CI/CD maintenance console commands

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed

The following commands are run in the Rails console.

Any command that changes data directly could be damaging if not run correctly, or under the right conditions. We highly recommend running them in a test environment with a backup of the instance ready to be restored, just in case.

Cancel all running pipelines and their jobs

admin = User.find(user_id) # replace user_id with the id of the admin you want to cancel the pipeline
# Iterate over each cancelable pipeline
Ci::Pipeline.cancelable.find_each do |pipeline|
    pipeline: pipeline,
    current_user: user,
    cascade_to_children: false # the children are included in the outer loop

Cancel stuck pending pipelines

project = Project.find_by_full_path('<project_path>')
Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').count
Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').each {|p| p.cancel if p.stuck?}
Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').count

Try merge request integration

project = Project.find_by_full_path('<project_path>')
mr = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: <merge_request_iid>)

Validate the .gitlab-ci.yml file

project = Project.find_by_full_path('<project_path>')
content = project.ci_config_for(project.repository.root_ref_sha) project, current_user: User.first).validate(content)

Disable AutoDevOps on Existing Projects

Project.all.each do |p|

Run pipeline schedules manually

You can run pipeline schedules manually through the Rails console to reveal any errors that are usually not visible.

# schedule_id can be obtained from Edit Pipeline Schedule page
schedule = Ci::PipelineSchedule.find_by(id: <schedule_id>)

# Select the user that you want to run the schedule for
user = User.find_by_username('<username>')

# Run the schedule
ps =, user, ref: schedule.ref).execute!(:schedule, ignore_skip_ci: true, save_on_errors: false, schedule: schedule)

Obtain runners registration token (deprecated)

The ability to pass a runner registration token, and support for certain configuration arguments, was deprecated in GitLab 15.6 and is planned for removal in GitLab 18.0. Runner authentication tokens should be used instead. For more information, see Migrating to the new runner registration workflow.


  • Runner registration tokens must be enabled in the Admin area.

Seed runners registration token (deprecated)

The ability to pass a runner registration token, and support for certain configuration arguments, was deprecated in GitLab 15.6 and is planned for removal in GitLab 18.0. Runner authentication tokens should be used instead. For more information, see Migrating to the new runner registration workflow.

appSetting = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings