Using the GitLab-Sidekiq chart
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering: GitLab Self-Managed
The sidekiq
sub-chart provides configurable deployment of Sidekiq workers, explicitly
designed to provide separation of queues across multiple Deployment
s with individual
scalability and configuration.
While this chart provides a default pods:
declaration, if you provide an empty definition,
you will have no workers.
This chart depends on access to Redis, PostgreSQL, and Gitaly services, either as part of the complete GitLab chart or provided as external services reachable from the Kubernetes cluster this chart is deployed onto.
Design Choices
This chart creates multiple Deployment
s and associated ConfigMap
s. It was decided
that it would be clearer to make use of ConfigMap
behaviours instead of using environment
attributes or additional arguments to the command
for the containers, in order to
avoid any concerns about command length. This choice results in a large number of
s, but provides very clear definitions of what each pod should be doing.
The sidekiq
chart is configured in three parts: chart-wide external services,
chart-wide defaults, and per-pod definitions.
Installation command line options
The table below contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied
to the helm install
command using the --set
Parameter | Default | Description |
annotations | Pod annotations | |
podLabels | Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors. | |
common.labels | Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart. | |
concurrency | 20 | Sidekiq default concurrency |
deployment.strategy | {} | Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment |
deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | 30 | Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully. |
enabled | true | Sidekiq enabled flag |
extraContainers | Multiline literal style string containing a list of containers to include | |
extraInitContainers | List of extra init containers to include | |
extraVolumeMounts | String template of extra volume mounts to configure | |
extraVolumes | String template of extra volumes to configure | |
extraEnv | List of extra environment variables to expose | |
extraEnvFrom | List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose | |
gitaly.serviceName | gitaly | Gitaly service name |
health_checks.port | 3808 | Health check server port |
hpa.behaviour | {scaleDown: {stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 }} | Behavior contains the specifications for up- and downscaling behavior (requires autoscaling/v2beta2 or higher) |
hpa.customMetrics | [] | Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization ) |
hpa.cpu.targetType | AverageValue | Set the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue |
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue | 350m | Set the autoscaling CPU target value |
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization | Set the autoscaling CPU target utilization | |
hpa.memory.targetType | Set the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue | |
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue | Set the autoscaling memory target value | |
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization | Set the autoscaling memory target utilization | |
hpa.targetAverageValue | DEPRECATED Set the autoscaling CPU target value | |
keda.enabled | false | Use KEDA ScaledObjects instead of HorizontalPodAutoscalers |
keda.pollingInterval | 30 | The interval to check each trigger on |
keda.cooldownPeriod | 300 | The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0 |
keda.minReplicaCount | Minimum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource down to, defaults to minReplicas | |
keda.maxReplicaCount | Maximum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource up to, defaults to maxReplicas | |
keda.fallback | KEDA fallback configuration, see the documentation | |
keda.hpaName | The name of the HPA resource KEDA will create, defaults to keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name} | |
keda.restoreToOriginalReplicaCount | Specifies whether the target resource should be scaled back to original replicas count after the ScaledObject is deleted | |
keda.behavior | The specifications for up- and downscaling behavior, defaults to hpa.behavior | |
keda.triggers | List of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource, defaults to triggers computed from hpa.cpu and hpa.memory | |
minReplicas | 2 | Minimum number of replicas |
maxReplicas | 10 | Maximum number of replicas |
maxUnavailable | 1 | Limit of maximum number of Pods to be unavailable |
image.pullPolicy | Always | Sidekiq image pull policy |
image.pullSecrets | Secrets for the image repository | |
image.repository | | Sidekiq image repository |
image.tag | Sidekiq image tag | |
init.image.repository | initContainer image | |
init.image.tag | initContainer image tag | |
init.containerSecurityContext | initContainer specific securityContext | |
init.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | 1000 | initContainer specific: User ID under which the container should be started |
