Database Dictionary contribute

This page documents the database schema for GitLab, so data analysts and other groups can locate the feature categories responsible for specific database tables.


Database dictionary metadata files are stored in the gitlab project under db/docs/ for the main, ci, and sec databases. For the embedding database, the dictionary files are stored under ee/db/embedding/docs/. For the geo database, the dictionary files are stored under ee/db/geo/docs/.

Example dictionary file

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table_name: terraform_states
- Terraform::State
- infrastructure_as_code
description: Represents a Terraform state backend
milestone: '13.0'
gitlab_schema: gitlab_main
table_size: small

Adding tables


Attribute Type Required Description
table_name String yes Database table name.
classes Array(String) no List of classes that are associated to this table.
feature_categories Array(String) yes List of feature categories using this table.
description String no Text description of the information stored in the table, and its purpose.
introduced_by_url URL no URL to the merge request or commit which introduced this table.
milestone String yes The milestone that introduced this table.
gitlab_schema String yes GitLab schema name.
notes String no Use for comments, as Psych cannot parse YAML comments.
table_size String yes Classification of current table size on[^1]. The size includes indexes. For partitioned tables, the size is the size of the largest partition. Valid options are unknown, small (< 10 GB), medium (< 50 GB), large (< 100 GB), over_limit (above 100 GB).

[^1] New tables are usually small by default as they contain no data. This attribute is updated automatically monthly.


When adding a table, you should:

  1. Create a new file for this table in the appropriate directory:
    • gitlab_main table: db/docs/
    • gitlab_ci table: db/docs/
    • gitlab_sec table: db/docs/
    • gitlab_shared table: db/docs/
    • gitlab_embedding table: ee/db/embedding/docs/
    • gitlab_geo table: ee/db/geo/docs/
  2. Name the file <table_name>.yml, and include as much information as you know about the table.
  3. Include this file in the commit with the migration that creates the table.

Dropping tables


Attribute Type Required Description
table_name String yes Database table name.
classes Array(String) no List of classes that are associated to this table.
feature_categories Array(String) yes List of feature categories using this table.
description String no Text description of the information stored in the table, and its purpose.
introduced_by_url URL no URL to the merge request or commit which introduced this table.
milestone String no The milestone that introduced this table.
gitlab_schema String yes GitLab schema name.
removed_by_url String yes URL to the merge request or commit which removed this table.
removed_in_milestone String yes The milestone that removes this table.


When dropping a table, you should:

  1. Move the dictionary file for this table to the deleted_tables directory:
    • gitlab_main table: db/docs/deleted_tables/
    • gitlab_ci table: db/docs/deleted_tables/
    • gitlab_sec table: db/docs/deleted_tables/
    • gitlab_shared table: db/docs/deleted_tables/
    • gitlab_embedding table: ee/db/embedding/docs/deleted_tables/
    • gitlab_geo table: ee/db/geo/docs/deleted_tables/
  2. Add the fields removed_by_url and removed_in_milestone to the dictionary file.
  3. Include this change in the commit with the migration that drops the table.

Adding views


Attribute Type Required Description
table_name String yes Database view name.
classes Array(String) no List of classes that are associated to this view.
feature_categories Array(String) yes List of feature categories using this view.
description String no Text description of the information stored in the view, and its purpose.
introduced_by_url URL no URL to the merge request or commit which introduced this view.
milestone String no The milestone that introduced this view.
gitlab_schema String yes GitLab schema name.


When adding a new view, you should:

  1. Create a new file for this view in the appropriate directory:
    • gitlab_main view: db/docs/views/
    • gitlab_ci view: db/docs/views/
    • gitlab_sec view: db/docs/views/
    • gitlab_shared view: db/docs/views/
    • gitlab_embedding view: ee/db/embedding/docs/views/
    • gitlab_geo view: ee/db/geo/docs/views/
  2. Name the file <view_name>.yml, and include as much information as you know about the view.
  3. Include this file in the commit with the migration that creates the view.

Dropping views


Attribute Type Required Description
view_name String yes Database view name.
classes Array(String) no List of classes that are associated to this view.
feature_categories Array(String) yes List of feature categories using this view.
description String no Text description of the information stored in the view, and its purpose.
introduced_by_url URL no URL to the merge request or commit which introduced this view.
milestone String no The milestone that introduced this view.
gitlab_schema String yes GitLab schema name.
removed_by_url String yes URL to the merge request or commit which removed this view.
removed_in_milestone String yes The milestone that removes this view.


When dropping a view, you should:

  1. Move the dictionary file for this table to the deleted_views directory:
    • gitlab_main view: db/docs/deleted_views/
    • gitlab_ci view: db/docs/deleted_views/
    • gitlab_sec view: db/docs/deleted_views/
    • gitlab_shared view: db/docs/deleted_views/
    • gitlab_embedding view: ee/db/embedding/docs/deleted_views/
    • gitlab_geo view: ee/db/geo/docs/deleted_views/
  2. Add the fields removed_by_url and removed_in_milestone to the dictionary file.
  3. Include this change in the commit with the migration that drops the view.