Using MinIO for Object storage

Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: GitLab Self-Managed

This chart is based on stable/minio version 0.4.3, and inherits most settings from there.

Design Choices

Design choices related to the upstream chart can be found in the project’s README.

GitLab chose to alter that chart in order to simplify configuration of the secrets, and to remove all use of secrets in environment variables. GitLab added initContainers to control the population of secrets into the config.json, and a chart-wide enabled flag.

This chart makes use of only one secret:

  • global.minio.credentials.secret: A global secret containing the accesskey and secretkey values that will be used for authentication to the bucket(s).


We will describe all the major sections of the configuration below. When configuring from the parent chart, these values will be:

  persistence:  # Upstream
  serviceType:  # Upstream
  servicePort:  # Upstream
  minioConfig:  # Upstream

Installation command line options

The table below contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied to the helm install command using the --set flags:

Parameter Default Description
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
init.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation false initContainer specific: Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process
init.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot true initContainer specific: Controls whether the container runs with a non-root user
init.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop [ "ALL" ] initContainer specific: Removes Linux capabilities for the container
defaultBuckets [{"name": "registry"}] MinIO default buckets
deployment.strategy { type: Recreate } Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment
image minio/minio MinIO image
imagePullPolicy Always MinIO image pull policy
imageTag RELEASE.2017-12-28T01-21-00Z MinIO image tag
minioConfig.browser on MinIO browser flag
minioConfig.domain   MinIO domain
minioConfig.region us-east-1 MinIO region
minioMc.image minio/mc MinIO mc image
minioMc.tag latest MinIO mc image tag
mountPath /export MinIO configuration file mount path
persistence.accessMode ReadWriteOnce MinIO persistence access mode
persistence.enabled true MinIO enable persistence flag
persistence.matchExpressions   MinIO label-expression matches to bind
persistence.matchLabels   MinIO label-value matches to bind
persistence.size 10Gi MinIO persistence volume size
persistence.storageClass   MinIO storageClassName for provisioning
persistence.subPath   MinIO persistence volume mount path
persistence.volumeName   MinIO existing persistent volume name
priorityClassName   Priority class assigned to pods.
pullSecrets   Secrets for the image repository
resources.requests.cpu 250m MinIO minimum CPU requested
resources.requests.memory 256Mi MinIO minimum memory requested
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID to start the pod with
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID to start the pod with
securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy   Policy for changing ownership and permission of the volume (requires Kubernetes 1.23)
securityContext.seccompProfile.type RuntimeDefault Seccomp profile to use
containerSecurityContext.runAsUser 1000 Allow to overwrite the specific security context under which the container is started
containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation false Controls whether a process of the Gitaly container can gain more privileges than its parent process
containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot true Controls whether the container runs with a non-root user
containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop [ "ALL" ] Removes Linux capabilities for the Gitaly container
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken false Indicates whether or not the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods
servicePort 9000 MinIO service port
serviceType ClusterIP MinIO service type
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
jobAnnotations {} Annotations for the job spec

Chart configuration examples


pullSecrets allows you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.

Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods can be found in the Kubernetes documentation.

Below is an example use of pullSecrets:

image: my.minio.repository
imageTag: latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: my-secret-name
- name: my-secondary-secret-name


This section controls if the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods.

Name Type Default Description
automountServiceAccountToken Boolean false Controls if the default ServiceAccount access token should be mounted in pods. You should not enable this unless it is required by certain sidecars to work properly (for example, Istio).


tolerations allow you schedule pods on tainted worker nodes

Below is an example use of tolerations:

- key: "node_label"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "true"
  effect: "NoSchedule"
- key: "node_label"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "true"
  effect: "NoExecute"

Enable the sub-chart

They way we’ve chosen to implement compartmentalized sub-charts includes the ability to disable the components that you may not want in a given deployment. For this reason, the first setting you should decide on is enabled:.

By default, MinIO is enabled out of the box, but is not recommended for production use. When you are ready to disable it, run --set global.minio.enabled: false.

