(@group)
          = f.check_box :lfs_enabled, checked: @group.lfs_enabled?, class: 'custom-control-input'
          = f.label :lfs_enabled, class: 'custom-control-label' do
              = _('Allow projects within this group to use Git LFS')
              = link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('topics/git/lfs/index')
            %p.help-text= _('This setting can be overridden in each project.')
  • After:

    haml Copy to clipboard
    = gitlab_ui_form_for @group do |f|
        = f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component :prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy,
            safe_format(s_('GroupSettings|Prevent members from sending invitations to groups outside of %{group} and its subgroups.'), group: link_to_group(@group)),
            help_text: prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy_help_text(@group),
            checkbox_options: { disabled: !can_change_prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy?(@group) }
        = f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component :lfs_enabled, checkbox_options: { checked: @group.lfs_enabled? } do |c|
          - c.with_label do
            = _('Allow projects within this group to use Git LFS')
            = link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('topics/git/lfs/index')
          - c.with_help_text do
            = _('This setting can be overridden in each project.')

Available components

When using the GitLab UI form builder, the following components are available for use in HAML.

Currently only the listed components are available but more components are planned.


GitLab UI Docs

ArgumentDescriptionTypeRequired (default value)
methodAttribute on the object passed to gitlab_ui_form_for.Symboltrue
labelCheckbox label. label slot can be used instead of this argument if HTML is needed.Stringfalse (nil)
help_textHelp text displayed below the checkbox. help_text slot can be used instead of this argument if HTML is needed.Stringfalse (nil)
checkbox_optionsOptions that are passed to Rails check_box method.Hashfalse ({})
checked_valueValue when checkbox is checked.Stringfalse ('1')
unchecked_valueValue when checkbox is unchecked.Stringfalse ('0')
label_optionsOptions that are passed to Rails label method.Hashfalse ({})

This component supports ViewComponent slots.

labelCheckbox label content. This slot can be used instead of the label argument.
help_textHelp text content displayed below the checkbox. This slot can be used instead of the help_text argument.


GitLab UI Docs

ArgumentDescriptionTypeRequired (default value)
methodAttribute on the object passed to gitlab_ui_form_for.Symboltrue
valueThe value of the radio tag.Symboltrue
labelRadio label. label slot can be used instead of this argument if HTML content is needed inside the label.Stringfalse (nil)
help_textHelp text displayed below the radio button. help_text slot can be used instead of this argument if HTML content is needed inside the help text.Stringfalse (nil)
radio_optionsOptions that are passed to Rails radio_button method.Hashfalse ({})
label_optionsOptions that are passed to Rails label method.Hashfalse ({})

This component supports ViewComponent slots.

labelCheckbox label content. This slot can be used instead of the label argument.
help_textHelp text content displayed below the radio button. This slot can be used instead of the help_text argument.