Execution context selection

Some tests are designed to be run against specific environments, or in specific pipelines or jobs. We can specify the test execution context using the only and except metadata.

Available switches

Switch Function Type
tld Set the top-level domain matcher String
subdomain Set the subdomain matcher Array or String
domain Set the domain matcher String
production Match the production environment Static
pipeline Match a pipeline Array or Static
job Match a job Array or Static

You cannot specify :production and { <switch>: 'value' } simultaneously. These options are mutually exclusive. If you want to specify production, you can control the tld and domain independently.



Run tests in only the specified context.

Matches use:

  • Regex for environments.
  • String matching for pipelines.
  • Regex or string matching for jobs
  • Lambda or truthy/falsey value for generic condition
Test execution context Key Matches
gitlab.com only: :production gitlab.com
staging.gitlab.com only: { subdomain: :staging } (staging).+.com
gitlab.com and staging.gitlab.com only: { subdomain: /(staging.)?/, domain: 'gitlab' } (staging.)?gitlab.com
dev.gitlab.org only: { tld: '.org', domain: 'gitlab', subdomain: 'dev' } (dev).gitlab.org
staging.gitlab.com and domain.gitlab.com only: { subdomain: %i[staging domain] } (staging|domain).+.com
The nightly pipeline only: { pipeline: :nightly } “nightly scheduled pipeline”
The nightly and canary pipelines only: { pipeline: [:nightly, :canary] } “nightly scheduled pipeline” and “canary”
The ee:instance job only: { job: 'ee:instance' } The ee:instance job in any pipeline
Any quarantine job only: { job: '.*quarantine' } Any job ending in quarantine in any pipeline
Local development environment only: :local Any environment where Runtime::Env.running_in_ci? is false
Any run where condition evaluates to a truthy value only: { condition: -> { ENV['TEST_ENV'] == 'true' } } Any run where TEST_ENV is set to true
RSpec.describe 'Area' do
  it 'runs in any environment or pipeline' do; end
  it 'runs only in production environment', only: :production do; end

  it 'runs only in staging environment', only: { subdomain: :staging } do; end

  it 'runs in dev environment', only: { tld: '.org', domain: 'gitlab', subdomain: 'dev' } do; end

  it 'runs in prod and staging environments', only: { subdomain: /(staging.)?/, domain: 'gitlab' } {}

  it 'runs only in nightly pipeline', only: { pipeline: :nightly } do; end

  it 'runs in nightly and canary pipelines', only: { pipeline: [:nightly, :canary] } do; end

  it 'runs in specific environment matching condition', only: { condition: -> { ENV['TEST_ENV'] == 'true' } } do; end


Run tests in their typical contexts except as specified.

Matches use:

  • Regex for environments.
  • String matching for pipelines.
  • Regex or string matching for jobs
  • Lambda or truthy/falsey value for generic condition
Test execution context Key Matches
gitlab.com except: :production gitlab.com
staging.gitlab.com except: { subdomain: :staging } (staging).+.com
gitlab.com and staging.gitlab.com except: { subdomain: /(staging.)?/, domain: 'gitlab' } (staging.)?gitlab.com
dev.gitlab.org except: { tld: '.org', domain: 'gitlab', subdomain: 'dev' } (dev).gitlab.org
staging.gitlab.com and domain.gitlab.com except: { subdomain: %i[staging domain] } (staging|domain).+.com
The nightly pipeline only: { pipeline: :nightly } “nightly scheduled pipeline”
The nightly and canary pipelines only: { pipeline: [:nightly, :canary] } “nightly scheduled pipeline” and “canary”
The ee:instance job except: { job: 'ee:instance' } The ee:instance job in any pipeline
Any quarantine job except: { job: '.*quarantine' } Any job ending in quarantine in any pipeline
Any run except where condition evaluates to a truthy value except: { condition: -> { ENV['TEST_ENV'] == 'true' } } Any run where TEST_ENV is not set to true
RSpec.describe 'Area' do
  it 'runs in any execution context except the production environment', except: :production do; end

  it 'runs in any execution context except the staging environment', except: { subdomain: :staging } do; end

  it 'runs in any execution context except the nightly pipeline', except: { pipeline: :nightly } do; end

  it 'runs in any execution context except the ee:instance job', except: { job: 'ee:instance' } do; end

  it 'runs in specific environment not matching condition', except: { condition: -> { ENV['TEST_ENV'] == 'true' } } do; end

Usage notes

If the test has a before or after block, you must add the only or except metadata to the outer RSpec.describe block.

To run a test tagged with only on your local GitLab instance, you can do one of the following:

  • Make sure you do not have the CI_PROJECT_NAME or CI_JOB_NAME environment variables set.
  • Set the appropriate variable to match the metadata. For example, if the metadata is only: { pipeline: :nightly } then set CI_PROJECT_NAME=nightly. If the metadata is only: { job: 'ee:instance' } then set CI_JOB_NAME=ee:instance.
  • Temporarily remove the metadata.

To run a test tagged with except locally, you can either:

  • Make sure you do not have the CI_PROJECT_NAME or CI_JOB_NAME environment variables set.
  • Temporarily remove the metadata.

Quarantine a test for a specific environment

Similarly to specifying that a test should only run against a specific environment, it’s also possible to quarantine a test only when it runs against a specific environment. The syntax is exactly the same, except that the only: { ... } hash is nested in the quarantine: { ... } hash. For example, quarantine: { only: { subdomain: :staging } } only quarantines the test when run against staging.

The quarantine feature can be explicitly disabled with the DISABLE_QUARANTINE environment variable. This can be useful when running tests locally.