Gemnasium analyzer data

The following table lists the data available for the Gemnasium analyzer.

Property \ Tool Gemnasium
Severity check-circle Yes
Title check-circle Yes
File check-circle Yes
Start line dotted-circle No
End line dotted-circle No
External ID (for example, CVE) check-circle Yes
URLs check-circle Yes
Internal doc/explanation check-circle Yes
Solution check-circle Yes
Confidence dotted-circle No
Affected item (for example, class or package) check-circle Yes
Source code extract dotted-circle No
Internal ID check-circle Yes
Date check-circle Yes
Credits check-circle Yes
  • check-circle Yes => we have that data
  • dotted-circle No => we don’t have that data, or it would need to develop specific or inefficient/unreliable logic to obtain it.

The values provided by these tools are heterogeneous, so they are sometimes normalized into common values (for example, severity, confidence, etc).