init.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | false | initContainer specific: Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process |
init.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | true | initContainer specific: Controls whether the container runs with a non-root user |
init.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop | [ "ALL" ] | initContainer specific: Removes Linux capabilities for the container |
logging.format | json | Set to text for non-JSON logs |
metrics.enabled | true | If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping |
metrics.port | 3807 | Metrics endpoint port |
metrics.path | /metrics | Metrics endpoint path |
metrics.log_enabled | false | Enables or disables metrics server logs written to sidekiq_exporter.log |
metrics.podMonitor.enabled | false | If a PodMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping |
metrics.podMonitor.additionalLabels | {} | Additional labels to add to the PodMonitor |
metrics.podMonitor.endpointConfig | {} | Additional endpoint configuration for the PodMonitor |
metrics.annotations | DEPRECATED Set explicit metrics annotations. Replaced by template content. | |
metrics.tls.enabled | false | TLS enabled for the metrics/sidekiq_exporter endpoint |
metrics.tls.secretName | {Release.Name}-sidekiq-metrics-tls | Secret for the metrics/sidekiq_exporter endpoint TLS cert and key |
psql.password.key | psql-password | key to psql password in psql secret |
psql.password.secret | gitlab-postgres | psql password secret |
psql.port | Set PostgreSQL server port. Takes precedence over global.psql.port | |
redis.serviceName | redis | Redis service name |
resources.requests.cpu | 900m | Sidekiq minimum needed CPU |
resources.requests.memory | 2G | Sidekiq minimum needed memory |
resources.limits.memory | Sidekiq maximum allowed memory | |
timeout | 25 | Sidekiq job timeout |
tolerations | [] | Toleration labels for pod assignment |
memoryKiller.daemonMode | true | If false , uses the legacy memory killer mode |
memoryKiller.maxRss | 2000000 | Maximum RSS before delayed shutdown triggered expressed in kilobytes |
memoryKiller.graceTime | 900 | Time to wait before a triggered shutdown expressed in seconds |
memoryKiller.shutdownWait | 30 | Amount of time after triggered shutdown for existing jobs to finish expressed in seconds |
memoryKiller.hardLimitRss | Maximum RSS before immediate shutdown triggered expressed in kilobyte in daemon mode | |
memoryKiller.checkInterval | 3 | Amount of time between memory checks |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | 20 | Delay before liveness probe is initiated |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | 60 | How often to perform the liveness probe |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | 30 | When the liveness probe times out |
livenessProbe.successThreshold | 1 | Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold | 3 | Minimum consecutive failures for the liveness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | 0 | Delay before readiness probe is initiated |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | 10 | How often to perform the readiness probe |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | 2 | When the readiness probe times out |
readinessProbe.successThreshold | 1 | Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed |
readinessProbe.failureThreshold | 3 | Minimum consecutive failures for the readiness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded |
securityContext.fsGroup | 1000 | Group ID under which the pod should be started |
securityContext.runAsUser | 1000 | User ID under which the pod should be started |
securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy | Policy for changing ownership and permission of the volume (requires Kubernetes 1.23) | |
securityContext.seccompProfile.type | RuntimeDefault | Seccomp profile to use |
containerSecurityContext | Override container securityContext under which the container is started | |
containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | 1000 | Allow to overwrite the specific security context under which the container is started |
containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | false | Controls whether a process of the container can gain more privileges than its parent process |
containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | true | Controls whether the container runs with a non-root user |
containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop | [ "ALL" ] | Removes Linux capabilities for the Gitaly container |
serviceAccount.annotations | {} | ServiceAccount annotations |
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | false | Indicates whether or not the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods |
serviceAccount.create | false | Indicates whether or not a ServiceAccount should be created |
serviceAccount.enabled | false | Indicates whether or not to use a ServiceAccount | | Name of the ServiceAccount. If not set, the full chart name is used | |
priorityClassName | "" | Allow configuring pods priorityClassName , this is used to control pod priority in case of eviction |
Chart configuration examples
allows you to configure the minimum and maximum amount of resources (memory and CPU) a Sidekiq
pod can consume.
