GLQL fields

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed
  • Status: Experiment

The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history. This feature is available for testing, but not ready for production use.

In a GitLab Query Language (GLQL) query, a field is the leftmost part of the expression. In queries, fields follow the syntax of <field> <operator> <value> and ...,

In a GLQL view, fields are included as a comma-separated list of tokens in the fields: option.

This page lists fields available to use as filters when querying issues or work items.



Description: The type of object to query: one of the work item types or merge requests.

Field name: type

Allowed operators: =, in

Allowed value types:

  • Enum (one of Issue, Incident, TestCase, Requirement, Task, Ticket, Objective, KeyResult, Epic, or MergeRequest)
  • List (containing one or more enum values above)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Only for issue and work item types.

Additional details:

  • If omitted when used inside a GLQL view, all issue and work item types are included by default.
  • Work item types (like Issue, Task, or Objective) cannot be used together with MergeRequest types.
  • The type field isn’t allowed in columns of a GLQL view for MergeRequest types.


  • List issues of type Incident:

    type = incident
  • List issues of types Issue or Task:

    type in (Issue, Task)
  • List all merge requests assigned to the current user:

    type = MergeRequest and assignee = currentUser()

Approved by user


Description: Query merge requests by one or more users who approved the merge request.

Field name: approver

Allowed operators: =, !=

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • User (for example, @username)
  • List (containing String or User values)
  • Nullable (either of null, none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types: MergeRequest


  • List all merge requests approved by current user and @johndoe

    type = MergeRequest and approver = (currentUser(), @johndoe)


Description: Query issues or merge requests by one or more users who are assigned to the issue or merge request.

Field name: assignee

Allowed operators: =, in, !=

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • User (for example, @username)
  • List (containing String or User values)
  • Nullable (either of null, none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • List values and the in operator are not supported for MergeRequest types.


  • List all issues where assignee is @johndoe:

    assignee = @johndoe
  • List all issues where assignees are both @johndoe and @janedoe:

    assignee = (@johndoe, @janedoe)
  • List all issues where assignees are either of @johndoe or @janedoe:

    assignee in (@johndoe, @janedoe)
  • List all issues where assignee is neither of @johndoe or @janedoe:

    assignee != (@johndoe, @janedoe)
  • List all merge requests where assignee is @johndoe:

    type = MergeRequest and assignee = @johndoe


Description: Query issues or merge request by their author.

Field name: author

Allowed operators: =, in, !=

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • User (for example, @username)
  • List (containing String or User values)
  • Nullable (either of null, none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • Because an issue can have only one author, the = operator cannot be used with List type for the author field.
  • List values and the in operator are not supported for MergeRequest types.


  • List all issues where author is @johndoe:

    author = @johndoe
  • List all issues where author is either of @johndoe or @janedoe:

    author in (@johndoe, @janedoe)
  • List all issues where author is neither of @johndoe or @janedoe:

    author != (@johndoe, @janedoe)
  • List all merge requests where author is @johndoe:

    type = MergeRequest and author = @johndoe



Description: Query issues by the cadence that the issue’s iteration is a part of.

Field name: cadence

Allowed operators: =, in, !=

Allowed value types:

  • Number (only positive integers)
  • List (containing Number values)
  • Nullable (either of none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: No

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective

Additional details:

  • Because an issue can have only one iteration, the = operator cannot be used with List type for the cadence field.


  • List all issues with iteration that are a part of cadence ID 123456:

    cadence = 123456
  • List all issues with iterations that are a part of any cadences 123 or 456:

    cadence in (123, 456)

Closed at

Description: Query issues or merge requests by the date when they were closed.

Field name: closed

Allowed operators: =, >, <

Allowed value types:

  • AbsoluteDate (in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RelativeDate (in the format <sign><digit><unit>, where sign is +, -, or omitted, digit is an integer, and unit is one of d (days), w (weeks), m (months) or y (years))

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective

Additional details:

  • For the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user’s time zone.


  • List all issues closed since yesterday:

    closed > -1d
  • List all issues closed today:

    closed = today()
  • List all issues closed in the month of February 2023:

    closed > 2023-02-01 and closed < 2023-02-28


Description: Query issues by their visibility to project members.

Field name: confidential

Allowed operators: =, !=

Allowed value types:

  • Boolean (either of true or false)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective

Additional details:

  • Confidential issues queried using GLQL are only visible to people who have permission to view them.


  • List all confidential issues:

    confidential = true
  • List all issues that are not confidential:

    confidential = false

Created at

Description: Query issues or merge requests by the date when they were created.

Field name: created

Allowed operators: =, >, <

Allowed value types:

  • AbsoluteDate (in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RelativeDate (in the format <sign><digit><unit>, where sign is +, -, or omitted, digit is an integer, and unit is one of d (days), w (weeks), m (months) or y (years))

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequests

Additional details:

  • For the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user’s time zone.


