GitLab Query Language (GLQL)

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed
  • Status: Experiment

The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history. This feature is available for testing, but not ready for production use.

GitLab Query Language (GLQL) is an experimental attempt to create a single query language for all of GitLab. Use it to filter and embed content from anywhere in the platform, using familiar syntax.

Embed queries in Markdown code blocks. The rendered output of this query is called a view.

To test GLQL views:

  • On GitLab Self-Managed, ask your administrator to enable the glql_integration feature flag on your instance.
  • On, contact your account representative.

Share your feedback in epic 14939.

Query syntax

The query syntax consists primarily of logical expressions. These expressions follow the syntax of <field> <operator> <value> and ....


Field names can have values like assignee, author, label, and milestone. A type field can be used to filter a query by the object type, like Issue, MergeRequest, or work item types like Task or Objective.

For a full list of supported fields, supported operators, and value types, see GLQL fields.


Comparison operators:

GLQL operatorDescriptionEquivalent in search
=Equals / Includes all in listis (equal to)
!=Doesn’t equal / Isn’t contained in listis not (equal to)
inContained in listor / is one of
>Greater thandotted-circle No
<Less thandotted-circle No

Logical operators: Only and is supported. or is indirectly supported for some fields by using the in comparison operator.


Values can include:

  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Relative dates (like -1d, 2w, -6m, or 1y)
  • Absolute dates (in YYYY-MM-DD format, like 2025-01-01)
  • Functions (like currentUser() for user fields or today() for dates)
  • Enum values (like upcoming or started for milestones)
  • Booleans (true or false)
  • Nullable values (like null, none, or any)
  • GitLab references (like ~label for a label, %Backlog for a milestone, or @username for a user)
  • Lists containing any of the above (surrounded by parenthesis: () and delimited by commas: ,)

GLQL views


A view created with GLQL is a display representation of a query that executes to fetch the desired results.

Supported areas

Views can be embedded in the following areas:

  • Group and project wikis
  • Descriptions and comments of:


The syntax of views is a superset of YAML that consists of:

  • The query parameter: Expressions joined together with a logical operator, such as and.
  • Parameters related to the presentation layer, like display, limit, or fields.

A GLQL view is defined in Markdown as a code block, similar to other code blocks like Mermaid.

For example:

Display a table of first 5 open issues assigned to the authenticated user in gitlab-org/gitlab. Display columns title, state, health, description, epic, milestone, weight, and updated.

display: table
fields: title, state, health, epic, milestone, weight, updated
limit: 5
query: project = "gitlab-org/gitlab" AND assignee = currentUser() AND state = opened

This query should render a table like the one below:

A table listing issues assigned to the current user

Presentation syntax

Aside from the query parameter, you can configure presentation details for your GLQL query using some more parameters.

Supported parameters:

displaytableHow to display the data. Supported options: table, list, or orderedList.
limit100How many items to display. The maximum value is 100.
fieldstitleA comma-separated list of fields. All fields allowed in columns of a GLQL view are supported.

For example, to display first five issues assigned to current user in the gitlab-org/gitlab project as a list, displaying fields title, health, and due:

display: list
fields: title, health, due
limit: 5
query: project = "gitlab-org/gitlab" AND assignee = currentUser() AND state = opened

Field functions

To create dynamically generated columns, use functions in the fields parameters in views. For a full list, see Functions in GLQL views.