Configure the initContainer

While rarely altered, the initContainer behaviors can be changed via the following items:

    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

initContainer image

The initContainer image settings are just as with a normal image configuration. By default, chart-local values are left empty, and the global settings global.gitlabBase.image.repository and the image tag associated with the current global.gitlabVersion will be used to populate the initContainer image. The global configuration can be overridden by chart-local values (e.g. minio.init.image.tag).

initContainer script

The initContainer is passed the following items:

  • The secret containing authentication items mounted in /config, usually accesskey and secretkey.
  • The ConfigMap containing the config.json template, and configure containing a script to be executed with sh, mounted in /config.
  • An emptyDir mounted at /minio that will be passed to the daemon’s container.

The initContainer is expected to populate /minio/config.json with a completed configuration, using /config/configure script. When the minio-config container has completed that task, the /minio directory will be passed to the minio container, and used to provide the config.json to the MinIO server.

Configuring the Ingress

These settings control the MinIO Ingress.

Name Type Default Description
apiVersion String   Value to use in the apiVersion field.
annotations String   This field is an exact match to the standard annotations for Kubernetes Ingress.
enabled Boolean false Setting that controls whether to create Ingress objects for services that support them. When false the global.ingress.enabled setting is used.
configureCertmanager Boolean   Toggles Ingress annotation and For more information see the TLS requirement for GitLab Pages.
tls.enabled Boolean true When set to false, you disable TLS for MinIO. This is mainly useful when you cannot use TLS termination at Ingress-level, like when you have a TLS-terminating proxy before the Ingress Controller.
tls.secretName String   The name of the Kubernetes TLS Secret that contains a valid certificate and key for the MinIO URL. When not set, the global.ingress.tls.secretName is used instead.

Configuring the image

The image, imageTag and imagePullPolicy defaults are documented upstream.


This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClaim and mounts a corresponding persistent volume to default location /export. You’ll need physical storage available in the Kubernetes cluster for this to work. If you’d rather use emptyDir, disable PersistentVolumeClaim by: persistence.enabled: false.

The behaviors for persistence are documented upstream.

GitLab has added a few items:

Name Type Default Description
volumeName String false When volumeName is provided, the PersistentVolumeClaim will use the provided PersistentVolume by name, in place of creating a PersistentVolume dynamically. This overrides the upstream behavior.
matchLabels Map true Accepts a Map of label names and label values to match against when choosing a volume to bind. This is used in the PersistentVolumeClaim selector section. See the volumes documentation.
matchExpressions Array   Accepts an array of label condition objects to match against when choosing a volume to bind. This is used in the PersistentVolumeClaim selector section. See the volumes documentation.


defaultBuckets provides a mechanism to automatically create buckets on the MinIO pod at installation. This property contains an array of items, each with up to three properties: name, policy, and purge.

  - name: public
    policy: public
    purge: true
  - name: private
  - name: public-read
    policy: download
Name Type Default Description
name String   The name of the bucket that is created. The provided value should conform to AWS bucket naming rules, meaning that it should be compliant with DNS and contain only the characters a-z, 0-9, and – (hyphen) in strings between 3 and 63 characters in length. The name property is required for all entries.
policy   none The value of policy controls the access policy of the bucket on MinIO. The policy property is not required, and the default value is none. In regards to anonymous access, possible values are: none (no anonymous access), download (anonymous read-only access), upload (anonymous write-only access) or public (anonymous read/write access).
purge Boolean   The purge property is provided as a means to cause any existing bucket to be removed with force, at installation time. This only comes into play when using a pre-existing PersistentVolume for the volumeName property of persistence. If you make use of a dynamically created PersistentVolume, this will have no valuable effect as it only happens at chart installation and there will be no data in the PersistentVolume that was just created. This property is not required, but you may specify this property with a value of true in order to cause a bucket to purged with force mc rm -r --force.

Security Context

These options allow control over which user and/or group is used to start the pod.

For in-depth information about security context, please refer to the official Kubernetes documentation.

Service Type and Port

These are documented upstream, and the key summary is:

## Expose the MinIO service to be accessed from outside the cluster (LoadBalancer service).
## or access it from within the cluster (ClusterIP service). Set the service type and the port to serve it.
## ref:
serviceType: LoadBalancer
servicePort: 9000

The chart does not expect to be of the type: NodePort, so do not set it as such.

Upstream items

The upstream documentation for the following also applies completely to this chart:

  • resources
  • nodeSelector
  • minioConfig

Further explanation of the minioConfig settings can be found in the MinIO notify documentation. This includes details on publishing notifications when Bucket Objects are accessed or changed.