  • List all issues that were created in the last week:

    created > -1w
  • List all issues created today:

    created = today()
  • List all issues created in the month of January 2025 that are still open:

    created > 2025-01-01 and created < 2025-01-31 and state = opened

Deployed at


Description: Query merge requests by the date when they were deployed.

Field name: deployed

Allowed operators: =, >, <

Allowed value types:

  • AbsoluteDate (in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RelativeDate (in the format <sign><digit><unit>, where sign is +, -, or omitted, digit is an integer, and unit is one of d (days), w (weeks), m (months) or y (years))

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types: MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • For the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user’s time zone.


  • List all merge requests that have been deployed in the past week:

    type = MergeRequest and deployed > -1w
  • List all merge requests that have been deployed in the month of January 2025:

    type = MergeRequest and deployed > 2025-01-01 and deployed < 2025-01-31



Description: Query merge requests by their draft status.

Field name: draft

Allowed operators: =, !=

Allowed value types:

  • Boolean (either of true or false)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types: MergeRequest


  • List all draft merge requests:

    type = MergeRequest and draft = true
  • List all merge requests that are not in draft state:

    type = MergeRequest and draft = false

Due date

Description: Query issues by the date when they are due.

Field name: due

Allowed operators: =, >, <

Allowed value types:

  • AbsoluteDate (in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RelativeDate (in the format <sign><digit><unit>, where sign is +, -, or omitted, digit is an integer, and unit is one of d (days), w (weeks), m (months) or y (years))

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective

Additional details:

  • For the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user’s time zone.


  • List all issues due in a week:

    due < 1w
  • List all issues that were overdue as of January 1, 2025:

    due < 2025-01-01
  • List all issues that are due today (but not due yesterday or tomorrow):

    due = today()
  • List all issues that have been overdue in the last 1 month:

    due > -1m and due < today()



Description: Query merge requests by the environment to which they have been deployed.

Field name: environment

Allowed operators: =

Allowed value types: String

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: No

Supported for object types: MergeRequest


  • List all merge requests that have been deployed to environment production:

    environment = "production"



Description: Query issues or merge requests within all projects in a given group.

Field name: group

Allowed operators: =

Allowed value types: String

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: No

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • Only one group can be queried at a time.
  • The group cannot be used together with the project field.
  • If omitted when using inside a GLQL view in a group object (like an epic), group is assumed to be the current group.
  • Using the group field queries all objects in that group, all its subgroups, and child projects.
  • By default, issues or merge requests are searched only in direct descendant projects in a group. To query in the entire hierarchy of a project use the includeSubgroups field.


  • List all issues in the gitlab-org group and any of its subgroups:

    group = "gitlab-org"
  • List all Tasks in the gitlab-org group and any of its subgroups:

    group = "gitlab-org" and type = Task

Health status

Description: Query issues by their health status.

Field name: health

Allowed operators: =

Allowed value types:

  • StringEnum (one of "needs attention", "at risk" or "on track")
  • Nullable (either of null, none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective


  • List all issues that don’t have a health status set:

    health = any
  • List all issues where the health status is “needs attention”:

    health = "needs attention"



Description: Query issues or merge requests by their IDs.

Field name: id

Allowed operators: =, in

Allowed value types:

  • Number (only positive integers)
  • List (containing Number values)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest


  • List issue with ID 123:

    id = 123
  • List issues with IDs 1, 2, or 3:

    id in (1, 2, 3)
  • List all merge requests with IDs 1, 2, or 3:

    type = MergeRequest and id in (1, 2, 3)

Include subgroups


Description: Query within the entire hierarchy of a group.

Field name: includeSubgroups

Allowed operators: =, !=

Allowed value types:

  • Boolean (either of true or false)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • This field can only be used with the group field.
  • The value of this field defaults to false.


  • List issues in any project that is a direct child of the gitlab-org group:

    group = "gitlab-org" and includeSubgroups = false
  • List issues in any project within the entire hierarchy of the gitlab-org group:

    group = "gitlab-org" and includeSubgroups = true



Description: Query issues by their associated iteration.

Field name: iteration

Allowed operators: =, in, !=

Allowed value types:

  • Number (only positive integers)
  • Iteration (for example, *iteration:123456)
  • List (containing Number or Iteration values)
  • Enum (only current is supported)
  • Nullable (either of none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective

Additional details:

  • Because an issue can have only one iteration, the = operator cannot be used with List type for the iteration field.
  • The in operator is not supported for MergeRequest types.


  • List all issues with iteration ID 123456 (using a number in the query):

    iteration = 123456
  • List all issues that are a part of iterations 123 or 456 (using numbers):

    iteration in (123, 456)
  • List all issues with iteration ID 123456 (using iteration syntax):

    iteration = *iteration:123456
  • List all issues that are a part of iterations 123 or 456 (using iteration syntax):

    iteration in (*iteration:123, *iteration:456)
  • List all issues in the current iteration

    iteration = current



Description: Query issues or merge requests by their associated labels.

Field name: label

Allowed operators: =, in, !=

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • Label (for example, ~bug, ~"team::planning")
  • List (containing String or Label values)
  • Nullable (either of none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • Scoped labels, or labels containing spaces must be wrapped in quotes.
  • The in operator is not supported for MergeRequest types.


  • List all issues with label ~bug:

    label = ~bug
  • List all issues not having label ~"workflow::in progress":

    label != ~"workflow::in progress"
  • List all issues with labels ~bug and ~"team::planning":

    label = (~bug, ~"team::planning")
  • List all issues with labels ~bug or ~feature:

    label in (~bug, ~feature)
  • List all issues where the labels include neither of ~bug or ~feature:

    label != (~bug, ~feature)
  • List all issues where none of the scoped labels apply, with scope workflow:::

    label != ~"workflow::*"
  • List all merge requests with labels ~bug and ~"team::planning"

    type = MergeRequest and label = (~bug, ~"team::planning")

Merged at


Description: Query merge requests by the date when they were merged.

Field name: merged

Allowed operators: =, >, <

Allowed value types:

  • AbsoluteDate (in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RelativeDate (in the format <sign><digit><unit>, where sign is +, -, or omitted, digit is an integer, and unit is one of d (days), w (weeks), m (months) or y (years))

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types: MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • For the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user’s time zone.


  • List all merge requests that have been merged in the last 6 months:

    type = MergeRequest and merged > -6m
  • List all merge requests that have been merged in the month of January 2025:

    type = MergeRequest and merged > 2025-01-01 and merged < 2025-01-31

Merged by user


Description: Query merge requests by the user that merged the merge request.

Field name: merger

Allowed operators: =

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • User (for example, @username)
  • List (containing String or User values)
  • Nullable (either of null, none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: No

Supported for object types: MergeRequest


  • List all merge requests merged by the current user:

    type = MergeRequest and merger = currentUser()



Description: Query issues or merge requests by their associated milestone.

Field name: milestone

Allowed operators: =, in, !=

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • Milestone (for example, %Backlog, %"Awaiting Further Demand")
  • List (containing String or Milestone values)
  • Nullable (either of none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • Milestones containing spaces must be wrapped in quotes (").
  • Because an issue can have only one milestone, the = operator cannot be used with List type for the milestone field.
  • The in operator is not supported for MergeRequest types.


  • List all issues with milestone %Backlog:

    milestone = %Backlog
  • List all issues with milestones %17.7 or %17.8:

    milestone in (%17.7, %17.8)
  • List all issues in an upcoming milestone:

    milestone = upcoming
  • List all issues in a current milestone:

    milestone = started
  • List all issues where the milestone is neither of %17.7 or %17.8:

    milestone != (%17.7, %17.8)


Description: Query issues or merge requests within a particular project.

Field name: project

Allowed operators: =

Allowed value types: String

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: No

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • Only one project can be queried at a time.
  • The project field cannot be used together with the group field.
  • If omitted when using inside a GLQL view, project is assumed to be the current project.


  • List all issues and work items in the gitlab-org/gitlab project:

    project = "gitlab-org/gitlab"


Description: Query merge requests that were reviewed by one or more users.

Field name: reviewer

Allowed operators: =, !=

Allowed value types:

  • String
  • User (for example, @username)
  • List (containing String or User values)
  • Nullable (either of null, none, or any)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types: MergeRequest


  • List all merge requests reviewed by current user and @johndoe

    type = MergeRequest and reviwer = (currentUser(), @johndoe)



Description: The state of this issue or merge request.

Field name: state

Allowed operators: =

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Allowed value types:

  • Enum
    • For issue and work item types, one of opened, closed, or all
    • For MergeRequest types, one of opened, closed, merged, or all

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequest

Additional details:

  • The state field does not support the != operator.


  • List all closed issues:

    state = closed
  • List all open issues:

    state = opened
  • List all issues regardless of their state (also the default):

    state = all
  • List all merged merge requests:

    type = MergeRequest and state = merged

Updated at

Description: Query issues or merge requests by when they were last updated.

Field name: updated

Allowed operators: =, >, <

Allowed value types:

  • AbsoluteDate (in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RelativeDate (in the format <sign><digit><unit>, where sign is +, -, or omitted, digit is an integer, and unit is one of d (days), w (weeks), m (months) or y (years))

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective
  • MergeRequests

Additional details:

  • For the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user’s time zone.


  • List all issues that haven’t been edited in the last 1 month:

    updated < -1m
  • List all issues that were edited today:

    updated = today()
  • List all open MRs that haven’t been edited in the last 1 week:

    type = MergeRequest and state = opened and updated < -1w


Description: Query issues by their weight.

Field name: weight

Allowed operators: =, !=

Allowed value types:

  • Number (only positive integers)

Allowed in columns of a GLQL view: Yes

Supported for object types:

  • Issue
  • Work item types like Task or Objective

Additional details:

  • Comparison operators < and > cannot be used.


  • List all issues with weight 5:

    weight = 5
  • List all issues with weight not 5:

    weight != 5