Sidekiq pod workloads vary greatly between deployments. Generally speaking, it is understood that each Sidekiq
process consumes approximately 1 vCPU and 2 GB of memory. Vertical scaling should generally align to this 1:2
ratio of vCPU:Memory
Below is an example use of resources
memory: 5G
memory: 2G
cpu: 900m
allows you to expose additional environment variables in the dependencies container.
Below is an example use of extraEnv
SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value
When the container is started, you can confirm that the environment variables are exposed:
env | grep SOME
You can also set extraEnv
for a specific pod:
SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value
- name: mailers
queues: mailers
SOME_POD_KEY: some_pod_value
- name: catchall
This will set SOME_POD_KEY
only for application containers in the mailers
pod. Pod-level extraEnv
settings are not added to init containers.
allows you to expose additional environment variables from other data sources in all containers in the pods.
Subsequent variables can be overridden per Sidekiq pod.
Below is an example use of extraEnvFrom
fieldPath: spec.nodeName
containerName: test-container
resource: requests.cpu
name: special-secret
key: special_token
# optional: boolean
- name: immediate
name: useful-config
key: some-string
# optional: boolean
allows you to configure extra volumes chart-wide.
Below is an example use of extraVolumes
extraVolumes: |
- name: example-volume
claimName: example-pvc
allows you to configure extra volumeMounts on all containers chart-wide.
Below is an example use of extraVolumeMounts
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: example-volume-mount
mountPath: /etc/example
allows you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.
Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods can be found in the Kubernetes documentation.
Below is an example use of pullSecrets
repository: my.sidekiq.repository
pullPolicy: Always
- name: my-secret-name
- name: my-secondary-secret-name
This section controls if a ServiceAccount should be created and if the default access token should be mounted in pods.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
annotations | Map | {} | ServiceAccount annotations. |
automountServiceAccountToken | Boolean | false | Controls if the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods. You should not enable this unless it is required by certain sidecars to work properly (for example, Istio). |
create | Boolean | false | Indicates whether or not a ServiceAccount should be created. |
enabled | Boolean | false | Indicates whether or not to use a ServiceAccount. |
name | String | Name of the ServiceAccount. If not set, the full chart name is used. |
allow you schedule pods on tainted worker nodes
Below is an example use of tolerations
- key: "node_label"
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoSchedule"
- key: "node_label"
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoExecute"
allows you to add annotations to the Sidekiq pods.
Below is an example use of annotations
annotations: annotation-value
Using the Community Edition of this chart
By default, the Helm charts use the Enterprise Edition of GitLab. If desired, you can use the Community Edition instead. Learn more about the differences between the two.
In order to use the Community Edition, set image.repository
External Services
This chart should be attached to the same Redis, PostgreSQL, and Gitaly instances
as the Webservice chart. The values of external services will be populated into a ConfigMap
that is shared across all Sidekiq pods.
host: rank-racoon-redis
port: 6379
- host:
port: 26379
secret: gitlab-redis
key: redis-password
Name | Type | Default | Description |
host | String | The hostname of the Redis server with the database to use. This can be omitted in lieu of serviceName . If using Redis Sentinels, the host attribute needs to be set to the cluster name as specified in the sentinel.conf . | |
password.key | String | The password.key attribute for Redis defines the name of the key in the secret (below) that contains the password. | |
password.secret | String | The password.secret attribute for Redis defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from. | |
port | Integer | 6379 | The port on which to connect to the Redis server. |
serviceName | String | redis | The name of the service which is operating the Redis database. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name ) in place of the host value. This is convenient when using Redis as a part of the overall GitLab chart. |
sentinels.[].host | String | The hostname of Redis Sentinel server for a Redis HA setup. | |
sentinels.[].port | Integer | 26379 | The port on which to connect to the Redis Sentinel server. |
The current Redis Sentinel support only supports Sentinels that have
been deployed separately from the GitLab chart. As a result, the Redis
deployment through the GitLab chart should be disabled with redis.install=false
The Secret containing the Redis password needs to be manually created
before deploying the GitLab chart.
