User moderation API

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

You can approve, activate, ban, and block users by using the REST API.

Approve a user

Approves the specified user.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/approve


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes ID of specified user
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  • 201 Created on success.
  • 404 User Not Found if user cannot be found.
  • 403 Forbidden if the user cannot be approved because they are blocked by an administrator or by LDAP synchronization.
  • 409 Conflict if the user has been deactivated.

Example Responses:

{ "message": "Success" }
{ "message": "404 User Not Found" }
{ "message": "The user you are trying to approve is not pending approval" }

Reject a user

Reject the specified user that is pending approval.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/reject


  • id (required) - ID of specified user
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  • 200 OK on success.
  • 403 Forbidden if not authenticated as an administrator.
  • 404 User Not Found if user cannot be found.
  • 409 Conflict if user is not pending approval.

Example Responses:

{ "message": "Success" }
{ "message": "404 User Not Found" }
{ "message": "User does not have a pending request" }

Activate a user

Activate the specified user.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/activate


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes ID of specified user


  • 201 OK on success.
  • 404 User Not Found if the user cannot be found.
  • 403 Forbidden if the user cannot be activated because they are blocked by an administrator or by LDAP synchronization.

Deactivate a user

Deactivate the specified user.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/deactivate


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes ID of specified user


  • 201 OK on success.
  • 404 User Not Found if user cannot be found.
  • 403 Forbidden when trying to deactivate a user that is:
    • Blocked by administrator or by LDAP synchronization.
    • Not dormant.
    • Internal.

Block a user

Block the specified user.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/block


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes ID of specified user


  • 201 OK on success.
  • 404 User Not Found if user cannot be found.
  • 403 Forbidden when trying to block:
    • A user that is blocked through LDAP.
    • An internal user.

Unblock a user

Unblock the specified user.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/unblock


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes ID of specified user

Returns 201 OK on success, 404 User Not Found is user cannot be found or 403 Forbidden when trying to unblock a user blocked by LDAP synchronization.

Ban a user

Ban the specified user.


  • You must be an administrator.
POST /users/:id/ban


  • id (required) - ID of specified user


  • 201 OK on success.
  • 404 User Not Found if user cannot be found.
  • 403 Forbidden when trying to ban a user that is not active.

Unban a user

Unban the specified user. Available only for administrator.

POST /users/:id/unban


  • id (required) - ID of specified user


  • 201 OK on success.
  • 404 User Not Found if the user cannot be found.
  • 403 Forbidden when trying to unban a user that is not banned.