Cloud Connector: Configuration contribute

A GitLab Rails instance accesses backend services uses a Cloud Connector Service Access Token:

  • This token is synced to a GitLab instance from CustomersDot daily and stored in the instance’s local database.
  • For, we do not require this step; instead, we issue short-lived tokens for each request.

The Cloud Connector JWT contains a custom claim, which represents the list of access scopes that define which features, or unit primitives, this token is valid for.

Unit Primitives and Configuration

As per the Architecture Decision Record (ADR) 003, we have decided to extract the configuration of unit primitives to an external library called gitlab-cloud-connector. This library serves as the Single Source of Truth (SSoT) for all Cloud Connector configurations and is available as both a Ruby gem and a Python package.

Configuration format and structure

The configuration in gitlab-cloud-connector follows this structure:

Shell Copy to clipboard
  ├─ unit_primitives/
  │  ├─ duo_chat.yml
  │  └─ ...
  ├─ backend_services/
  │  ├─ ai_gateway.yml
  │  └─ ...
  ├─ add_ons/
  │  ├─ duo_pro.yml
  │  └─ ...
  ├─ services/
  │  ├─ duo_chat.yml
  │  └─ ...
  └─ license_types/
     ├─ premium.yml
     └─ ...

Unit primitive configuration

We have a YAML file per unit primitive. It contains information on how this unit primitive is bundled with add-ons and license types, and other metadata. The configuration for each unit primitive adhere to the following schema.

Required Fields
namestringUnit primitive name in snake_case format (lowercase letters, numbers, underscores). Should follow $VERB_$NOUN pattern (for example, explain_vulnerability).
descriptionstringDescription of the unit primitive’s purpose and functionality.
groupstringEngineering group that owns the unit primitive (for example, “group::cloud connector”).
feature_categorystringFeature category classification (see categories).
documentation_urlstringURL to the unit primitive’s documentation.
Optional Fields
milestonestringGitLab milestone that introduced the unit primitive.
introduced_by_urlstringMerge request URL that introduced the unit primitive.
unit_primitive_issue_urlstringIssue URL proposing the unit primitive introduction.
deprecated_by_urlstringMerge request URL that deprecated the unit primitive.
deprecation_messagestringExplanation of deprecation context and reasons.
cut_off_datedatetimeUTC timestamp when free access ends (if applicable).
min_gitlab_versionstringMinimum required GitLab version (for example, 17.8).
min_gitlab_version_for_free_accessstringMinimum version for free access period (for example, 17.8).
Access Control Fields
license_typesarray[string]GitLab license types that can access this primitive. Possible values must match the name field in corresponding files under config/license_types (for example, premium).
backend_servicesarray[string]Backend services hosting this primitive. Possible values must match the name field in corresponding files under config/backend_services (for example, ai_gateway).
add_onsarray[string]Add-on products including this primitive. Possible values must match the name field in corresponding files under config/add_ons (for example, duo_pro).

Example unit primitive configuration:

YAML Copy to clipboard
# config/unit_primitives/new_feature.yml
name: new_feature
description: Description of the new feature
cut_off_date: 2024-10-17T00:00:00+00:00  # Optional, set if not free
min_gitlab_version: '16.9'
min_gitlab_version_for_free_access: '16.8'
group: group::your_group
feature_category: your_category
  - ai_gateway
  - duo_pro
  - duo_enterprise
  - premium
  - ultimate
Backend Services

Each backend service must have its own YAML configuration under config/backend_services. For example:

YAML Copy to clipboard
# config/backend_services/ai_gateway.yml
name: ai_gateway
group: group::ai framework
jwt_aud: gitlab-ai-gateway

Each add-on must have its own YAML configuration under config/add_ons. For example:

YAML Copy to clipboard
# config/add_ons/duo_pro.yml
name: duo_pro
License Types

Each license type must have its own YAML configuration under config/license_types. For example:

YAML Copy to clipboard
# config/license_types/premium.yml
name: premium

Backward compatibility

To support backward compatibility for customers running older GitLab versions and with the old legacy structure, we provide a mapping from the new to old format, and soon to be deprecated “service” abstraction.

Service configuration

namestringThe unique name of the service, consisting of lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores.
basic_unit_primitivestringThe most fundamental unit primitive representing key configuration values like cut_off_date and min_gitlab_version. If not set, the first unit primitive in the unit_primitives list is used. Used to derive these shared properties across the service.
gitlab_realmarray[string]An array of environments where the service is available. Possible values: gitlab-com, self-managed.
descriptionstringA brief description of the service.
unit_primitivesarray[string]An array of unit primitives associated with the service.

Example of a new service mapping configuration:

YAML Copy to clipboard
# config/services/duo_chat.yml
name: duo_chat
basic_unit_primitive: duo_chat
  - gitlab-com
  - self-managed
  - ask_build
  - ask_commit
  - ask_epic
  - ask_issue
  - ask_merge_request
  - documentation_search
  - duo_chat
  - explain_code
  - fix_code
  - include_dependency_context
  - include_file_context
  - include_issue_context
  - include_local_git_context
  - include_merge_request_context
  - include_snippet_context
  - refactor_code
  - write_tests

Legacy structure

The information about how paid features are bundled into GitLab tiers and add-ons is configured and stored in a YAML file:

YAML Copy to clipboard
    backend: 'gitlab-ai-gateway'
    cut_off_date: 2024-02-15 00:00:00 UTC
    min_gitlab_version: '16.8'
          - code_suggestions
    backend: 'gitlab-ai-gateway'
    min_gitlab_version_for_beta: '16.8'
    min_gitlab_version: '16.9'
          - duo_chat
          - documentation_search
unit_primitivesarray[string]The smallest logical features that a permission or access scope can govern. Should follow $VERB_$NOUN naming pattern (for example, explain_vulnerability).
servicestringThe service name that delivers the feature. Can be standalone or part of an existing service (for example, duo_chat).
bundled_withobjectMap of add-ons that include this feature. A feature can be bundled with multiple add-ons (for example, duo_pro, duo_enterprise).
cut_off_datedatetimeUTC timestamp when free access ends. If not set, feature remains free.
min_gitlab_versionstringMinimum required GitLab version (for example, 17.8). If not set, available for all versions.
min_gitlab_version_for_free_accessstringMinimum version for free access period (for example, 17.8). If not set, available for all versions.
backendstringName of the backend service hosting this feature, used as token audience claim (for example, gitlab-ai-gateway).