host: rank-racoon-psql
serviceName: pgbouncer
port: 5432
database: gitlabhq_production
username: gitlab
preparedStatements: false
secret: gitlab-postgres
key: psql-password
Name | Type | Default | Description |
host | String | The hostname of the PostgreSQL server with the database to use. This can be omitted if postgresql.install=true (default non-production). | |
serviceName | String | The name of the service which is operating the PostgreSQL database. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service in place of the host value. | |
database | String | gitlabhq_production | The name of the database to use on the PostgreSQL server. |
password.key | String | The password.key attribute for PostgreSQL defines the name of the key in the secret (below) that contains the password. | |
password.secret | String | The password.secret attribute for PostgreSQL defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from. | |
port | Integer | 5432 | The port on which to connect to the PostgreSQL server. |
username | String | gitlab | The username with which to authenticate to the database. |
preparedStatements | Boolean | false | If prepared statements should be used when communicating with the PostgreSQL server. |
- default
- default2
- name: node1
port: 8079
secret: gitaly-secret
key: token
Name | Type | Default | Description |
host | String | The hostname of the Gitaly server to use. This can be omitted in lieu of serviceName . | |
serviceName | String | gitaly | The name of the service which is operating the Gitaly server. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name ) in place of the host value. This is convenient when using Gitaly as a part of the overall GitLab chart. |
port | Integer | 8075 | The port on which to connect to the Gitaly server. |
authToken.key | String | The name of the key in the secret below that contains the authToken. | |
authToken.secret | String | The name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from. |
By default, a Prometheus metrics exporter is enabled per pod. Metrics are only available
when GitLab Prometheus metrics
are enabled in the Admin area. The exporter exposes a /metrics
endpoint on port
. When metrics are enabled, annotations are added to each pod allowing a Prometheus
server to discover and scrape the exposed metrics.
Chart-wide defaults
The following values will be used chart-wide, in the event that a value is not presented on a per-pod basis.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
concurrency | Integer | 25 | The number of tasks to process simultaneously. |
timeout | Integer | 4 | The Sidekiq shutdown timeout. The number of seconds after Sidekiq gets the TERM signal before it forcefully shuts down its processes. |
memoryKiller.checkInterval | Integer | 3 | Amount of time in seconds between memory checks |
memoryKiller.maxRss | Integer | 2000000 | Maximum RSS before delayed shutdown triggered expressed in kilobytes |
memoryKiller.graceTime | Integer | 900 | Time to wait before a triggered shutdown expressed in seconds |
memoryKiller.shutdownWait | Integer | 30 | Amount of time after triggered shutdown for existing jobs to finish expressed in seconds |
minReplicas | Integer | 2 | Minimum number of replicas |
maxReplicas | Integer | 10 | Maximum number of replicas |
maxUnavailable | Integer | 1 | Limit of maximum number of Pods to be unavailable |
Detailed documentation of the Sidekiq memory killer is available in the Linux package documentation.
Per-pod Settings
The pods
declaration provides for the declaration of all attributes for a worker
pod. These will be templated to Deployment
s, with individual ConfigMap
s for their
Sidekiq instances.
