Dark mode contribute

This page is about developing dark mode for GitLab. For more information on how to enable dark mode, see Profile preferences.

How dark mode works

Current approach

  1. GitLab UI includes light and dark mode design tokens CSS custom properties for colors and components.
  2. Semantic design tokens provide values for light and dark mode in general usage, for example: background, text, and border colors.

Legacy approach

  1. SCSS variables for the color palette are reversed using design tokens to provide darker colors for smaller scales.
  2. app/assets/stylesheets/color_modes/_dark.scss imports dark mode design tokens SCSS variables for colors.
  3. Bootstrap variables overridden in app/assets/stylesheets/framework/variables_overrides.scss are given dark mode values in _dark.scss.
  4. _dark.scss is loaded before application.scss to generate separate application_dark.css stylesheet for dark mode users only.

Utility classes

Design tokens for dark mode can be applied with Tailwind classes (gl-text-subtle) or with @apply rule (@apply gl-text-subtle).

CSS custom properties vs SCSS variables

Design tokens generate both CSS custom properties and SCSS variables which are imported into the dark mode stylesheet.

  • CSS custom properties: are preferred to update color modes without loading a color mode specific stylesheet, and are required for any colors within the app/assets/stylesheets/page_bundles directory.
  • SCSS variables: override existing color usage for dark mode and are compiled into a color mode specific stylesheet.

Page bundles

To support dark mode CSS custom properties should be used in page_bundle styles as we do not generate separate *_dark.css variants of each page_bundle file.