Testing guide for CI/CD Rails application code

This document contains details for testing CI/CD application code.


Integration specs

The CI/CD specs include informal integration specs for the core CI/CD processes.


Integration specs for linting are kept in spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor_spec.rb and spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor/test_cases/. Add any new specs to the test_cases/ directory.

Pipeline creation

Integration specs for pipeline creation are kept in spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service_spec.rb and spec/services/ci/create_pipeline_service/. Add new specs to the create_pipeline_service/ directory.

Pipeline processing

spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/atomic_processing_service_spec.rb runs integration specs for pipeline processing. To add a new integration spec, add a YAML CI/CD configuration file to spec/services/ci/pipeline_processing/test_cases. It is run automatically with atomic_processing_service_spec.rb.



The following files contain frontend fixtures for CI/CD endpoints used in frontend unit tests:

  • spec/frontend/fixtures/pipelines.rb - General pipeline fixtures
  • spec/frontend/fixtures/pipeline_create.rb - Pipeline creation fixtures
  • spec/frontend/fixtures/pipeline_details.rb - Pipeline details fixtures
  • spec/frontend/fixtures/pipeline_header.rb - Pipeline header fixtures
  • spec/frontend/fixtures/pipeline_schedules.rb - Pipeline schedule fixtures

These fixtures provide mock API responses for consistent testing of CI/CD frontend components.

Unit tests

Frontend unit tests for CI/CD components are located in spec/frontend/ci. These tests verify proper rendering, interactions, and state management for pipeline visualization, job execution, scheduling, and status reporting components.