The settings default to including a single pod that is set up to monitor all queues. Making changes to the pods section will overwrite the default pod with a different pod configuration. It will not add a new pod in addition to the default.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
concurrency | Integer | The number of tasks to process simultaneously. If not provided, it will be pulled from the chart-wide default. | |
name | String | Used to name the Deployment and ConfigMap for this pod. It should be kept short, and should not be duplicated between any two entries. | |
queues | String | See below. | |
timeout | Integer | The Sidekiq shutdown timeout. The number of seconds after Sidekiq gets the TERM signal before it forcefully shuts down its processes. If not provided, it will be pulled from the chart-wide default. This value must be less than terminationGracePeriodSeconds . | |
resources | Each pod can present it’s own resources requirements, which will be added to the Deployment created for it, if present. These match the Kubernetes documentation. | ||
nodeSelector | Each pod can be configured with a nodeSelector attribute, which will be added to the Deployment created for it, if present. These definitions match the Kubernetes documentation. | ||
memoryKiller.checkInterval | Integer | 3 | Amount of time between memory checks |
memoryKiller.maxRss | Integer | 2000000 | Overrides the maximum RSS for a given pod. |
memoryKiller.graceTime | Integer | 900 | Overrides the time to wait before a triggered shutdown for a given Pod |
memoryKiller.shutdownWait | Integer | 30 | Overrides the amount of time after triggered shutdown for existing jobs to finish for a given Pod |
minReplicas | Integer | 2 | Minimum number of replicas |
maxReplicas | Integer | 10 | Maximum number of replicas |
maxUnavailable | Integer | 1 | Limit of maximum number of Pods to be unavailable |
podLabels | Map | {} | Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors. |
strategy | {} | Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment | |
extraVolumes | String | Configures extra volumes for the given pod. | |
extraVolumeMounts | String | Configures extra volume mounts for the given pod. | |
priorityClassName | String | "" | Allow configuring pods priorityClassName , this is used to control pod priority in case of eviction |
hpa.customMetrics | Array | [] | Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization ) |
hpa.cpu.targetType | String | AverageValue | Overrides the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue |
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue | String | 350m | Overrides the autoscaling CPU target value |
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization | Integer | Overrides the autoscaling CPU target utilization | |
hpa.memory.targetType | String | Overrides the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue | |
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue | String | Overrides the autoscaling memory target value | |
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization | Integer | Overrides the autoscaling memory target utilization | |
hpa.targetAverageValue | String | DEPRECATED Overrides the autoscaling CPU target value | |
keda.enabled | Boolean | false | Overrides enabling KEDA |
keda.pollingInterval | Integer | 30 | Overrides the KEDA polling interval |
keda.cooldownPeriod | Integer | 300 | Overrides the KEDA cooldown period |
keda.minReplicaCount | Integer | Overrides the KEDA minimum replica count | |
keda.maxReplicaCount | Integer | Overrides the KEDA maximum replica count | |
keda.fallback | Map | Overrides the KEDA fallback configuration | |
keda.hpaName | String | Overrides the KEDA HPA name | |
keda.restoreToOriginalReplicaCount | Boolean | Overrides enabling the restoration of the original replica count | |
keda.behavior | Map | Overrides the KEDA HPA behavior | |
keda.triggers | Array | Overrides the KEDA triggers | |
extraEnv | Map | List of extra environment variables to expose. The chart-wide value is merged into this, with values from the pod taking precedence | |
extraEnvFrom | Map | List of extra environment variables from other data source to expose | |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | Integer | 30 | Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully. |
The queues
value is a string containing a comma-separated list of queues to be
processed. By default, it is not set, meaning that all queues will be processed.
The string should not contain spaces: merge,post_receive,process_commit
work, but merge, post_receive, process_commit
will not.
Any queue to which jobs are added but are not represented as a part of at least one pod item will not be processed. For a complete list of all queues, see these files in the GitLab source:
In addition to configuring gitlab.sidekiq.pods[].queues
, you must also configure global.appConfig.sidekiq.routingRules
. For more information, see
Sidekiq routing rules settings.
Example pod
- name: immediate
concurrency: 10
minReplicas: 2 # defaults to inherited value
maxReplicas: 10 # defaults to inherited value
maxUnavailable: 5 # defaults to inherited value
queues: merge,post_receive,process_commit
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: example-volume-mount
mountPath: /etc/example
extraVolumes: |
- name: example-volume
claimName: example-pvc
cpu: 800m
memory: 2Gi
targetType: Value
targetAverageValue: 350m
Full example of Sidekiq configuration
The following is a full example of Sidekiq configuration using a separate Sidekiq pod for import-related jobs, a Sidekiq pod for export-related jobs using a separate Redis instance and another pod for everything else.
- ["feature_category=importers", "import"]
- ["feature_category=exporters", "export", "queues_shard_extra_shard"]
- ["*", "default"]
queues_shard_extra_shard: ...
- name: import
queues: import
- name: export
queues: export
SIDEKIQ_SHARD_NAME: queues_shard_extra_shard # to match key in global.redis.redisYmlOverride
- name: default
Configuring the networkpolicy
This section controls the NetworkPolicy. This configuration is optional and is used to limit Egress and Ingress of the Pods to specific endpoints.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
enabled | Boolean | false | This setting enables the network policy |
ingress.enabled | Boolean | false | When set to true , the Ingress network policy will be activated. This will block all Ingress connections unless rules are specified. |
ingress.rules | Array | [] | Rules for the Ingress policy, for details see and the example below |
egress.enabled | Boolean | false | When set to true , the Egress network policy will be activated. This will block all egress connections unless rules are specified. |
egress.rules | Array | [] | Rules for the egress policy, these for details see and the example below |
Example Network Policy
The Sidekiq service requires Ingress connections for only the Prometheus exporter if enabled, and normally requires Egress connections to various places. This examples adds the following network policy:
- Allows Ingress requests:
- From the
pod to port3807
- From the
- Allows Egress requests:
- To
to port53
- To the
pod to port8075
- To the
pod to port5000
- To the
pod to port8153
- To external database
to port5432
- To external Redis
to port6379
- To external Elasticsearch
to port443
- To mail gateway
to port587
- To endpoints like AWS VPC endpoint for S3 or STS
to port443
- To internal subnets
to port443
to send webhooks
- To
Note the example provided is only an example and may not be complete
The Sidekiq service requires outbound connectivity to the public internet for images on external object storage if no local endpoint is available.
The example is based on the assumption that kube-dns
was deployed
to the namespace kube-system
, prometheus
was deployed to the namespace
and nginx-ingress
was deployed to the namespace nginx-ingress
enabled: true
enabled: true
- from:
- namespaceSelector:
matchLabels: monitoring
app: prometheus
component: server
release: gitlab
- port: 3807
enabled: true
- to:
- podSelector:
app: gitaly
- port: 8075
- to:
- podSelector:
app: kas
- port: 8153
- to:
- namespaceSelector:
matchLabels: kube-system
k8s-app: kube-dns
- port: 53
protocol: UDP
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 5432
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 6379
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 25
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 443
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 443
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 443
Configuring KEDA
This keda
section enables the installation of KEDA ScaledObjects
instead of regular HorizontalPodAutoscalers
This configuration is optional and can be used when there is a need for autoscaling based on custom or external metrics.
Most settings default to the values set in the hpa
section where applicable.
If the following are true, CPU and memory triggers are added automatically based on the CPU and memory thresholds set in the hpa
is not set.- The corresponding
setting is also set to a non-zero value.
If no triggers are set, the ScaledObject
is not created.
Refer to the KEDA documentation for more details about those settings.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
enabled | Boolean | false | Use KEDA ScaledObjects instead of HorizontalPodAutoscalers |
pollingInterval | Integer | 30 | The interval to check each trigger on |
cooldownPeriod | Integer | 300 | The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0 |
minReplicaCount | Integer | Minimum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource down to, defaults to minReplicas | |
maxReplicaCount | Integer | Maximum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource up to, defaults to maxReplicas | |
fallback | Map | KEDA fallback configuration, see the documentation | |
hpaName | String | The name of the HPA resource KEDA will create, defaults to keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name} | |
restoreToOriginalReplicaCount | Boolean | Specifies whether the target resource should be scaled back to original replicas count after the ScaledObject is deleted | |
behavior | Map | The specifications for up- and downscaling behavior, defaults to hpa.behavior | |
triggers | Array | List of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource, defaults to triggers computed from hpa.cpu and hpa.memory |
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